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10 West Virginia Scholarships to Save You Thousands on College

What’s Covered:


If you’re a West Virginia student with dreams of attending college, you may well be wondering how you’ll be able to pay for your education. The price tag of tuition, fees, housing, and more is quite high. But you’re in luck. We’ve rounded up some of the best scholarships for West Virginia students.


10 West Virginia Scholarships


1. West Virginia Promise Scholarship


Amount: Tuition and fees or $5,000 (whichever is less)

Deadline: March 1

Eligibility: Minimum 21 ACT or 1080 SAT and 3.0 GPA

Application Requirements: Application, FAFSA, ACT/SAT scores


The West Virginia State Legislature awards this merit-based scholarship to promising students who are planning on attending one of the state’s two- or four-year institutions. The scholarship is renewable, contingent upon meeting certain academic requirements.


2. Mary Olive Eddy Jones Art Scholarship


Amount: $1,000

Deadline: N/A

Eligibility: High school seniors or college students pursuing an art degree at a West Virginia college

Application Requirements: Application, resume, Letter of Intent, transcript, two evaluation forms


Honoring the memory of a beloved West Virginia artist and kindergarten teacher, the Mary Olive Eddy Jones Art Scholarship benefits college students in West Virginia. Students should complete a Letter of Intent describing their career interests and experiences in art.


3. High Technology Scholars Program


Amount: $500

Deadline: N/A

Eligibility: High school seniors from specified counties planning on studying a technology-related field at a West Virginia college or university 

Application Requirements: Application, resume, Letter of Intent, transcript, SAT or ACT scores, two evaluation forms


Awarded by the Mollohan Foundation, the High Technology Scholars Program encourages students to pursue technology-related education. The goal of the program is to incentivize students to work in West Virginia after college.


4. Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation Scholarships


Amount: Varies by specific scholarship

Deadline: February 1

Eligibility: Varies by specific scholarship

Application Requirements: FAFSA, application


TGKVF administers more than 500 funds, including more than 100 designated for statewide scholarships. Students should review scholarships on the website to learn more about the individual awards. 


5. West Virginia Higher Education Grant


Amount: Up to $3,000 (WV institutions) or up to $6,000 (PA institutions)

Deadline: April 15

Eligibility: High school graduate or equivalent; must demonstrate financial need and attend a WV or PA undergraduate institution full-time

Application Requirements: FAFSA


For students who demonstrate academic promise, this grant is a means of financing your education in West Virginia or Pennsylvania. It is renewable, so long as students complete the FAFSA every year, maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA, and complete 24 credit hours per year (two semesters).


6. Women’s Opportunity Fund – Linda Culp Memorial Scholarship


Amount: N/A

Deadline: June 27

Eligibility: Must reside in a specified county in West Virginia or Ohio; must have been single parents/part of families experiencing significant crises or financial setbacks

Application Requirements: Essays


The Women’s Opportunity Fund – Linda Culp Memorial Scholarship is intended to benefit women pursuing an education to improve their lives and better support their families. As part of their applications, candidates should include essays that describe their career goals and a person or event that has influenced them in the way they have chosen to live their lives.


7. Carl R. Morris Memorial Scholarship


Amount: $1,000

Deadline: April 15

Eligibility: Must reside in Calhoun County and attend or plan to attend Alderson-Broaddus College, Glenville State College, or West Virginia University; must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and demonstrate financial need

Application Requirements: Application, resume, Letter of Intent, FAFSA or other financial need documentation, essay, transcript, two evaluation forms, copy of acceptance letter


Established in honor of Carl R. Morris, this scholarship is awarded to students who are committed to education and community, emulating Morris’ commitment. Applicants must complete a Letter of Intent addressing their financial need.


8. West Virginia Engineering, Science and Technology Scholarship


Amount: Up to $3,000 per year

Deadline: March 1

Eligibility: Minimum 3.0 GPA; must be accepted into or enrolled in an engineering, science, or technology program leading to a certificate or an associate or bachelor’s degree at an eligible institution

Application Requirements: Application


The WV STEM Scholarship enables and encourages academically talented individuals to pursue careers in engineering, science, and technology in West Virginia. Priority will be given to residents of West Virginia.


9. Underwood-Smith Teaching Scholars Program


Amount: Up to $10,000 per year

Deadline: December 31

Eligibility: Must agree to teach in a West Virginia public school in an area of critical need for a period of five years after graduating; must be a high school senior or recent graduate with a minimum 3.25 GPA and 21 Math/18 English ACT or 530 Math/480 English SAT

Application Requirements: N/A


This prestigious scholarship benefits recent high school graduates who pursue careers as WV teachers in math, science, elementary education, or special education. Applicants should have a passion for teaching and a history of high academic achievement, community service, and active involvement in extracurricular activities while in high school. 


10. Allegheny Mountain Section Air & Waste Management Assn. Scholarships


Amount: $4,000

Deadline: March 31

Eligibility: Must attend an institution in the designated geographical area; 

Application Requirements: Essay, two letters of recommendation, letter of acceptance from an institution in the designated geographical area, transcript, resume


The Allegheny Mountain Section of the Air & Waste Management Association offers scholarships to students pursuing an environmental career. The student’s institution must be in the Association’s geographical area (all of Pennsylvania west of the Susquehanna River to the Ohio border, as well as West Virginia).



Tips for Applying for Scholarships


1. Focus on your college or university first.


Your first and best source of financial aid is the college or university you attend. Institutional aid will comprise the majority of your scholarships, including both merit and need-based awards. Outside scholarships, like the ones on this list, can help you fill in the gaps. 


2. Start early.


Some scholarships have deadlines earlier than your senior year of high school. But even those with later deadlines will require some preparation, so it’s a good idea to plan out your strategy and start looking for scholarships as soon as possible. This will save you time and energy in the long run.


3. Look for niche scholarships.


Niche scholarships, such as those on this list, tend to be easier to secure than those that accept applications from a huge pool of candidates. Look for scholarships targeting people with your demographics, talents, or intended major or career. And keep applying for as many as you qualify for — there’s no limit!

Short Bio
Laura Berlinsky-Schine is a freelance writer and editor based in Brooklyn with her demigod/lab mix Hercules. She specializes in education, technology and career development. She also writes satire and humor, which has appeared in Slackjaw, Points in Case, Little Old Lady Comedy, Jane Austen’s Wastebasket, and Funny-ish. View her work and get in touch at: www.lauraberlinskyschine.com.