What are your chances of acceptance?

Your chance of acceptance
Xavier University
Xavier University
Duke University
Duke University
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What Is Campus Life Like at Xavier University?

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Mac Yates, an Admissions Counselor at Xavier University, in a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info.


What’s Covered



Where Do Students Live at Xavier University?


Most students at Xavier University are required to live on campus during their first two years. They reside in the freshman and sophomore dorms in the middle of campus, which facilitates social opportunities for new students and ensures that dining halls, classes, events, and extracurricular activities are all convenient. The walk across campus is only 15 minutes long, making everything at Xavier University accessible without a bike or car. 


Though students can live on campus all four years, most juniors and seniors tend to pursue off-campus houses or apartments instead. This housing traditionally remains within walking distance of the university but offers more freedom to live with friends, gain responsibility, and save money on room and board fees. 


How to Get Involved at Xavier University


With over 170 student organizations at Xavier University, there’s no shortage of things to do. To help new students explore, the university hosts a “Club Day” at the beginning of each semester. Student organizations set up tables, and students can talk to current members, get more information, sign up for emails and meetings, or pick up club merchandise. 


During new students’ time at the school, Xavier University encourages them to follow the “Rule of Threes” when deciding which student organizations to join. 


The first “rule” is to get involved with an activity that pertains to a student’s major, such as the American Marketing Association, the pre-health society, or a professional fraternity. 


The second rule is to join something that the student enjoyed in high school. If they were part of the Future Business Leaders of America or Key Club, for example, involvement with those organizations can continue while in college. 


The final rule is to try a new extracurricular that is outside of their comfort zone. This might mean joining a new academic club or a religious or spiritual group. Regardless of the activity, it’s a great way for students to meet people, expand their interests, and learn something new.


Students can also start their own clubs. With a few peers who want to join and the approval of the Student Activities Council, the options are endless.


Service Learning at Xavier University


Xavier University’s focus on service means there is no shortage of ways that students can connect with volunteer opportunities either on campus or in the greater Cincinnati area. 


The school regularly holds Community Action Days, during which the Xavier students, faculty, staff, and alumni come together on a Saturday morning to volunteer. The day begins with breakfast on the main lawn before participants split into groups around the city for various community-oriented projects. Everyone reconvenes for lunch and to reflect on the impact of the day.


Xavier University also offers Alternative Breaks for students who want to spend their academic holidays volunteering. Before the fall or spring breaks, students can assist in planning and fundraising for their trip. The group will then travel and volunteer with a particular focus. These trips often include faculty and students of various ages, providing the opportunity to make meaningful connections with peers.


For more information on the school’s admission, cost, or academic opportunities, check out CollegeVine’s Xavier University profile.