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Duke University
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

The List of All U.S. Colleges With A Religious Studies Major



Religion is controversial, inspirational, exciting, and polarizing. Throughout history, humans have sought to discover identity and meaning through religion. A major player in the development of human societies, the study of religion  offers avenues of inquiry far beyond conventional theological philosophies.


Religious studies focuses on scholarly perspectives of religion and belief throughout history and geography. An interdisciplinary major, it leverages research from philosophy, history, literature, public health, sociology, economics, and more. 


Why should you study Religious Studies in college?


Job prospects


A bachelor’s in religious studies is a versatile degree with many possible applications. Some graduates may choose to pursue an advanced degree in theology or religion, while others may apply their knowledge of religious studies to other areas of culture and society. Just a few of the possible career paths for graduates of religious studies programs include:


  • Outreach or human services worker
  • Social worker
  • Curator (for museums, exhibits, and places of worship)
  • Historian
  • Clergy
  • Therapist
  • Religious studies or theology instructor (secondary or postsecondary level)



Explore different disciplines


Religious studies brings together disciplines including art, literature, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, and science. Few majors provide exposure to such a vast and diverse array of specialties and fields. As such, religious studies majors will often pair their degree with another field of study. 



Gain new perspectives and insights


Majoring in religious studies offers you a lens into other cultures and perspectives from around the world. You’ll learn about different theologies from an academic perspective and gain new insight into how and why people have the beliefs they do, as well as how they express and practice them. You’ll also study the ways in which religion impacts other aspects of society such as government, social norms, and ethics. 



How can you increase your chances of acceptance into a Religious Studies program?


Religious studies programs look for well-rounded students who emphasize the humanities and social sciences. You should have plenty of high-level courses in areas like English, history, and  foreign languages. In terms of extracurriculars, focus on activities that emphasize your interest in religious studies, such as community service, volunteering at a place of worship, or even working at a museum or other cultural institution.


If you’re looking for guidance creating a strong profile for candidacy for admission into an undergraduate religious studies program, our Early Advising program for 9th and 10th graders could be the answer. A graduate from a top 30 institution will work with you to hone your extracurricular and academic interests while advising you on the courses to take, activities to pursue, and grades and test scores you’ll need to earn for admission.


Already into the college process? 11th graders can learn how to strengthen their profiles, create a school list with a balance of colleges that offer religious studies majors, and more through our College Strategy program. We’ll guide you through the process of creating a cohesive profile and applying to college.



Which colleges have a Religious Studies major?


Abilene Christian University | ACU
Albertus Magnus College
Antioch University
Alderson Broaddus University | AB
Barton College
Alverno College
Belmont Abbey College
Anderson University (Indiana)
Anderson University (South Carolina)
Andrews University
Brescia University
Brewton–Parker College
Cabrini University
Anna Maria College | AMC
Calumet College of St. Joseph | CCSJ
Canisius College
Aquinas College (Michigan)
Arizona State University | ASU
Christian Brothers University | CBU
Claremont McKenna College | CMC
Asbury University
Ashland University
Assumption College
Auburn University at Montgomery | AUM
Augustana University
Austin Peay State University | APSU
Crowley’s Ridge College
Azusa Pacific University | APU
Baker University
Ball State University | BSU
Baylor University
Belhaven University
Eastern Nazarene College | ENC
Elon University
Benedictine College
Benedictine University
Fairfield University
Berry College
Bethel College (Indiana)
Bethel University (Minnesota)
Ferrum College
Bethel University (Tennessee)
Biola University
Flagler College
Bismarck State College | BSC
Bluefield College
Bluffton University
Boston College | BC
Bradley University
Greenville University
Hampden–Sydney College | H–SC
Brevard College
Brigham Young University | BYU
Caldwell University
California Baptist University | CBU
Hope International University | HIU
California State University, Bakersfield | CSU Bakersfield
California State University, Chico | CSU Chico
Iona College
California State University, Dominguez Hills | CSUDH
John Paul the Great Catholic University | JPCatholic
Juniata College
California State University, East Bay | CSU East Bay
California State University, Fresno | CSU Fresno
California State University, Fullerton | CSU Fullerton
La Roche College
California State University, Long Beach | Long Beach State
California State University, Northridge | CSUN
Le Moyne College
Campbell University
Campbellsville University
Manhattan College
Marymount Manhattan College
Capital University
Cardinal Stritch University
Carroll College
Carroll University
Carson–Newman University
Mid-America Christian University | MACU
Carthage College
Case Western Reserve University
Catawba College
Catholic University of America | CUA
Cedarville University
Central Methodist University
Chaminade University of Honolulu
Charleston Southern University | CSU
National University (California) | NU
New Jersey Institute of Technology | NJIT
Northwest University
Clarke University
Clemson University
Cleveland State University | CSU
Coe College
College of Mount Saint Vincent | CMSV
College of St. Benedict | CSB
College of St. Scholastica | CSS
College of the Ozarks
Pitzer College
Colorado Christian University | CCU
Concordia College (Minnesota)
Rosemont College
Concordia University (Oregon)
Concordia University Ann Arbor
Concordia University Chicago
Saint Leo University
San Diego Christian College | SDCC
Concordia University Wisconsin | CUW
Cornerstone University
Creighton University
Crown College (Minnesota)
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary | SEBTS
Culver–Stockton College
St. Edward’s University
St. Francis College | SFC
D’Youville College
Daemen College
Dakota Wesleyan University | DWU
Defiance College
State University of New York at Old Westbury | SUNY Old Westbury
Dominican College
Dominican University (Illinois)
Dominican University of California
Dordt College
Drury University
Duquesne University
East Carolina University | ECU
East Texas Baptist University | ETBU
Eastern Mennonite University | EMU
Eastern Michigan University | EMU
Eastern New Mexico University | ENMU
Eastern University
Edgewood College
Elms College
Emmanuel College (Massachusetts)
Regent University
University of the Southwest
Florida A&M University | FAMU
Vassar College
Florida International University | FIU
Warner University
Florida Memorial University
Wayland Baptist University | WBU
Florida Southern College
Westminster College (Missouri)
Florida State University | FSU
Fontbonne University
Williams Baptist University
Wilmington College
Franciscan University of Steubenville
Wofford College
Freed–Hardeman University | FHU
Adrian College
Gannon University
Gardner–Webb University
Allegheny College
American University
Amherst College
George Fox University | GFU
George Mason University
Georgetown University
Arizona Christian University
Georgia State University
Arkansas Baptist College | ABC
Georgian Court University | GCU
Gonzaga University
Goshen College
Grace College & Seminary
Augsburg University
Augustana College
Austin College
Grand View University
Gulf Coast State College | GCSC
Hannibal–LaGrange University | HLGU
Baldwin Wallace University | BW
Hardin–Simmons University | HSU
Bard College
Barnard College
Baruch College | CUNY Baruch
Bates College
Hastings College
Beloit College
Benedict College
Holy Family University
Bethany College (West Virginia)
Hood College
Hope College
Houston Baptist University | HBU
Howard Payne University | HPU
Hunter College | CUNY Hunter
Blue Mountain College | BMC
Huntington University
Illinois Wesleyan University
Boston University | BU
Bowdoin College
Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis | IUPUI
Indiana University Bloomington | Indiana
Briar Cliff University
Brooklyn College
Brown University
Bryan College
Chapman University
Butler University
Indiana University of Pennsylvania | IUP
Cairn University
College of Charleston
California Lutheran University | CLU
Iowa Wesleyan University
James Madison University | JMU
Jarvis Christian College | JCC
John Brown University | JBU
Kansas Wesleyan University | KWU
Columbia University
King University
Carleton College
King’s College
La Sierra University | LSU
Lake Forest College
Lakeland University
Central Christian College of Kansas
Central Michigan University | CMU
Central Washington University | CWU
Centre College
Lees–McRae College
Denison University
DePaul University
Duke University
Lenoir–Rhyne University
Chowan University
LeTourneau University | LETU
Lewis University
Clark Atlanta University | CAU
Liberty University
Colby College
Colgate University
Elizabethtown College | E-town
Lincoln University (Pennsylvania)
Lindenwood University
College of the Holy Cross | Holy Cross
Lipscomb University
College of William & Mary | William & Mary
College of Wooster
Colorado College
Columbia International University | CIU
Loyola University New Orleans
Lubbock Christian University | LCU
Luther College
MacMurray College
Madonna University
Concordia University Irvine
Concordia University Nebraska
Malone University
Maranatha Baptist University
Connecticut College
Converse College
Cornell College
Cornell University
Marian University
Marquette University
Martin Methodist College
Marymount University
Dallas Baptist University | DBU
Dartmouth College
Davidson College
Marywood University
DePauw University
Dickinson College
McKendree University | McK
McMurry University
Drake University
Mercyhurst University
Merrimack College
Messiah College
Earlham College
Michigan State University
Eckerd College
Middle Tennessee State University | MTSU
North Carolina Central University | NCCU
Elmhurst College
Midland University
Eureka College
Evangel University
Evergreen State College
Milligan College
Fordham University
Franklin and Marshall College | F&M
Missouri State University | MSU
Friends University
Furman University
Missouri Western State University
Gettysburg College
Montclair State University | MSU
Morningside College
Goucher College
Grace Christian University
Morris College
Mount Marty College
Mount Mercy University
Greensboro College
Grinnell College
Hamilton College
Hamline University
Mount Vernon Nazarene University | MVNU
Muskingum University
Harvard University
Nazareth College
Haverford College
Heidelberg University (Ohio)
Hendrix College
High Point University
Hillsdale College
Hobart and William Smith Colleges | HWS
Hofstra University
Hollins University
Humboldt State University | HSU
Huntingdon College
North Dakota State University | NDSU
Northcentral University
Indiana Wesleyan University | IWU
Ithaca College
Northeastern University
Northern Arizona University | NAU
Northern Illinois University | NIU
Judson University
Kalamazoo College
Kentucky Wesleyan College | KWC
Kenyon College
Notre Dame of Maryland University | NDMU
Lafayette College
Nyack College
Oakwood University
Lane College
Oberlin College
Lawrence University
Lebanon Valley College | LVC
Ohio Christian University | OCU
Lehigh University
Oklahoma Baptist University | OBU
Lewis & Clark College
Oklahoma Christian University | OC
Oklahoma City University | OCU
Oklahoma State University | OSU
Oklahoma Wesleyan University | OKWU
Livingstone College
Olivet Nazarene University | ONU
Olympic College
Loras College
Louisiana College
Louisiana State University | LSU
Loyola Marymount University | LMU
Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Maryland
Otterbein University
Macalester College
Pacific Lutheran University | PLU
Palm Beach Atlantic University | PBA
Manchester University
Manhattanville College
Smith College
Marshall University
Pfeiffer University
St. Michael’s College
Piedmont College
McPherson College
Point Loma Nazarene University | PLNU
Queens University of Charlotte
Quincy University
Radford University
Regis University
Reinhardt University
Middlebury College
Rochester College
Millsaps College
Rutgers University–Camden
Rutgers University–New Brunswick | Rutgers
Sacred Heart University | SHU
Saint Francis University | SFU
Saint Joseph’s College of Maine
Saint Louis University | SLU
Saint Martin’s University | St. Martin’s
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College | SMWC
Saint Mary’s College (Indiana)
Saint Peter’s University
Saint Xavier University | SXU
University of California, Davis | UC Davis
Montreat College
Morehouse College
Salve Regina University
Mount Holyoke College
Samford University
San Diego State University | SDSU
Muhlenberg College
Naropa University
Seattle Pacific University | SPU
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology | New Mexico Tech
Seattle University
Seton Hill University
Norfolk State University | NSU
University of California, San Diego | UCSD
Siena Heights University | SHU
University of Georgia
Northwestern University
Southeastern University
Oakland City University | OCU
Oakland University
Southern Adventist University
Ohio University
Ohio Wesleyan University
Southern Nazarene University | SNU
Southwest Baptist University | SBU
Our Lady of the Lake University | OLLU
Pace University
Southwestern Christian College | SwCC
Pacific University
Spring Arbor University | SAU
St. Anselm College
Pepperdine University
St. Catherine University
St. John Fisher College
St. Joseph’s College (New York) | SJC
St. Olaf College
Point University
Pomona College
University of Rochester
Princeton University
Principia College
Providence College
Queens College, City University of New York | CUNY QC
St. Thomas University | STU
Reed College
Rhodes College
Rice University
Ripon College
Rocky Mountain College | RMC
Stockton University
Westmont College
Saint Joseph’s University | SJU
Temple University
Tennessee Wesleyan University | TWU
Saint Mary’s College of California | St. Mary’s
Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota | SMU
Texas Lutheran University | TLU
Xavier University of Louisiana
Santa Clara University
Sarah Lawrence College
Scripps College
Seton Hall University
Sewanee: The University of the South | Sewanee
Shaw University
The College of New Jersey | TCNJ
Shenandoah University
The Ohio State University | OSU
Yale University
Skidmore College
The State University of New York at Stony Brook | SUNY Stony Brook
Soka University of America
Toccoa Falls College
Tougaloo College
Touro College
Towson University
Trevecca Nazarene University
Southern Methodist University | SMU
Truett McConnell University
Truman State University | TSU
Union College (Kentucky)
Southern Wesleyan University
Union College (Nebraska)
Union University
Southwestern Assemblies of God University | SAGU
University of Alabama
Southwestern Christian University
Southwestern University
Spelman College
University of Arizona
St. Augustine’s University
St. Bonaventure University
St. Joseph’s University | SJU
St. Lawrence University
St. Mary’s College of Maryland
Stanford University
Sterling College
Stetson University
Stonehill College
Swarthmore College
Syracuse University
Taylor University
University of California, Irvine | UC Irvine
University of California, Los Angeles | UCLA
University of Central Arkansas | UCA
University of Central Florida | UCF
Texas Wesleyan University
University of Detroit Mercy
University of Florida
Transylvania University
University of Hawaii at Manoa | UH Manoa
University of Holy Cross | UOHC
Trinity College
University of Houston
Trinity University
University of Houston–Downtown | UHD
Tulane University
University of Iowa
University of Jamestown
Union College (New York)
University of Kansas
University of Lynchburg
University of Mary | UMary
University of Mary Hardin–Baylor | UMHB
University of Mary Washington | UMW
University of Massachusetts Amherst | UMass Amherst
University of Massachusetts Lowell | UMass Lowell
University of Memphis
University of California, Riverside | UC Riverside
University of California, Santa Barbara | UCSB
University of California, Santa Cruz | UCSC
University of Mississippi | Ole Miss
University of Chicago
University of Missouri | Mizzou
University of Colorado Boulder | CU Boulder
University of Dayton
University of Mobile
University of Denver
Iowa State University
University of Mount Union
University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign | UIUC
University of New Mexico | UNM
University of North Alabama | UNA
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | UNC
University of La Verne
University of North Carolina at Charlotte | UNC Charlotte
University of North Carolina at Greensboro | UNC Greensboro
University of North Carolina at Wilmington | UNC Wilmington
University of Maine at Farmington | UMF
University of North Dakota | UND
University of North Florida | UNF
University of Northwestern – St. Paul
University of Pennsylvania | UPenn
University of Pittsburgh | Pitt
University of Miami
University of Providence | UP
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | Minnesota
University of Saint Joseph
University of Montana
University of Mount Olive
University of San Francisco | USF
University of Scranton
University of Nebraska Omaha | UNO
University of Nebraska–Lincoln | UNL
University of Sioux Falls | USF
University of South Carolina | USC
University of South Florida | USF
University of St. Thomas (Texas)
University of Notre Dame
University of Oklahoma
University of Oregon
University of Tennessee
University of Puget Sound
University of Redlands
University of Richmond
The State University of New York at Albany | SUNY Albany
University of Texas at Austin | UT Austin
University of San Diego | USD
Tufts University
University of the Cumberlands
University of South Carolina Upstate | USC Upstate
University of Southern California | USC
University of Toledo
University of Tulsa
University of Utah
University of Vermont | UVM
University of Virginia | UVA
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin-Madison | Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee | UWM
University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh | UW Oshkosh
University of the Incarnate Word | UIW
University of the Ozarks
University of the Pacific
University of Wyoming
Ursuline College
Utah State University
Valdosta State University | VSU
Vanguard University
Villanova University
Virginia Commonwealth University | VCU
Viterbo University
Walla Walla University
Walsh University
Ursinus College
Warner Pacific University
Washburn University
Washington Adventist University
Vanderbilt University
Washington College
Virginia Tech
Wayne State University | WSU
Wabash College
Waynesburg University
Wake Forest University
Webster University
Welch College
Wesley College
West Chester University | WCUPA
Washington and Lee University
West Liberty University
Washington University in St. Louis | WashU
West Virginia University | WVU
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Wellesley College
Wesleyan University
Western Kentucky University | WKU
Western Michigan University | WMU
Wheaton College (Illinois)
Wheeling Jesuit University | WJU
Whitworth University
William Carey University | WCU
Wheaton College (Massachusetts)
Whitman College
Wiley College
Willamette University
Wilson College
Wingate University
Williams College
Wisconsin Lutheran College | WLC
Wright State University
Xavier University
University of St. Thomas (Minnesota)
Yeshiva University
Youngstown State University


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Short Bio
Laura Berlinsky-Schine is a freelance writer and editor based in Brooklyn with her demigod/lab mix Hercules. She specializes in education, technology and career development. She also writes satire and humor, which has appeared in Slackjaw, Points in Case, Little Old Lady Comedy, Jane Austen’s Wastebasket, and Funny-ish. View her work and get in touch at: www.lauraberlinskyschine.com.