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Scholarships & Financial Aid at University of New Hampshire

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Karoline Goulart and Aja Altenhof in a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info.


What’s Covered:



Merit Scholarships


Most merit scholarships at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) are offered to both first year students and transfer students, and are based solely on applicant GPA. These scholarships are automatically awarded to students who qualify academically, and do not require the submission of any additional applications.


Eligibility and Requirements


For first-year students, their high school GPA is recalculated to include the required core subjects for admission, and this recalculated GPA is what is used to evaluate merit scholarship eligibility. Transfer students are evaluated for merit scholarships using their college GPA and the amount of credits that they are transferring.


Furthermore, it is important to note that because UNH is a test optional school, test scores are not used to determine merit scholarship eligibility.


In addition to these GPA-based merit scholarships, there are a few other scholarships that have additional criteria, such as scholarships offered for students studying engineering or business or scholarships available to New Hampshire residents only.


For specific details on the award amounts, GPA criteria and a list of scholarships requiring additional applications, students can refer to the UNH scholarship and financial aid website.


Financial Aid


Applying for Financial Aid 


Aside from merit scholarships, the University of New Hampshire Financial Aid Office manages everything else related to cost. 


The annual “sticker price” of tuition, room, and board at UNH ranges from approximately $30,000 for in-state students to over $50,000 for out-of-state students. That said, most students do not actually pay this full price because about 88% of students at the University of New Hampshire receive some type of financial assistance from the university, either a scholarship or financial aid. 


To ensure that you are considered for as much financial aid as possible at UNH, you should file the FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid by the deadline of March 1st. Once you apply and the university receives your financial aid application information, they will let you know what financial aid you are eligible for.


Types of Financial Aid


Students at the University of New Hampshire can receive financial aid in the form of loans, grants or work-study. 


Loans refer to money that has to be paid back. Grants include federal or institutional money that does not have to be paid back, and these funds are usually reserved for students with the most significant financial need. 


Lastly, work-study is an amount of money that is offered to students in exchange for work. Work-study is not automatically paid or awarded to you, but instead, it’s money that you have to work to earn. Students interested in work-study need to find a job on campus that qualifies for work-study, and work-study funds earned from that job are then sent directly to the student  to spend as they see fit.


Net Price Calculators


A good tool to use to plan ahead and figure out exactly how affordable UNH could be for you is the net price calculator. This tool can give you a general idea of what your financial aid package could look like and can help you get a sense of whether or not you should look for outside scholarships.