What are your chances of acceptance?

Your chance of acceptance
University of Scranton
University of Scranton
Duke University
Duke University
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

A Quick Guide to the University of Scranton

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by admissions counselor Joe DiBenedetto in a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info.


What’s Covered:



In this post, we discuss the University of Scranton in Scranton, Pennsylvania.


By the Numbers


The University of Scranton is a small- to medium-sized school with around 3,500 undergraduate students. The class sizes are small enough that you can retain friendships that you make in your first few semesters yet big enough for you to meet new people along the way, no matter what year you’re in.


The university also has an 88% first-year retention rate, meaning that this percentage of first-year students returns for their sophomore year. This is a higher rate than the national average, which is around 70% to 75%, and higher than the average for similarly sized schools, which is around 80%. 


Values at the University of Scranton


The University of Scranton was founded in 1888 as St. Thomas College. In 1942, the school became entrusted to the Society of Jesus, and since then, it has been known as the University of Scranton. It is one of the few Jesuit universities in the United States—of which there are only 27—and the Jesuit traditions encourage students to think outside the box while inside the classroom. Beyond the classroom, Scranton students learn to be the best versions of themselves, so when it’s time to cross the stage at graduation, they’re more than ready to take on the next chapter in life, whatever that may look like. 


The term “magis,” which means “more” in Latin, is crucial in the Jesuit tradition and to Scranton students. It encapsulates going above and beyond, striving for excellence, and pushing yourself to achieve your goals. 


Another important Latin term at the University of Scranton is “cura personalis,” which means “care for the entire person.” The school defines this as devoting all of its attention to its students. You’re not just a number at Scranton—you’re a name, and you become a familiar face across the campus. The faculty not only cares about how students are performing academically but also socially and spiritually. 


A final principal value at Scranton is “being one for and with others.” There’s a powerful sense of community and support at the university, whether it’s inside the classroom, outside the classroom, or in your career. This support system exists among students, professors, and alumni, and it truly makes the University of Scranton stand out among other schools. 


Religion at the University of Scranton


Regarding the Catholic aspect of the University of Scranton, student life is as religious as each individual student makes it. The college is accepting of all backgrounds, traditions, beliefs, and faiths. Nothing is forced upon students and nothing is rejected. Students practice their faith on campus only when and if they want to.