What are your chances of acceptance?

Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
Duke University
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Frequently Asked Questions About the US Naval Academy

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Steven Frazier, an Admissions Counselor at the USNA, in a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info. 


What’s Covered:


In this post, we discuss frequently asked questions about the United States Naval Academy (USNA). For more information on applying, check out our post about how to get into USNA.


Service Selection


How does your major affect your service selection?


Your major actually has no impact on which kind of military service you select, unless you’ll be selecting submarine service. Otherwise, you don’t need to choose a major that is connected to your eventual service selection. As a USNA student, you will have the opportunity to pursue what you’re interested in as a major and then pursue the service that you’re interested in, without requiring a connection between the two. 


Is explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) a realistic goal for girls?


Absolutely. There is no gender-based restriction for any of the USNA service communities.


Admissions and Application


Should we start talking to our Blue and Gold Officer early on or at all?


Yes! Blue and Gold Officers are local volunteers who guide prospective USNA students through the admissions process. They are outstanding sources of information, and they’ve got their finger on the pulse of everything that’s going on with admissions. For example, they will know when an admissions counselor is coming to your area. It is a great idea to reach out to your Blue and Gold Officer. You’ll receive their contact information when you open your application.


What are good habits to create in your high school years to help you succeed at the academy?


One of the best habits that you can cultivate is remembering to focus not only on your academics but also on your physical fitness. High school is a good time to start a workout routine and get physically in shape. You may already have a workout routine due to a school sports team. 


You should also maintain strong study habits and take opportunities to engage in community service. A life of service is what you’re training for at USNA, so you should be cultivating and preparing for that during high school too. 


Do awards for national STEM competitions hold any bearing on being admitted, or is USNA only looking at scholastic awards?


You should include any STEM awards in your application. USNA is looking for well-rounded candidates, so anything that you’ve accomplished outside the classroom is just as important as what you’ve done inside the classroom. 


Should you mention what you’re interested in majoring in for your application?


If you have a major in mind, you can definitely include it. There is a place in the application where you can select a major that you’re interested in. If you don’t have a major narrowed down yet, that won’t negatively impact your application. You won’t be selecting a major until the end of your first semester at USNA. 


What is a competitive SAT score for the USNA application?


There’s no minimum SAT score requirement, so this tends to work on a sliding scale. Some accepted students have low SAT scores but have excelled in other areas, such as leadership or community involvement. Others have high grades but don’t perform as strongly on standardized tests. 


Obviously, you should aim for the highest SAT score that you can. It never hurts to take the test multiple times. The more times you take it, the better your overall superscore can be. 


What leadership roles does the Naval Academy look for in prospective students?


Any kind of leadership role is going to make a good impression in your application. Examples range from being the first chair in band or the captain of a school team to being involved in church organizations or being a shift lead at a job outside of school. USNA recognizes the diversity of backgrounds among its applicants and that every type of leadership is valuable. 


Athletics and Sports 


Do you have to be a student athlete to be a competitive applicant for the Naval Academy?


Absolutely not. The academy is looking for well-rounded students. There are plenty of students at USNA who weren’t involved in sports during high school. Maybe you’ve been in the school band, served on the student council, or had a steady job outside of class. USNA is looking at everything that you do and taking it all into account; this is definitely not restricted to sports.


How important is it to stay with a specific sport instead of doing multiple sports during high school?


You can take either of these paths! Whether you find something that you’re passionate about and stick with it throughout your four years or spend that time trying out different sports, you’ll still be challenging yourself outside of the classroom and showing your athletic potential. 


Career Planning


Is it important to know specifically what you want to do after school, or will you be able to explore a few career options before graduation?


You will definitely have the chance to explore career options at USNA. You’ll have plenty of time to find what you’re interested in and really dive into it. Many students come to USNA with a career path in mind and end up doing something completely different. 


Are there general tips or advice for students who are beginning their college admissions process now?


Never give up. Whether at USNA or another college, find what you’re passionate about and pursue it. You may hit a few speed bumps or take a couple of detours, but once you know what you’re passionate about, you should do everything that you can to make it happen.