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The List of All U.S Colleges With a Human Development and Family Studies Major

Family is a fundamental component in most people’s lives and in our society as a whole. So it’s no surprise that the study of families and how they function is such a fascinating field. An interdisciplinary program, human development and family studies invites students to explore the interplay of biological, psychological, and cultural factors and how they impact the human experience. By studying human development from infancy to later adulthood, students can learn the skills needed to help both individuals and communities grow and thrive.


Whether your goal is to become a therapist or work in adult education, majoring in human development and family studies might be the first step on your academic journey. But what does it take to succeed in this major? Read on for tips on getting into a human development program, along with a complete list of schools offering this major.


Why Should You Major in Human Development and Family Studies in College?


A degree in human development and family studies prepares students for a wide array of jobs in the human services field. Because the coursework is primarily focused on understanding human behavior, graduates are uniquely qualified to work in youth services, education, healthcare, corrections, criminal justice, career development, human resources, and elder care. Additionally, individuals with a degree in human development may find employment at non-profit agencies, marketing and PR companies, and corporations.


Majoring in human development and family studies can also be a step on the road to earning a graduate degree in a related field. For example, many students in this field go on to pursue a master’s degree in marriage and family counseling, anthropology, psychology, or social work. These degrees can help prepare students to land jobs as guidance counselors, therapists, or even lawyers.


Regardless of the career path you opt to pursue with your human development degree, the skills learned in these programs can be useful in achieving your professional goals. Because human development and family studies courses involve significant amounts of research, students have to excel at collecting data from various sources. They will then use their critical thinking skills to assess and evaluate information in order to develop new practices and policies. Finally, students who pursue this field of study will have the chance to hone their interpersonal skills. Because human development and family studies majors have to interact with people from a wide range of backgrounds, maintaining professional, sensitive communication is crucial.


How Can You Boost Your Odds of Getting Accepted Into a Human Development and Family Studies Program?


If you’re passionate about human development, the classes you take while still in high school can increase your chances of getting into a top school. If your school offers them, consider signing up for courses in psychology, sociology, and early child development. However, students at smaller high schools with more tailored curricula aren’t necessarily at a disadvantage. The goal is to show admissions departments that you possess the ability to think critically and examine topics from multiple perspectives. Additionally, you should take courses that allow you to develop your writing and communications skills.


Of course, an impressive high school curriculum isn’t necessarily enough to get you into your dream school. With college admissions becoming increasingly competitive, schools are putting a greater focus on extracurriculars. Aspiring human development students can demonstrate their passion for the field by volunteering at children’s art centers or homeless shelters. They can coach little league teams, donate their time to a boys and girls club, or build houses with habitat for humanity. The goal is to find hobbies that enable you to meet and interact with individuals from different walks of life.


What Colleges Have a Human Development and Family Studies Major?


While human development and family studies is one of the lesser known major programs out there, the field is becoming increasingly popular in the U.S.. Here is a complete list of American colleges and universities that offer an undergraduate human development program:


Alabama A&M University | AAMU

Albertus Magnus College

Anderson University (South Carolina)

Anna Maria College | AMC

Antioch University

Appalachian State University

Aquinas College (Michigan)

Arizona Christian University

Assumption College

Auburn University

Auburn University at Montgomery | AUM

Bacone College

Bay Path University

Benedict College

Bethel University (Tennessee)

Boston College | BC

Boston University | BU

Bowling Green State University | BGSU

Brazosport College

Brigham Young University | BYU

California Polytechnic State University | Cal Poly

California State University Channel Islands | CSU Channel Islands

California State University San Marcos | CSUSM

California State University, Bakersfield | CSU Bakersfield

California State University, Dominguez Hills | CSUDH

California State University, East Bay | CSU East Bay

California State University, Fresno | CSU Fresno

California State University, Fullerton | CSU Fullerton

California State University, Long Beach | Long Beach State

California State University, Monterey Bay | CSUMB

California State University, Sacramento | Sacramento State

Cameron University

Carson–Newman University

Central Connecticut State University | CCSU

Central Michigan University | CMU

Central Washington University | CWU

Chadron State College | CSC

Christian Brothers University | CBU

Clemson University

College of St. Joseph

College of the Ozarks

College of Wooster

Colorado State University | CSU

Columbia College (South Carolina)

Concordia University Ann Arbor

Concordia University Irvine

Connecticut College

Corban University

Cornell University

Cornerstone University

Delta State University

Earlham College

East Carolina University | ECU

East Central University | ECU

East Texas Baptist University | ETBU

Eastern Michigan University | EMU

Eastern Washington University | EWU

Eckerd College

Edgewood College

Fayetteville State University | FSU

Florida Gulf Coast University | FGCU

Fontbonne University

Fort Valley State University | FVSU

Framingham State University

Freed–Hardeman University | FHU

George Mason University

Georgia Gwinnett College | GGC

Georgia Southern University

Grace Christian University

Grambling State University | GSU

Hope International University | HIU

Houston Baptist University | HBU

Howard University

Humboldt State University | HSU

Illinois State University | ISU

Illinois Wesleyan University

Indian River State College | IRSC

Indiana State University | ISU

Indiana University of Pennsylvania | IUP

Jackson State University | JSU

Jacksonville State University | JSU

James Madison University | JMU

John Brown University | JBU

Kentucky State University | KSU

Keuka College

Keystone College

Langston University | LU

LeMoyne–Owen College | LOC

Lewis–Clark State College

Lipscomb University

Madonna University

Mercy College

Messiah College

Metropolitan State University

Metropolitan State University of Denver | MSU Denver

Michigan State University

Middle Tennessee State University | MTSU

Midland University

Minnesota State University Moorhead | MSUM

Minot State University | MSU

Mississippi State University | MSU

Mississippi University for Women | MUW

Missouri State University | MSU

Mitchell College

Montana State University | MSU

Montclair State University | MSU

Muskingum University

New School

New York University | NYU

Nicholls State University

North Carolina A&T State University | N.C. A&T

North Carolina State University | NC State

Northern Arizona University | NAU

Northern Illinois University | NIU

Northwest Missouri State University

Nova Southeastern University | NSU

Oberlin College

Oklahoma Baptist University | OBU

Oklahoma Christian University | OC

Olivet Nazarene University | ONU

Oregon Institute of Technology | Oregon Tech

Pace University

Peninsula College

Penn State Brandywine

Pennsylvania College of Technology | Penn Tech

Pennsylvania State University | PSU

Pfeiffer University

Pittsburg State University | PSU

Plymouth State University | PSU

Point Loma Nazarene University | PLNU

Portland State University | PSU

Prescott College

Purdue University

Purdue University Northwest | PNW

Queens College, City University of New York | CUNY QC

Queens University of Charlotte

Quinnipiac University

Rhode Island College | RIC

Rivier University

Rutgers University–New Brunswick | Rutgers

Saint Joseph’s University | SJU

Saint Leo University

Saint Mary’s College (Indiana)

Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota | SMU

Sam Houston State University | SHSU

Samford University

San Diego Christian College | SDCC

San Diego State University | SDSU

San Jose State University | SJSU

Seattle Pacific University | SPU

Shawnee State University | SSU

Siena Heights University | SHU

Smith College

Sonoma State University | SSU

South Dakota State University

Southeast Missouri State University | SEMO

Southeastern Louisiana University

Southern Adventist University

Southern University at New Orleans | SUNO

Southern Wesleyan University

Southwestern Assemblies of God University | SAGU

Springfield College

St. Olaf College

Stanford University

State University of New York at Cortland | SUNY Cortland

State University of New York at Oneonta | SUNY Oneonta

State University of New York at Oswego | SUNY Oswego

State University of New York at Plattsburgh | SUNY Plattsburgh

Stephens College

Syracuse University

Temple University

Tennessee State University | TSU

Texas A&M University–Kingsville

Texas State University

Texas Tech University | TTU

Texas Woman’s University | TWU

The Ohio State University | OSU

The State University of New York at Albany | SUNY Albany

Toccoa Falls College

Touro College

Truett McConnell University

Tufts University

Union University

University of Akron

University of Alabama

University of Alaska Fairbanks | UAF

University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff | UAPB

University of California, Berkeley | UC Berkeley

University of California, Davis | UC Davis

University of California, San Diego | UCSD

University of Central Florida | UCF

University of Colorado Denver | CU Denver

University of Florida

University of Georgia

University of Hawaii at Manoa | UH Manoa

University of Houston

University of Illinois at Chicago | UIC

University of Kansas

University of Kentucky

University of Louisiana at Lafayette | UL Lafayette

University of Maine

University of Maine at Farmington | UMF

University of Maryland Eastern Shore | UMES

University of Maryland University College | UMUC

University of Maryland, College Park | Maryland

University of Memphis

University of Michigan–Dearborn | UM-D

University of Michigan–Flint | UofM-Flint

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | Minnesota

University of Missouri | Mizzou

University of Mobile

University of Mount Union

University of Nebraska at Kearney | UNK

University of Nebraska–Lincoln | UNL

University of Nevada, Las Vegas | UNLV

University of Nevada, Reno

University of New Hampshire | UNH

University of New Mexico | UNM

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | UNC

University of North Carolina at Charlotte | UNC Charlotte

University of North Carolina at Greensboro | UNC Greensboro

University of North Texas at Dallas | UNTD

University of Northern Iowa | UNI

University of Rhode Island | URI

University of South Carolina Upstate | USC Upstate

University of Southern Mississippi | Southern Miss

University of St. Thomas (Minnesota)

University of Tennessee

University of Texas at Austin | UT Austin

University of Texas at San Antonio | UTSA

University of Texas of the Permian Basin | UT Permian Basin

University of the District of Columbia | UDC

University of the Southwest

University of Utah

University of Vermont | UVM

University of West Alabama | UWA

University of Wisconsin-Madison | Wisconsin

University of Wisconsin–Green Bay | UW–Green Bay

University of Wisconsin–Stout | UW–Stout

Utah State University

Villanova University

Virginia State University | VSU

Virginia Tech

Voorhees College

Wabash College

Walsh University

Warner Pacific University

Washington State University | WSU

Wayne State College

Weber State University

West Virginia University | WVU

West Virginia University at Parkersburg

Western Michigan University | WMU

Winthrop University | WU

Youngstown State University


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Short Bio
A graduate of the Master of Professional Writing program at USC, April Maguire taught freshman composition while earning her degree. Over the years, she has worked as a writer, editor, tutor, and content manager. Currently, she operates a freelance writing business and lives in Los Angeles with her husband and their three rowdy cats.