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How to Write the Northwestern University Essays 2024-2025

Northwestern University is a private research university located in Evanston, Illinois, just a 30-minute train ride north of Chicago. It’s got a beautiful lakefront campus and glimmering views of the city. Overall, Northwestern is a sought-after and highly competitive institution. It’s clear that aspiring Northwestern wildcats must stand out to be accepted, and one way to do that is through your supplemental essays. In this post, we’ll break down Northwestern’s supplemental prompts.


Read these Northwestern essay examples written by real students to inspire your writing!


Northwestern University Supplemental Essay Prompts


Required for All Applicants


Prompt 1: We want to be sure we’re considering your application in the context of your personal experiences: What aspects of your background (your identity, your school setting, your community, your household, etc.) have most shaped how you see yourself engaging in Northwestern’s community, be it academically, extracurricularly, culturally, politically, socially, or otherwise? (300 words)


Recommended for All Applicants


Prompt 2: The following questions are optional, but we encourage you to answer at least one and no more than two. Please respond in fewer than 200 words per question:


  • Option 1: Painting “The Rock” is a tradition at Northwestern that invites all forms of expression—students promote campus events or extracurricular groups, support social or activist causes, show their Wildcat spirit (what we call “Purple Pride”), celebrate their culture, and more. What would you paint on The Rock, and why?


  • Option 2: Northwestern fosters a distinctively interdisciplinary culture. We believe discovery and innovation thrive at the intersection of diverse ideas, perspectives, and academic interests. Within this setting, if you could dream up an undergraduate class, research project, or creative effort (a start-up, a design prototype, a performance, etc.), what would it be? Who might be some ideal classmates or collaborators?


  • Option 3: Community and belonging matter at Northwestern. Tell us about one or more communities, networks, or student groups you see yourself connecting with on campus.


  • Option 4: Northwestern’s location is special: on the shore of Lake Michigan, steps from downtown Evanston, just a few miles from Chicago. What aspects of our location are most compelling to you, and why?


  • Option 5: Northwestern is a place where people with diverse backgrounds from all over the world can study, live, and talk with one another. This range of experiences and viewpoints immeasurably enriches learning. How might your individual background contribute to this diversity of perspectives in Northwestern’s classrooms and around our campus?


Prompt 1 (Required)

We want to be sure we’re considering your application in the context of your personal experiences: What aspects of your background (your identity, your school setting, your community, your household, etc.) have most shaped how you see yourself engaging in Northwestern’s community, be it academically, extracurricularly, culturally, politically, socially, or otherwise? (300 words)

You’re probably familiar with this archetypal, “Why This College?” essay. This prompt is essentially asking you why you’re interested in Northwestern and how the school can support your goals and interests, both academic and extracurricular. We highly recommend checking out our general breakdown of the “Why This College?” essay above, as it goes into a lot more detail and will help you out with other schools as well!


As you’re brainstorming, you should consider both the tangible and intangible aspects of Northwestern and how they align with your goals, subjects, and values. You should be setting up a “Force Dyad” with yourself and Northwestern as attractive poles. Compile a list of the specific programs, classes, clubs, and other resources at Northwestern that interest you. How do they align with your own academic or professional interests? Is there a program that merges two interests of yours? Is there an extracurricular that you were really seeking in your college search?


It’s worth it, but not required, to plan your essay in a T-chart format: 


  Me Northwestern

-Specific academic interests

-Concrete steps I want to take to increase my expertise

-And fields I would like to combine

-Places I want to study 

-My career path

-Professors, courses, programs, labs, facilities, departments

-Recent achievements of Northwestern faculty or programs

-Extracurricular attractions

-Resources in Northwestern or the surrounding Chicago area


-My philosophy of study

-The kind of community I want to be immersed in

-My larger societal goals

-Attitudes I value in the world

-Northwestern’ mission and philosophy

-Aspects of Northwestern’s community

-Northwestern’s socially-oriented priorities

-How Northwestern practices and fosters the attitudes I value


This exercise will give you a clearer, larger picture of your connection to the school, and allow you to talk about the connections fluidly and naturally. 


How should I research for this essay? 


  • Always have the school website open, and always make a few more clicks than you initially think you’re going to need. School websites can be mazelike, so allow yourself a lot of time. Check out faculty profiles, lists of current undergraduate work, connected programs, and any volunteerism done through different departments. 


  • Additionally, lots of departments, research centers, or undergraduate schools have e-newsletters you can subscribe to, or publications you can find online. This will present you with the most recent contributions and discoveries of Northwestern staff and research.


  • This is also a great opportunity to politely email departments and professors, asking about their perspectives on Northwestern programs, or asking to be put in touch with current students. This will give you a better view than looking at the website, and will also demonstrate to admissions that you went the extra mile to assess Northwestern’s environment. 


Be highly specific and granular. This applies to both your interests and your future goals. It’s not enough to be interested in a general subject, like “journalism” or “politics.” You have to pinpoint exactly which facets of your areas you want to really delve into. Instead of “journalism and politics,” you could instead discuss how the Medill on the Hill program would allow you to get invaluable hands-on experience directly from Northwestern’s Washington newsroom, and how this will help your goal to one day work as a TV writer covering developments in LGBT politics on a national level.


This specificity paints a better picture of you as a student and aspiring professional. Remember: it’s easier for them to admit someone with a detailed plan than someone with a fuzzy outline. If you’ve already done the work visualizing and planning your time on campus, that’s less mental work for admissions, and a faster track to a “yes.”


Don’t skimp on the extracurriculars! While the classroom is important, Northwestern wants to know how you will engage with the community on campus. For example, the student with a passion for the environment might join In Our Nature, a “paperless magazine that aims to bring the environment to everyone.” While your academic interests should be the focus of your essay, you should also spend ideally about 1/3 of the essay discussing your extracurricular passions, to illuminate your character quirks and ability to think creatively, beyond your transcript.


Of course, you want to choose extracurricular activities that expand on your academic interests and goals. For example, when discussing In Our Nature, you could cite your love for integrating complex topics in marine biology with creative nonfiction techniques, and your desire to pursue scientific writing as a profession. 


Chisel out your goals with the attention of a sculptor. Since the prompt asks you you’ll “make use of specific resources and opportunities,” you need to have some kind of goal or interest in mind. And as previously stated, a concrete and specific goal looks better (and is easier to write for) than a generalized, nebulous goal. Needing to identify goals doesn’t necessarily mean you have to have a major or a career nailed down – you just need to find a specific attraction to learning, or a specific mode of analysis you want to apply.


You can achieve specificity in a number of ways: philosophy, how you want to engage others, a community you want to help, etc. For example, a student who’s still undecided between history and biology might find a specific commonality in her approach to research: “I believe in research that involves significant hands-on exploration, whether that’s recreating 17th-century shipbuilding techniques or collecting samples from a forest, is the best way to understand one’s subjects in a grounded, equalized, and fully immersive way.” This applicant is undecided, but specific in her approach to learning and the kind of learning environment she wants. 


Please note: applying with a goal doesn’t mean you’re committed to it all four years. It just has to be your goal right now, and you should think about what steps you need to reach that goal. Those steps should align with some sort of unique resource at Northwestern, and you should be able to clearly define how those complement each other.  


Speaking of goals: GOALS! The content of this essay should always loop back to you and your goals. If you think any student could write what you’ve written, then you haven’t written something that’s engaging or compelling yet. The same goes for the Northwestern resources you choose to discuss. If those opportunities are available at many schools, you’ll want to do more research and pick more unique resources, to show that you’re truly invested in Northwestern.


Prompt 2 (Recommended)

The following questions are optional, but we encourage you to answer at least one and no more than two. Please respond in fewer than 200 words per question.


Let’s be honest: especially at a school as selective as Northwestern, an “optional” essay is really just a required essay without the label—especially for an essay that is supposed to show why you and Northwestern are a great fit. This is an opportunity you should take advantage of: more space to sell yourself and highlight your achievements.


Prompt 2, Option A

Painting “The Rock” is a tradition at Northwestern that invites all forms of expression—students promote campus events or extracurricular groups, support social or activist causes, show their Wildcat spirit (what we call “Purple Pride”), celebrate their culture, and more. What would you paint on The Rock, and why? (200 words)


While brainstorming a hypothetical such as painting a rock may seem arbitrary and premature, this exercise cleverly disguises a far-more important question within its wording – What will you bring to Northwestern? While many people believe the admissions process is all about proving your academic prowess to an admissions counselor, the truth is that admissions is far more nuanced.


Colleges can and will choose to admit someone they find more complex and interesting than someone who may just look good on paper. While all supplemental essays offer you the chance to showcase this, this prompt in particular is a great opportunity to set yourself apart, that is, so long as you really do set yourself apart.


Brainstorming your topic:


The approach to this prompt is not about specifically brainstorming a specific message or work of art you hope to display on the Rock, but rather what kind of student and more importantly, person you will be at Northwestern. So, what kind of student are you hoping to be?


In order to answer this, it’s necessary to understand the values and culture of Northwestern. According to their website, Northwestern students lead with compassion, showcasing empathy and understanding, they model responsibility, are committed to social justice, embrace well-being, practicing open communication and helping others develop through candid feedback, among other qualities.


That’s a whole lot to choose from, but the throughlines are actually quite simple: In a nutshell, students at Northwestern do not value the individual over the community, they fight for each other and those overlooked, and they must uphold morality and ethical behavior in all endeavors, both academic, professional, and anywhere else.


Of course, the interpretation you have of Northwestern’s values is entirely up to you, but in general, reflect on the type of student you hope to be while in college. What excites you about learning in an environment like Northwestern? What goals do you have for yourself? What do you hope to engage in with others? What new horizons do you hope to explore? Let these questions guide your thinking and research, and ultimately, let them lead you to your answer.


Tips for writing your essay:


Once you have a clearer picture of what impact you hope to have at Northwestern, whether that be in extracurricular organizations, community service, or something else entirely, it’s time to translate that to what kind of message you would put on the rock. By now, it should become more apparent that the tradition of painting the rock is far less of an individual expression and more along the lines of a message or movement you hope to highlight to a wider community.


As such, you don’t need to begin your response with your answer. Instead, present your connection with whatever endeavor you wish to participate in. Perhaps you’ve chosen to write about your passion for community service, and your hopes to participate in one of Northwestern’s opportunities such as Jumpstart, which partners Northwestern students with preschool children in under-resourced communities to help improve the children’s language, literacy, and social skills to best prepare them for kindergarten. Rather than leading with “If there was anything I could paint on the rock, I would bring awareness to Northwestern’s Jumpstart program”, write first about the why. Consider this format:


I was diagnosed with dyslexia at a young age, a moment that shattered my educational experience before it even started. As I grew older, I learned I was fortunate enough to be at a school that understood the challenges I faced, giving me resources like extra time and faculty advisors to walk me through my early education. Now I feel a passion to help other children break through the barriers they may face in their education, whether that be through learning disabilities or financial or social inequity.


Northwestern’s Jumpstart program is an amazing opportunity that connects interested college students to these very communities, and I hope to channel my own experiences traversing educational challenges and insecurities to give back. Through engaging with the Jumpstart curriculum and supporting faculty in Chicago preschools, Jumpstart is an inspiring effort to connect college students to preschoolers, and is particularly inspiring to me, as I hope to be someone these students can rely on for patience and kindness. To me, this is a cause that can never have too much awareness, and as such, I’d team up with fellow Jumpstart members to showcase why the cause matters on the Rock.


No matter what prompt you respond to, the admissions staff is looking to learn more about you and what you care about, so regardless of which of your own experiences you’re drawing on, it is essential to explain your background and what made you into who you are today.


While this response may not immediately answer the question, it will paint a vivid picture of you that will eventually lead to a developed and well-thought-out answer. Before we know what you want to paint on the rock, we know you have a passion for community service, have a personal connection to that cause, and also value teamwork and collaboration when it comes to accomplishing your goals. No matter the specifics, showcasing a mature understanding of both the prompt and its impact will undoubtedly set you apart in the admissions process.


Mistakes to avoid:


On the flip side, it is vital to not opt to paint something that only serves to benefit you, or only expresses your distinct interests or motivations. A real-world example of this comes from a popular Northwestern story in which a student chose to paint the rock in honor of their mother’s birthday. While this is undoubtedly a nice gesture, think of the implications of writing this in a response to this prompt. Not only does it not show an interest in advancing or helping Northwestern’s community or other communities, it also reads as a narrow-minded choice of expression when provided with a platform for messages to be seen by a wider community.


Prompt 2, Option B

Northwestern fosters a distinctively interdisciplinary culture. We believe discovery and innovation thrive at the intersection of diverse ideas, perspectives, and academic interests. Within this setting, if you could dream up an undergraduate class, research project, or creative effort (a start-up, a design prototype, a performance, etc.), what would it be? Who might be some ideal classmates or collaborators? (200 words)


This is a broad question that inspires you to think creatively, and really throw out an area of interest you’re hoping to explore or a far-off goal you’re hoping to achieve while at Northwestern. It’s a foray into independent study, and should hopefully get you thinking about what kind of undertakings you wish to encounter while in college and have resources at your disposal. It’s Northwestern asking you for your passion project, and as such, it should be treated with as much creativity and personality as possible.


Brainstorming your topic:


This will most likely be the hardest stage of answering this prompt, so if you already have an idea of what you want to write about, a lot of your hard work is actually done. The reason this may prove challenging for you, however, is that there is a fine line between ambition and unrealistic thought.


While you may be able to come up with a variety of projects you would love to explore, your eventual response should feel grounded and rooted in research you’ve done into ongoing endeavors at Northwestern as well as recent or even past projects students and professors have completed. Writing that you wish to design a drug that can reverse the effects of human aging is certainly an impressive undertaking, but it means nothing unless you’ve rooted your response in truth.


That being said, don’t feel you need to restrict yourself quite yet at this stage. Really think about what you are genuinely passionate about, and take those ideas and begin researching how Northwestern can help you engage with them. If it remains in the field of science, look through a directory of professors, read and understand the research they’ve conducted, and browse through the courses that may already exist related to your field of interest. 


If it’s in the arts or humanities, the process is similar, but instead of corresponding your investigation to practical research, look into what students are actively creating at Northwestern. Are there design labs they collaborate in? How are students guided toward their art projects? What obstacles do students face in enacting their visions?


The second part of this response deals with who you hope to engage within your project or research. While this may seem like a convoluted hypothetical, it’s perhaps the most important part of this prompt. This is your chance to really get specific, and showcase your plan of action when you do hopefully attend Northwestern. 


Are there specific clubs or classes you can join to meet students with similar interests and questions? Are there any overarching research programs related to your interest, and if so, what professors are at the forefront? How do you hope to rally interest behind your chosen topic?


Remember that just because you’re interested in something, doesn’t mean everyone else will automatically be onboard. It’s important to write about why your chosen topic is not only exciting to you but can also enhance learning and the curriculum already in place at Northwestern.


Tips for writing your essay:


Once you’ve chosen your ideal academic effort and have done the research, you’ll have a much easier time showcasing your ambition and creativity by using facts. As usual with many supplemental essays, the heart of your response lies in your personal connection to the prompt. Whatever you’ve chosen to write about hopefully already has a personal component to it, so lead with that. In doing so, you’ll hook the reader in before engaging them with specifics, which will serve you well when you prove that you can back up your proposal with research.


Using the example of aging research, consider this response:


“If I could design any new academic program at Northwestern, there would be no other choice for me than to design a new undergraduate curriculum for aging research. My hope would be to combine modern technology with past research in order to develop new solutions to life’s oldest questions and problems, and inspire other students to further dive into this relatively under researched field.”


Amongst many problems with this response, the one that will stick out the most is a lack of any human spirit or emotion. Anybody can sit down and type out a response about their hopes to expand awareness of a field of study to a larger student body, but not everyone thinks the way you will. Not everyone has even an acute interest in the subject, including the admissions reader. The admissions reader is not looking for a new idea to add to the existing curriculum, they’re looking for a new student with a fresh perspective. Let’s tweak that response, and make it much more personal:


My grandma passed away a few years before I was born from something inherently avoidable – old age. While this may sound juvenile, a stubborn personality combined with a quickly rotating assembly of doctors made it difficult for my grandma to receive proper care in her golden years. Learning about this has made me incredibly passionate about the study of aging, specifically how modern technology can be used to provide care like never before, not just in efficacy, but in convenience for the patient.


Northwestern is already a pioneer in aging research, being home to the renowned Potocsnak Longevity Institute and devoted research to “SuperAgers”, Nanoscience, and Translational Biology. To address the few opportunities for undergraduate students to engage with this research, my proposal is for there to be a broad program to encourage and teach students about this field and its importance, using research from current Northwestern faculty to guide them…”


While it’s always important to ensure your personal statement does not overstay its welcome, the personal statement is vital in planting the seeds for the rest of your response, as showcased here. Now that we understand this hypothetical student’s rationale for caring about the study of aging, we become open to hearing their proposal on the subject, and in doing so, the actual proposal matters less.


This student also cites Northwestern’s pre-existing work in this field, and will go on to add their own ideas on how undergraduates can get increasingly involved with Northwestern faculty working on the frontlines of this research. As a result, the student has showcased they have a genuine passion and understanding for the subject, as well as a genuine passion and understanding of the school at large.


Prompt 2, Option C

Community and belonging matter at Northwestern. Tell us about one or more communities, networks, or student groups you see yourself connecting with on campus. (200 words)


This prompt is a variation of a Why This College essay, asking you to specifically name and elaborate on various communities or groups you hope to be a part of when attending Northwestern. It’s your chance to demonstrate the impact you hope to have while at Northwestern, and finding specificity in your answer can really separate you from the pack. 


It is also a chance for you to highlight aspects of yourself that may not be readily apparent on other parts of your application, giving you the opportunity to showcase communities you’ve been a part of in the past as well as elaborate on some aspects of your identity.


Brainstorming your topic:


The first step in choosing a topic comes with researching Northwestern’s various communities, networks, and student groups. Research can come in the form of visiting the various organizations’ websites, diving into school forums to hear what students are engaging with, to even talking with current and past Northwestern students about the communities they’ve been a part of while on campus. 


If you find yourself overwhelmed with the sheer number of communities found on campus (Northwestern has almost 500 student organizations), another approach you can take is first deciding what kind of community you hope most to be a part of if you become a Northwestern student. 


Reflect on communities that you’ve been a part of in the past, and decide whether your engagement with those communities has had a lasting effect on your interests and identity. Chances are there will be a number of communities you both already identify with and exist on Northwestern’s campus, and drawing a link between past and future will be a great way for you to develop your response.


Remember that this prompt isn’t just for the admissions reader to get a better sense of who you are, but to see how you may fit into Northwestern’s larger culture and the communities that exist there. As such, it’s important to research the core values and principles of Northwestern.


For example, one of Northwestern’s core values is a commitment to social justice, so if you were part of an activism group in your high school that gave you a sense of pride and purpose, it would be easy for you to draw a link between your past experiences and potential ones you may have as a continuing member of a community dedicated to social justice.


Once you’ve reflected on your past community involvement, it may become easier for you to source the communities at Northwestern you’re interested in connecting with. And while the prompt allows you to elaborate on multiple communities, you may find it easier to focus on just one community to highlight in your 200-word response.


Finally, remember that “community” can mean several different things, and does not necessarily need to be a student group or organization. Community can refer to an identity, interest, ethnicity, personality trait, or something else entirely. It’s defined by you, and as such, is defined by what you choose to write about.


Tips for writing your essay:


Once you’ve chosen a community at Northwestern to write about, consider the impact said the community would have on your experience at the school, on your goals both academically and personally, and how being a part of that community would allow you to apply yourself to the campus community as a whole. 


Remember to be as specific as you possibly can and show a genuine interest and understanding of how said community operates at Northwestern. Following on the path of communities dedicated to the pursuit of social justice, consider this response:


I grew up in a rural town without access to clean water. I embarked on an initiative with fellow students to bring water to our community, and in doing so, learned much about the environment, our country’s infrastructure, and what my generation can do to help. As such, I can not foresee a world where I don’t invest as much time as I have into the Kellogg Energy and Sustainability Club at Northwestern.


My commitment to environmental justice is life-long, and the Energy and Sustainability Club’s efforts to bring students and faculty together to change the way businesses and organizations work in the environment is something I’m eager to be a part of. The club’s dedication to making an impact not just on the environment, but people in positions of power, is inspiring. I believe that the key to my team’s success in high school was not any single individual’s desire to make change, but how our collective desires continued to inspire each other, and the community that the Energy and Sustainability Club fosters is vital to that cause.


This hypothetical response draws a clear connection between the student’s existing membership in a community of environmental activists and their desire to attend Northwestern, thus painting a precise picture for admissions officers of how they’d contribute to the school’s campus life. 


Prompt 2, Option D

Northwestern’s location is special: on the shore of Lake Michigan, steps from downtown Evanston, just a few miles from Chicago. What aspects of our location are most compelling to you, and why? (200 words)


This prompt asks you to highlight your interest in one of Northwestern’s crown jewels – its close proximity to the bustling city of Chicago. There are many different directions you can take this response, but the most important quality of your answer lies in demonstrating the personal impact and benefits the location will offer you.


Brainstorming your topic:


Asking you to identify the parts of Chicago and its surrounding area you are most looking forward to living around is no small task – the region offers so many exciting opportunities, particularly for a college-aged student. 


You can choose to take a cultural route, writing about Chicago’s history, food, music, art, or anything in between, or you can take a practical route, writing about the various major businesses that call Chicago home and the connection Northwestern has with companies and other organizations in the greater Chicago area, or perhaps even an unconventional route entirely, something like writing about your obsession with sustainability and how the city of Chicago has always been a global leader in pioneering sustainability efforts. 


In all of these routes, the key throughline is to be incredibly specific. The more specific you are with your answer on why you think the location is special, the more specific you are really being about what makes you special.


Do research on the various elements of Chicago and its surrounding area that appeal to you, and see if you can elaborate on your personal connection with them.


Tips for writing your essay:


Undoubtedly, one of the most difficult things about this essay will be choosing a topic to write about, and while there may be many things you hope to explore and engage with while attending Northwestern, it is important to narrow it down to not just the ones you’re most interested in, but the ones you believe showcase why going to Northwestern would be a special experience for you. 


Set up your response by sharing a personal anecdote or personal interest that you have, before diving into what Northwestern’s location offers for someone like you. Finally, wrap up your response by connecting the location back to Northwestern itself, and exactly how the school ties into the life you hope to live there. Here’s an example:


“I could not tell you the first thing about how to play an instrument, but perhaps that’s exactly why I’m so infatuated with Jazz. Maybe it’s the eclectic style of play, the chaotic structure of the music or rather lack thereof, or maybe it’s the bustling vibrant sounds themselves, whatever it is, Jazz has been a lifelong obsession with mine. The opportunity to go to a school with not just so many amazing music opportunities on campus, but one that is at the doorstep of one of the Jazz capitals of the world, is an absolute dream come true.


Home to the Chicago Jazz Festival, a music festival I’ve been following my whole life, Chicago’s rich Jazz scene that’s housed many of my personal heroes is alive and well. While my parents may fear my proximity to so much jazz may endanger my studies, I believe it to be the exact opposite. The idea of jazz is grounded in spontaneity, curiosity, and instinct, all three of which I aim to channel as a student at Northwestern…”


Mistakes to avoid:


Avoiding generalizations will be important to any kind of response you write about to this prompt. Chicago has so much to offer, and especially for admissions readers, they don’t need to be told about what the city has to offer so much as what the city has to offer you. For example, just because you watch and love The Bear, doesn’t mean that the thing you’re most excited for in Chicago is an Italian Beef sandwich. Remember to get specific with your answers and paint a picture of why the school’s location is impactful for you specifically.


Prompt 2, Option E

Northwestern is a place where people with diverse backgrounds from all over the world can study, live, and talk with one another. This range of experiences and viewpoints immeasurably enriches learning. How might your individual background contribute to this diversity of perspectives in Northwestern’s classrooms and around our campus? (200 words)

This is a relatively straightforward Diversity Essay, and tasks you with sharing a part of your background that you feel like you’d be bringing to campus. And diversity doesn’t necessarily have to mean things like ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status, diversity can be whatever you define it to be, whether that has to do with your interests, experiences, family, languages, or something else entirely. However, it’s important to really reflect on what diversity means to you before just quantifying anything as a diverse perspective. 


In taking that step, think about the aspects of your identity that you feel make you most unique. Think about your upbringing, your personality traits, your mistakes, experiences, and then even things that you felt were out of your control – what challenges have you faced because of things that may not have been your fault? Have you faced any prejudices? Any hardships because of your identity? Even reflecting on how you learned about or accepted your identity can be a great way to elaborate on your diversity.


It’s important to ask yourself these specific questions because whatever you do choose to write about will need to be very specific. A great way to give an admissions reader insight into the individual background you’d be bringing to campus is to open with an anecdote. Real anecdotes will allow an admissions reader to put themselves in your shoes, and be able to further understand how your individual background has affected you. Your chosen anecdote doesn’t necessarily have to be a hardship or an instance of prejudice, a unique cultural tradition, value, or family experience can be equally as effective in showcasing your diversity.


The second part of this prompt asks you specifically how you hope your individual background will contribute to Northwestern’s campus and community as a whole. This part of the prompt can be a little trickier, especially without actually being a student on campus. As such, this aspect of your response doesn’t need to be nearly as long, especially considering you only have 200 words total to answer. However, it’s still important to do your research as to what organizations or resources are on campus that you hope to engage with as well as what you hope your individual background can contribute to others. 


Perhaps you can write about how you hope to get involved with events with Multicultural Student Affairs, or how you hope to take a class in the Asian American Studies program to learn more about your own identity, or how you plan to engage with various LGBTQ+ organizations on campus to continue to advocate for inclusion and acceptance. Whatever route you choose to go down, be specific. Talk about specific events, classes, or organizations. Discuss their impact on campus and the community. And most importantly, talk about the impact it would have on you.


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Our college essay experts go through a rigorous selection process that evaluates their writing skills and knowledge of college admissions. We also train them on how to interpret prompts, facilitate the brainstorming process, and provide inspiration for great essays, with curriculum culled from our years of experience helping students write essays that work.