What are your chances of acceptance?

Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
Duke University
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Your Complete List of Extracurricular Activities: 900+ Ideas

What’s Covered:


Most colleges, especially competitive ones, are looking for a “well-rounded” student. This means that, in addition to having grades and test scores that meet their requirements, you must also display other talents and interests in your application. A strong extracurricular profile can help you make a good impression on admissions officers. You’d be surprised how many activities are out there!


What are Extracurricular Activities?


Extracurriculars are anything you do outside of academics. These can include sports, music, community service activities, jobs/internships, clubs, and more. Extracurriculars help colleges get to know you as a person: what do you care about? How committed are you?


It’s important to note that not all hobbies count as extracurriculars. For example, things like watching movies or playing video games would not be counted. Basically, recreational activities that you do for your own enjoyment don’t make the cut because extracurriculars need to involve some concerted effort and contribute to your personal development. If you started an after-school movie club where you and other members watched and then analyzed movies, or decided to develop video games on your own time, then you could list those as extracurriculars. 


Why Are Extracurriculars Important?


While most schools are interested in extracurricular activities to some extent, they are especially important to the top 250 colleges and universities. These 250 schools get too many students who are academically-qualified, so extracurriculars help you stand out. 


The less competitive schools, like large public schools or state universities, receive so many applications that they narrow their focus. Typically, extracurriculars fall to the wayside here as more emphasis is placed on quantitative data, like GPA and test scores, because these require less time on the part of the admissions committee.


That being said, having extracurriculars on your resume, no matter where you apply to, helps you present a robust application that helps the admissions officers gain an overall deeper understanding of the type of person you are. This can make or break their decision to accept you into their university. A well-rounded profile demonstrates that you are passionate and dedicated to the things you care about, both of which are qualities that would make you a valuable addition to their student body.


In addition to showing off your many interests, extracurriculars can also help establish your commitment and interest in your prospective major. This can be especially true for pre-med students; you have to show interest in the field, so having a medical club or hospital volunteering opportunity on your resume would show initiative in that direction. Other examples are video game clubs or coding competitions for a computer science major, or heading a psychology club for an intended psychology major.


How Do Colleges Evaluate Extracurriculars?


For colleges, extracurricular activities are generally divided into 4 tiers.


Tier 1: Rare activities that show exceptional achievement or leadership. They include national awards or other prestigious achievements.


Tier 2: A little more common than Tier 1, but these activities still showcase high levels of achievement and leadership. They include leadership positions for well-known clubs and organizations, winning regional competitions, or sports/music distinctions.


Tier 3: Lack the distinction of Tier 1 and 2, but still highlight student’s interests. They include minor leadership positions for well-known clubs and organizations and smaller athletic/musical distinctions.


Tier 4: Most common and most often seen by admissions committees. They include general club/sports/musical membership and general volunteering.


How Many Extracurriculars Should You Do?


Strong applications tend to have between 8 and 10 extracurricular activities. This sounds like a lot, but many activities are seasonal, so it’s possible to fit, for example, three to four sports into one year. That being said, the most important thing to keep in mind is quality over quantity. It’s usually better to try and achieve depth in one to two fields than to do a bunch of things on a surface level. You can certainly start by trying a bunch of things freshman year, but really stick with what you love and are good at. This way, you show a real passion, dedication and progression in the things you care about.


If you want to find out how your extracurriculars stack up, our free chancing engine can help you understand how your activities impact your chances. You can also see more in-depth tiers; the 4-tier system is slightly simplified, and our chancing engine runs from Tier A-I, for 8 tiers instead of 4.



Complete List of Extracurricular Activities 


Affinity Groups


  • African American Club
  • Asian Students Association
  • Association of Latin-American Students (ALAS)
  • Bible Camp
  • Bible School
  • Black Lives Matter
  • Black Students Union
  • Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions
  • Caribbean Culture Club
  • Chinese School
  • Chinese Student Association
  • Christians in Action
  • Church Involvement
  • Climate Change Activism 
  • Diversity Awareness Club
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes
  • Feminist Club
  • Filipino-American Club
  • Gay-Straight Alliance
  • Gender and Sexuality Alliance
  • Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior (GEMS)
  • Girls in the Trades
  • Girls Learn International
  • Girls Who Code
  • Gun Control Activism
  • Indian Students Association
  • International Students Association
  • International Women’s Club
  • Italian Club
  • Japanese Club
  • Jewish Culture Club
  • Jewish Student Union
  • Junior ROTC
  • Latino Students Union
  • LGBTQ Club
  • Mosque Involvement
  • Multicultural Student Union
  • Muslim Student Union
  • Muslim Students Association
  • National Organization for Women
  • New Crew
  • Nigerian Student Association
  • Pacific Islander Student Association
  • Persian Club
  • Racial Justice Club 
  • Society of Women Engineers
  • South Asian Culture Club
  • Synagogue Involvement
  • Teens Against Human Trafficking
  • Temple Involvement
  • Women in Business
  • Women in STEM Club
  • Women’s March


Community Service


  • 4H Club
  • ACE Mentor Program of America
  • Achieve Miami
  • Achilles International
  • Adopt-a-Highway
  • Alzheimer’s Awareness Club
  • American Cancer Society
  • American Civil Liberties Union
  • American Diabetes Association
  • American Heart Association
  • American Kennel Club
  • American Legion
  • Amnesty International
  • Anchor Club
  • Animal Rescue League
  • Animal Rights Club
  • Anti-Defamation League
  • Autism Awareness Club
  • Autism Cares Foundation
  • Baseball Coaching
  • Basketball Coaching
  • Beach Cleanup
  • Best Buddies
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
  • Blankets of Hope
  • Blood Drive
  • Boy Scouts
  • Breast Cancer Awareness Club
  • Cat Rescue
  • Cesar Chavez Service Clubs (Chavista)
  • Cheerleading Coach
  • Church Camp
  • City Youth Council
  • Civil Air Patrol
  • Climate March
  • Community Outreach Club
  • CPR Training
  • CureSMA
  • Dana-Farber Jimmy Fund
  • DARE
  • Do Something
  • Doctors Without Borders
  • Dog Rescue
  • Earth Day
  • Emergency Medical Technician (EMT/EMS)
  • English Tutoring
  • Epilepsy Foundation
  • ESL Instruction and Tutoring
  • Feed My Starving Children
  • Feeding America
  • Food Drive
  • Fostering Animals
  • Girl Scouts
  • Girl Up
  • GoFundMe
  • Greenpeace
  • Habitat For Humanity
  • Heifer International
  • Human Rights Club
  • Humane Society
  • Hunger Project
  • Hurricane Relief
  • Interact Club
  • Key Club
  • Kids Helping Kids
  • KIVA Microfinance Club
  • Kiwanis Club
  • Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
  • Link Crew
  • Lions Club
  • Make-A-Wish
  • March for Life
  • March of Dimes
  • Meals on Wheels
  • Mission Trip
  • Missionary Work
  • National Charity League
  • National Down Syndrome Society
  • Operation Christmas Child
  • Operation Smile
  • PALS
  • Park Cleanup
  • Peer Leaders
  • Peer Mentor
  • Peer Tutoring
  • PETA
  • Recycling
  • Red Cross Club
  • Relay For Life
  • Roots and Shoots
  • Rotary Club
  • Salvation Army
  • Save Endangered Species Club
  • School Ambassador
  • Shadowing a Physician
  • Sisters on the Runway
  • Soccer Coaching
  • Social Justice Club
  • Special Olympics
  • Student Ambassadors
  • Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)
  • Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD)
  • Sunday School
  • Tutoring
  • UNICEF Club
  • United Way
  • Upward Bound
  • VFW
  • Volunteer at Elementary School
  • Volunteer at Middle School
  • Volunteer at Soup Kitchen
  • Volunteer Trip
  • Volunteer with Refugees
  • Volunteering at Animal Shelter
  • Volunteering at Children’s Hospital
  • Volunteering at Food Bank
  • Volunteering at Hospital
  • Volunteering at Library
  • Volunteering at Museum
  • Volunteering at Nursing Home
  • Volunteering Club 
  • Volunteering with the Homeless
  • Walk to End Alzheimer’s
  • Water Aid International (WAI)
  • Wounded Warrior Project 
  • YMCA
  • Youth Sports Coaching
  • YWCA




  • Choreography
  • Community Theater
  • Drama Club
  • Filmmaking
  • Improv Club
  • Mime
  • Musical Theater
  • Playwriting
  • Puppetry
  • School Musical
  • School Play
  • Stage Crew
  • Standup Comedy
  • Theater




  • Accounting Internship
  • Babysitting
  • Ballboy
  • Barista
  • Camp Counselor
  • Cashier
  • Childcare
  • Concession Stand
  • Corporate Internship
  • Dishwasher
  • Dog Walking
  • Employment at Local Business
  • Financial Analyst
  • Fiverr
  • Gymnastics Coach
  • Hostess
  • Internship
  • Internship at Hospital
  • Internship at Law Firm
  • Landscaping
  • Lawn Mowing
  • Lifeguard
  • Meal Delivery
  • Public Relations
  • Retail Worker
  • School Radio Station
  • School Store
  • Snow Shoveling
  • Social Media Management
  • Waitress


Hobbies (some of these may double as other categories)


  • Acrobatics
  • Aikido
  • Aviation Enthusiast
  • Ballet
  • Bhangra
  • Biking
  • Billiards
  • Birdwatching
  • Blacksmithing
  • BMX Biking
  • Bullet Journaling
  • CAD Design
  • Cake Decorating
  • Calligraphy
  • Car Enthusiast
  • Carpentry
  • Cartography
  • Coin Collecting
  • Crochet
  • Cross Stitching
  • Dirt Biking
  • Dog Training
  • Drones
  • Embroidery
  • Fashion/Fashion Design
  • Fishing
  • Graphic Design
  • Hairstyling
  • HAM Radio
  • Home Improvement
  • Hunting
  • Illustration
  • Indian Classical Dance
  • Interior Design
  • Inventing
  • Irish Dance
  • Jewelry Making
  • Jiujitsu
  • Juggling
  • Kayaking
  • Kendo
  • Kickboxing
  • Knitting
  • Krav Maga
  • Kung Fu
  • Landscape Design
  • Latin Dance
  • LEGO
  • Magic: The Gathering
  • Makeup
  • Metalworking
  • Model Airplanes
  • Model Railroads
  • Motorcycles
  • Mountaineering
  • Nail Art
  • PC Construction
  • Pilot
  • Pokemon Go
  • Puzzle and Sudoku
  • Quilting
  • Reading
  • Rock Collecting
  • Rubik’s Cube
  • Running
  • Scale Modeling
  • Scuba Diving
  • Sewing
  • Skateboarding
  • Sports Memorabilia
  • Sports Statistics
  • Stock Trading
  • Surfing
  • Tabletop Gaming
  • Thrifting
  • Vehicle Restoration
  • Video Editing
  • Wakeboarding
  • Weaving
  • Woodworking
  • Yoga


Honor Societies


  • Art National Honor Society 
  • Beta Club
  • Business National Honor Society
  • California Scholarship Federation
  • Dance National Honor Society
  • Engineering National Honor Society
  • English National Honor Society
  • French National Honor Society
  • German National Honor Society
  • History National Honor Society
  • Math Honor Society
  • Mu Alpha Theta
  • National Art Honor Society
  • National Honor Society
  • Science National Honor Society
  • Thespians International Honor Society
  • Tri-M Music Honor Society


Interest Clubs


  • 3D Modeling Club
  • 3D Printing Club
  • A/V Club
  • Academic Council
  • Accounting Club
  • Aerospace Engineering Club
  • African Heritage Club
  • American Meteorological Society
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • Anatomy Club
  • Animal Rights Club
  • Animation Club
  • Anime Club
  • Anthropology Club
  • Arabic Culture Club
  • Architecture Club
  • Armenian Club
  • Art History Club
  • Artificial Intelligence Club
  • Asian Cooking Club
  • Astrology Club
  • Astronomy Club
  • Aviation Club
  • Baking Club
  • Ballroom Dancing Club
  • Beauty Club
  • Beekeeping Club
  • Bible Study
  • BioBuilder Club
  • Biochem Club
  • Biology Club
  • Biomedical Engineering Club
  • Black History Club
  • Board Games Club
  • Bollywood Club
  • Book Club
  • Botany Club
  • Brazilian Club
  • Break Dancing Club
  • Broadcasting Club
  • Business Club
  • Call of Duty Club
  • Calligraphy Club
  • Cancer Awareness Club
  • Car Club
  • Cartooning Club
  • Ceramics Club
  • Chemistry Club
  • Chess Club
  • Chick-fil-A Leader Academy
  • Chinese Club
  • Chinese Yoyo Club
  • Civics Club
  • Civil War Reenactors
  • Classical Music Club
  • Climate Action Club
  • Coffee Club
  • Comics Club
  • Computer Science Club
  • Conservation Club
  • Consulting Club
  • Cooking Club
  • Cornhole Club
  • Cosmetology Club
  • Criminal Justice Club
  • Crossfit Club
  • Culinary Club
  • Current Events Club
  • Cycling Club
  • Dance Club
  • Data Science Club
  • Debate Club
  • Dungeons & Dragons Club
  • Eastern European Culture Club
  • Eco Club
  • Economics Club
  • Electrical Engineering Club
  • Electronics Club
  • Energy Team
  • Engineering Club
  • Entrepreneurship Club
  • Environmental Club
  • Equestrian Club
  • Ethics Club
  • European History Club
  • Fair Trade for Life
  • Fantasy Sports Club
  • Fashion Club
  • Film Club
  • Filmmaking Club
  • Finance Club/Financial Literacy Club
  • Fishing Club
  • Foreign Affairs Club
  • Foreign Film Club
  • Forensic Science Club
  • French Club
  • Friendship Club
  • Future Doctors of America
  • Future Educators of America
  • Future Engineers of America
  • Future Farmers of America
  • Future Law Professionals of America
  • Future Physicians Club
  • Future Teachers of America
  • Game Development Club/Gaming Club
  • Gardening Club
  • Geography Club
  • Geology Club
  • German Club
  • Graphic Design Club
  • Grilling Club
  • Gun Reform Club
  • Hiking Club
  • Hindi Club
  • Hip Hop Club
  • History Club
  • Indian Culture Club
  • International Club
  • International Food Club
  • International Relations Club
  • Investing Club
  • Irish Culture Club
  • Jazz Club
  • Journalism Club
  • Junior Statesmen of America
  • Junior World Affairs Council
  • Karaoke Club
  • Knitting Club
  • Korean Club
  • K-Pop Dance
  • LARP Club
  • Latin American Culture Club
  • Latin Club
  • Leadership Club
  • Life Sciences Club
  • Literature Club
  • Magic Club
  • Mahjong Club
  • Makerspace Club
  • Mandarin Club
  • Marine Biology Club
  • Marketing Club
  • Math Club
  • Meditation Club
  • Mental Health Club
  • Meteorology Club
  • Microbiology Club
  • Microfinance Club
  • Middle East Culture Club
  • Military History Club
  • Minecraft Club
  • Morning Announcements 
  • Mosaic Club
  • Mountaineers Club
  • Multicultural Club
  • National Chinese Honor Society
  • Nature Club
  • Neurodiversity Club
  • Neuroscience Club
  • Nutrition Club
  • Origami Club
  • Outdoors Club
  • Pen Pal Club
  • Performing Arts Club
  • Philosophy Club
  • Photography Club
  • Physics Club
  • Ping Pong Club
  • Poetry Club
  • Political Discussion Club
  • Politics Club
  • Pre-Med Club
  • Psychology Club
  • Quidditch Club
  • Religion Club
  • Renaissance Faires
  • Rifle Club
  • ROBLOX Club
  • Robotics Club
  • Rock Climbing Club
  • Rocketry Club
  • Russian Club
  • Sailing Club
  • Science Club
  • Shakespeare Club
  • Sign Language Club
  • Skateboard Club
  • Slam Poetry Club
  • Smash Club
  • Spanish Club
  • Sports Medicine Club
  • Sportswriting Club
  • Statistics Club
  • STEM Club
  • Strength and Fitness Club
  • Sustainability Club
  • TED-X
  • Toastmasters Club
  • Urban Planning Club
  • Vegan Club
  • Vegan/Vegetarian Club
  • Veterans Support Club
  • Vietnamese Culture Club
  • Women In Science and Engineering (WISE)
  • World War II Club
  • Young Entrepreneurs Club
  • Young Investors Society




  • A Capella
  • Aspen Music Festival
  • Audio Engineer
  • Bagpipes
  • Band (Personal)
  • Band (School)
  • Chamber Orchestra
  • Choir
  • Church Choir
  • Color Guard
  • DJ-ing
  • Glee Club
  • Jazz Band
  • Marching Band
  • Music Club
  • Music Composition
  • Orchestra
  • Pit Orchestra
  • Rap
  • Songwriting
  • Sound Engineer
  • Wind Ensemble


Non-Art Competitions


  • AAN Neuroscience Research Prize
  • AAPT High School Physics Photo Contest
  • Academic Challenge
  • Academic Decathlon
  • Academic League
  • Academic Pentathlon
  • Academic Super Bowl
  • Academic WorldQuest
  • Adventure Write Kids – Totem Head’s Story Contest
  • AIME
  • Alaska Airlines Imagine Tomorrow
  • American Invitational Mathematics Examination
  • American Mathematics Competitions 10/12
  • American Regions Math League (ARML)
  • American Sleep Medicine Foundation High School Video Contest
  • Americanism Essay Contest
  • Architectural Design Competition for High School
  • Ayn Rand Institute Contest
  • B.E.S.T Robotics Design Contest
  • Battlebots
  • Biology League
  • Biology Olympiad
  • Blue Ocean Entrepreneurship Competition
  • Botball Educational Robotics Program
  • Brain Awareness Video Contest
  • Capitol Hill Challenge
  • Caribou Mathematics Competition
  • Chemistry Bowl
  • Chemistry Olympiad
  • Clean Tech Competition
  • Congressional Data Challenge
  • Congressional Debate
  • Conrad Challenge
  • Cooper Hewitt National Design Competition
  • Creative Communication Poetry Contest
  • C-SPAN’s StudentCam
  • Cubes in Space
  • Cyberpatriot
  • Davidson Fellows
  • Debate Team
  • DECA
  • Destination ImagiNation
  • Diamond Challenge
  • Doodle 4 Google
  • Doors to Diplomacy – International Competition
  • EconChallenge
  • Economics Competition
  • eCyberMission
  • Educators Rising
  • EngineerGirl Writing Contest
  • Engineering Team 
  • Entrepreneurship Competition
  • Envirothon
  • Essay Contest
  • Euro Challenge
  • FCCLA Virtual Business Challenge
  • Fed Challenge
  • Film Contest
  • Finance Challenge
  • FIRST Robotics
  • Forensic Debate
  • Forensics Team
  • Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
  • Future Problem Solving Program International: International Scenario Writing
  • Generation Nano: Superheroes inspired by Science
  • Genius Olympiad
  • Girl’s Go CyberStart Club
  • Google Science Fair
  • Harvard/MIT Mathematics Tournament (HMMT)
  • High School Innovation Challenge
  • HOSA
  • Intel International Science and Engineering Fair
  • International BioGENEius Challenge
  • International Commerce Olympiad
  • International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition
  • International Olympiad of French
  • InvestWrite
  • Ithaca College High School Investment Competition
  • Junior Achievement Entrepreneurship Classes
  • Junior Classical League
  • Junior Science and Humanities Symposium
  • Kentucky Science & Engineering Fair
  • Kids Philosophy Slam
  • Knowledge @ Wharton Comment and Win
  • Knowledge Bowl
  • Lemonade Day
  • LifeSmarts
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debate
  • Mandelbrot Competition
  • Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) International ROV Competition
  • Math League
  • Mathematics Olympiad
  • Meridian Stories
  • Microsoft Imagine Cup
  • Mock Trial
  • Model Congress
  • Model United Nations
  • NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge
  • National Academic Championship – Questions Unlimited
  • National Academic League
  • National Academic Quiz Tournament (NAQT)
  • National DNA Day Essay Contest
  • National Federation of Music Clubs- Junior Composer Contest (Class III & IV)
  • National French Contest
  • National French Contest
  • National Geographic Student Photo Competition 
  • National High School Design Competition
  • National High School Essay Contest
  • National High School Ethics Bowl
  • National History Day
  • National Ocean Science Bowl
  • National Personal Finance Challenge
  • National YoungArts Foundation 
  • National Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge
  • National Economics Challenge
  • Neuroscience for Kids Competitions
  • North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad (NACLO)
  • NSHSS Visual Arts Competition
  • Odyssey of the Mind
  • Paradigm Challenge
  • Physics Olympiad
  • Profile in Courage Essay Contest
  • Programming Competition
  • Questions Unlimited
  • Quiz Bowl
  • Regeneron Science Talent Search
  • River of Words: Youth Art and Poetry Inspired by the Natural World
  • Robotics Team
  • Rube Goldberg Machine Contest
  • Science Bowl
  • Science Fair
  • Science Olympiad
  • Siemens Competition
  • SkillsUSA
  • Solar Car Challenge
  • SourceAmerica Design Challenge
  • Space Settlement Contest
  • Speak Truth to Power Video Contest
  • Speech & Debate
  • Spelling Bee
  • Stemanities Research Competition
  • Stockholm Junior Water Prize
  • Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC)
  • TEAMS Competition
  • Technology Student Association
  • Technovation Challenge
  • The Coleopterists Society- Youth Incentive Award
  • The Green Idea
  • The High School Bridge Building Contest
  • The Stock Market Game
  • TOPPS Competition for High School Psychology Students
  • Toshiba/NSTA Exploravision
  • UIL Academics
  • University Interscholastic League
  • USA Brain Bee
  • Vans Custom Culture
  • We the People Constitutional Competitions
  • Wharton High School Investment Competition
  • World of 7 Billion Student Video Contest
  • World Series of Innovation
  • Writing Contest
  • Young Investors Society Global Stock Pitch Competition
  • Youth and Government


Own Initiative


  • Discord Server
  • Family Responsibilities
  • Instagram Account (Professional)
  • Online Class
  • Online Forum
  • Podcasting
  • Startup
  • Streaming
  • TikTok Account (Professional)
  • Twitch Channel
  • Venture-Backed Startup
  • YouTube Channel




  • Boys State
  • Canvassing (elections)
  • Congressional Page
  • Girls State
  • High School Democrats of America
  • Internship with Senator
  • Internship with Congressperson
  • Local Government Internship
  • Phonbanking (elections)
  • Teenage Republicans
  • Volunteer for Political Campaign
  • Young Americans Foundation
  • Young Democrats




  • Engineering Research
  • Humanities Research
  • Medical Research
  • Scientific Research




  • App Development
  • BASIC Club
  • Coding Bootcamp
  • CSforAll
  • Game Design
  • Hackathon
  • Java Club
  • MLK Essay Contest
  • Programming Club
  • Python
  • Web Design




  • Archery
  • Badminton
  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Bowling
  • Boxing
  • Cheerleading
  • Crew (Rowing)
  • Cricket
  • Cross Country
  • Cross-Country Skiing
  • Curling
  • Cycling
  • Dance Team
  • Disc Golf
  • Discus
  • Diving
  • Dodgeball
  • Drill Team
  • eSports
  • Fencing
  • Field Hockey
  • Figure Skating
  • Flag Football
  • Football
  • Golf
  • Gymnastics
  • Handball
  • Hiking
  • Hip Hop Dance
  • Horseback riding
  • Ice Dancing
  • Ice Hockey
  • Indoor Track & Field
  • Javelin
  • Judo
  • Karate
  • Kickball
  • Lacrosse
  • Marathon Running
  • Martial Arts
  • Minigolf
  • MMA
  • Motocross Racing
  • Netball
  • Pickleball
  • Polo
  • Racquetball
  • Reserve Barrel Racing
  • Rhythmic Gymnastics
  • Rock Climbing
  • Roller Derby
  • Rugby
  • Sailing 
  • Shooting
  • Shot Put
  • Show Jumping
  • Skiing
  • Snowboarding
  • Soccer
  • Softball
  • Speed Skating
  • Squash
  • Sumo
  • Swimming
  • Synchronized Swimming
  • Table Tennis
  • Taekwondo
  • Tennis
  • Track & Field
  • Triathlon
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Volleyball
  • Water Polo
  • Waterskiing
  • Weightlifting
  • Windsurfing
  • Wrestling


Student Government


  • ACCT
  • Class Cabinet
  • Homecoming Committee
  • Judicial Committee (Honor Council)
  • Library Advisory Council
  • Prom Committee
  • School Board Representative
  • Spirit Committee
  • Student Athlete Advisory Council 
  • Student Council
  • Student Diversity Committee
  • Student Government


Summer Programs


  • Achieve In Medicine (AIM-High)
  • ACLU National Advocacy Institute’s High School Program
  • Anson L. Clark Scholars Program
  • Bank of America Student Leaders Program
  • Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp
  • CDC Disease Detective Camp
  • College Courses
  • Congress of Future Medical Leaders
  • Cronkite Summer Journalism Institute (SJI)
  • Economics for Leaders
  • Exchange Student
  • Interlochen Arts Camp
  • Iowa Young Writers’ Studio
  • JCamp
  • Kenyon Review Young Writers Workshop
  • LaunchX
  • Leadership in the Business World (LBW)
  • Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Summer Student Program
  • Michigan State University High School Honors Science/Engineering/Mathematics Program (HSHSP)
  • Middlebury Summer Language Academy
  • Minority Introduction to Engineering and Science (MITES)
  • NASA High School Aerospace Scholars (HAS)
  • National Mathematics Summer School
  • National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y)
  • Notre Dame Leadership Seminars
  • Perimeter Institute International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP)
  • Princeton Summer Journalism Program (PSJP)
  • Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS)
  • Research in Science and Engineering Program (RISE)
  • Research Science Institute (RSI) at MIT
  • Ross Mathematics Program
  • Simons Summer Research Program
  • Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR)
  • Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC)
  • Student Conservation Association National Crews
  • Study Abroad
  • Summer Academy for Math and Science (SAMS)
  • Summer Camp
  • Summer School
  • Telluride Association Summer Program (TASP)
  • The Summer Science Program (SSP)
  • Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS)
  • Young Women’s Institute


Visual Arts


  • Art Club
  • Art Competition
  • Art Contest
  • Art Show
  • Congressional Art Competition
  • Painting
  • Photography
  • Pottery
  • Scholastic Art Awards
  • Sculpture




  • Baseball Writing
  • Blogging (Personal)
  • Book Reviews
  • Creative Writing
  • Fan Fiction
  • Literary Magazine
  • Magazine Writing
  • Movie Reviews
  • Novel Writing
  • Poetry
  • Published a Book
  • Quill and Scroll
  • School Blog
  • School Newspaper
  • Short Story Writing
  • Sportswriting
  • Web Publication
  • Yearbook

Short Bio
A graduate of the Master of Professional Writing program at USC, April Maguire taught freshman composition while earning her degree. Over the years, she has worked as a writer, editor, tutor, and content manager. Currently, she operates a freelance writing business and lives in Los Angeles with her husband and their three rowdy cats.