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Duke University
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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The List of All U.S Colleges With a Law Enforcement and Correction Major

Some people want to be doctors. Some want to be business executives. Still others want to work in a field that allows them to protect their fellow citizens while taking steps to make the world a better place. With a degree in law enforcement and correction, you’ll have the knowledge and training required to keep people safe in a wide range of settings. Moreover, you’ll have the degree you need to pursue a number of careers in the field, including police officer, correctional officer, criminologist, and even school psychologist.


So which schools offer the best law enforcement and correction programs? Read on to discover the benefits of majoring in law enforcement, along with the steps required to boost your odds of admission.


Why Should You Major in Law Enforcement and Correction in College?


Aspiring law enforcement workers may be hesitant to enter into a major program in the field. After all, individuals can often score jobs as correctional officers or dispatchers without a bachelor’s degree. It’s worth noting that a BA is required for many law enforcement positions, including forensic science technicians, crime scene investigators, FBI and CIA agents, and federal air marshals. And some positions, such as college professors and forensic psychologists, requires master’s degrees or even doctorates.


Additionally, studying law enforcement and correction at the college level can give you a leg up when it comes to succeeding in this career path. To be effective police officers, individuals need to be adept at thinking on their feet. Because their jobs tend to involve a great deal of stress and uncertainty, cops must be able to adapt to complications as they occur. Aspiring law enforcement workers can improve their skills for both problem-solving and critical thinking while pursuing a major in the field.


As a bonus, many of these skills are transferable to other professions and fields. Because police officers often find themselves in stressful situations, sometimes involving people who are armed or dangerous, successful workers need to master the art of negotiation and develop skills for defusing tension. This talent for preventing and reducing conflict can be applied to a wide range of jobs and environments.


How Can You Boost Your Odds of Getting Accepted Into a Law Enforcement and Correction Program?


High school students can take steps now to boost their odds of being admitted to a law enforcement and correction program. Because law enforcement workers spend a great deal of their time writing reports, students can improve their chances by taking composition skills to improve their writing skills. Courses in debate can also aid students in developing their communication skills: something they’ll need to interact with everyone from suspects to supervisors. Finally, prospective law enforcement majors may be able to boost their odds of getting into school — and getting a job — by studying a foreign language.


Of course, getting into a law enforcement and correction program is about more than academics. Students can impress admissions committees by joining community-oriented nonprofits like UNICEF. Additionally, schools look favorably on those who hold leadership roles in student government. Finally, it goes without saying that aspiring law enforcement officers should stay out of trouble in their high schools. The last thing you want is for a teacher or principal to say something negative about you or your behavior.

What Colleges Have a Law Enforcement and Correction Major?


A number of U.S. colleges and universities now offer accredited major programs in law enforcement and correction. Below is a complete list of schools for students who are passionate about a career in law enforcement:


American University

Auburn University

Boston University | BU

Brescia University

Cedarville University

Champlain College

Chapman University

Creighton University

Dickinson College

Farmingdale State College | SUNY Farmingdale

Fitchburg State University

Grand View University

Kent State University

Kentucky Wesleyan College | KWC

Lafayette College

Lake Forest College

Lake Superior State University | LSSU

Lindenwood University

Marquette University

Maryville University

Mills College

Minnesota State University, Mankato | MNSU

Mount St. Joseph University

National American University | NAU

New York University | NYU

Northwestern Michigan College | NMC

Northwestern Oklahoma State University | NWOSU

Oberlin College

Oregon Institute of Technology | Oregon Tech

Pennsylvania State University | PSU

Point Park University

Robert Morris University Illinois

Rutgers University–New Brunswick | Rutgers

Saint Leo University

Seattle University

South Dakota State University

Southern New Hampshire University | SNHU

Sterling College

Strayer University

The State University of New York at Albany | SUNY Albany

Truman State University | TSU

University of Georgia

University of Kentucky

University of La Verne

University of Maine at Fort Kent

University of Massachusetts Amherst | UMass Amherst

University of Memphis

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | Minnesota

University of Mobile

University of South Carolina | USC

University of South Carolina Aiken | USC Aiken

University of the District of Columbia | UDC

University of West Florida | UWF

Vanderbilt University

Western Illinois University | WIU

Westminster College (Missouri)

Whitworth University


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Short Bio
A graduate of the Master of Professional Writing program at USC, April Maguire taught freshman composition while earning her degree. Over the years, she has worked as a writer, editor, tutor, and content manager. Currently, she operates a freelance writing business and lives in Los Angeles with her husband and their three rowdy cats.