What are your chances of acceptance?

Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
Duke University
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

The CollegeVine Guides to the SAT

What’s Covered:



An important part of the college application process is standardized testing. One of the most popular standardized tests is the SAT. Along with the ACT, it’s one of the main tests that colleges use to evaluate your academic skills, and creates a common ground upon which to compare applicants with a range of differences in their schools’ grading systems.


In 2016, the SAT was substantially redesigned, meaning that many older SAT preparation resources are no longer accurate. When you’re looking for guidance on how to study for the SAT, make sure you’re relying on sources that reflect the most recent iteration of the test, like the CollegeVine blog posts listed below.


Ready to learn more about the SAT and how to give it your best shot? Read on for our best advice regarding this very important part of your college preparation.


Understanding the SAT


Are you just starting to consider your SAT options, or looking for details about the exam’s purpose, structure, and timing? These blog posts will help you better understand the overall facts about the SAT and, in particular, its most recent updates.



SAT Section Guides


The current form of the SAT includes two required sections: the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section, which is made up of the Reading test and the Writing and Language test, and the Math section. There’s also an optional essay section that some colleges may require for applicants. For details on each section, check out the posts below.


Evidence-Based Reading and Writing






Essay (Optional)



Preparing for the SAT


In these posts, we go over our best strategies for getting ready for the SAT, from studying test content content, to familiarizing yourself with the types of questions you’ll encounter, to practicing your pacing.



Understanding Your SAT Score


For all the preparation it involves, the SAT ends up distilling your performance into just a few numerical scores. Here, we describe how scoring works on the SAT, what constitutes a “good” score, and what your score means for your college application process.



Retaking the SAT


If you’re not satisfied with your SAT score, you may choose to retake the test after more studying. Here are a few posts that go over what to think about when you’re considering retaking the SAT:



Completing the testing requirements for your college applications can be stressful, but there are ways to make the process more manageable, and becoming an informed test-taker is one. We hope these posts help you to better understand the expectations of the SAT and maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your test preparation.


Preparing for the SAT? Download our free guide with our top 8 tips for mastering the SAT.


Want to know how your SAT score/ACT score impacts your chances of acceptance to your dream schools? Our free Chancing Engine will not only help you predict your odds, but also let you know how you stack up against other applicants, and which aspects of your profile to improve. Sign up for your free CollegeVine account today to gain access to our Chancing Engine and get a jumpstart on your college strategy!


Monikah Schuschu
Senior Blogger

Short Bio
Monikah Schuschu is an alumna of Brown University and Harvard University. As a graduate student, she took a job at the Harvard College Office of Financial Aid and Admissions, and discovered the satisfaction of helping students and parents with the often-baffling college admissions process. She also enjoys fiber art, murder mysteries, and amateur entomology.