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10 Utah Scholarships to Save You Thousands on College

What’s Covered:


Are you a Utah resident? If you’re looking for ways to help pay for college, look no further — we’ve rounded up some of the best scholarships to support students in Utah.


10 Utah Scholarships


1. Opportunity Scholarship


Amount: Based on available funding and the number of qualified applicants

Deadline: December 3 (priority)/February 1 (final)

Eligibility: Utah high school seniors with a minimum 3.3 GPA who have completed three advanced courses

Application Requirements: FAFSA, application


In 2021, the Opportunity Scholarship was established as a simplified, statewide, achievement-based scholarship. Students graduating in 2022 and beyond may qualify. The scholarship can be used at one of a handful of institutions in Utah, including state colleges and universities and nonprofit institutions.


NB: Students are encouraged to meet the priority deadline.


2. Utah Association of Independent Insurance Agents Scholarship


Amount: $500-$2,000

Deadline: April 1

Eligibility: High school seniors with a minimum 3.0 GPA

Application Requirements: Application, financial information form, transcript, recent photo


The Utah Independent Agents (UIA) offers a minimum of three scholarships to Utah students who are active in extracurricular activities through their school, church, community or work. Financial need will be considered. Interviews are held for selected candidates (last year, interviews were suspended due to COVID-19 restrictions).


3. Access Utah Promise Scholarship


Amount: Up to cost of published tuition and fees for the institution

Deadline: N/A

Eligibility: Must demonstrate financial need

Application Requirements: Documentation of financial need, other materials vary by institution


This award, which depends on different criteria as established by the candidate’s chosen college or university, benefits students who attend school in Utah. Each institution performs an individual evaluation of the recipient’s knowledge, skills, and competencies.


4. Jeff Green & Equality Utah LGBTQ Student Scholarship


Amount: Varies by school

Deadline: May 1

Eligibility: Students who have experienced isolation or ostracization due to their sexual orientation or gender identity and demonstrate financial need

Application Requirements: Application, transcript


The Jeff Green/Equality Utah Scholarship provides financial support to students who have experienced isolation or ostracization due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. Preference will be given to students with the greatest financial need, who also have the greatest potential. In additional to the scholarship itself, students will receive mentorship from the Equality Utah staff and free tickets to annual events.


5. T. H. Bell Education Scholarship


Amount: N/A

Deadline: Contact the institution

Eligibility: Students who intend to enter the teaching profession in Utah

Application Requirements: Contact the institution


The T.H. Bell Scholarship is awarded to students who intend to become teachers in Utah. It can be applied to an institution offering an approved program in Utah. Priority is given to first-generation students.


6. Higher Education Success Stipend Program


Amount: Varies

Deadline: N/A

Eligibility: Must attend a Utah institution and demonstrate financial need

Application Requirements: N/A


Recognizing that education and success are linked, the state offers the HESSP to supplement financial aid for students who attend a Utah institution to pursue an Associate or Bachelor’s degree, or to a diploma or certificate in an applied technology or other occupational specialty.


7. The Utah EMBA Alumni Service Scholarship


Amount: N/A

Deadline: N/A

Eligibility: N/A

Application Requirements: N/A


This unique scholarship program is designed and funded by EMBA students at the University of Utah. Despite being the product of EMBA students and alumni at this state University, the program is available to any graduating high school senior, current undergraduate student, or graduate student, studying any major at any university in Utah. Successful applicants must show how they give back to the community when writing short essay questions required for the application. Four awards are given each year, but the amounts vary based on the program’s fundraising success.


8. Willy the Plumber Scholarship


Amount: Depends on donations

Deadline: N/A

Eligibility: Must be the child of a current or “habitual” inmate

Application Requirements: N/A


​​The Willy the Plumber Scholarship is intended for Utah children of inmates, offered as part of an  effort to “break the cycle” and incentivize these students to pursue higher education. Students must have excellent grades and strong motivation.


9. First Degree Scholarship


Amount: Tuition and fees at a qualified Utah university

Deadline: January 31

Eligibility: Must be high school sophomores who has no parents or stepparents who have graduated with a bachelor’s degree from a US institution; must have a household income below $75,000

Application Requirements: Application, essays, two letters of recommendation


First Degree Scholarship supports students who will be the first in their family to obtain a college degree. In addition to the award, winners will receive mentoring through the rest of high school and college to help prepare them for success.


10. Utah Jump$tart Coalition Scholarship


Amount: $1,250

Deadline: April 15

Eligibility: Must be pursuing postsecondary education at a university, college, trade school, or similar institution

Application Requirements: CompleteScholarships.org application


The Utah Jump$tart Coalition offers this scholarship to recognize students who can demonstrate a solid understanding of financial literacy concepts. Candidates may create a CompleteScholarships.org account to apply.


Tips for Applying for Scholarships


1. Begin with institutional aid.


Your best source of financial aid is the college or university you attend. Many institutions offer generous merit and need-based packages. Outside scholarships, like those on this list, can fill in the gaps.


2. Look for awards that target niche audiences.


There are many awards that appeal to members of certain demographics, people with special talents and competencies, those who intend to pursue specific majors and careers, and more. If you meet the criteria, these scholarships will be easier to win since you’re competing against a smaller audience.


3. Keep applying.


Apply for as many scholarships as you can without taxing yourself. There’s no limit to how many outside awards you can win, and you’ll increase your chances of offsetting the cost of your education by continue to apply.

Short Bio
Laura Berlinsky-Schine is a freelance writer and editor based in Brooklyn with her demigod/lab mix Hercules. She specializes in education, technology and career development. She also writes satire and humor, which has appeared in Slackjaw, Points in Case, Little Old Lady Comedy, Jane Austen’s Wastebasket, and Funny-ish. View her work and get in touch at: www.lauraberlinskyschine.com.