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When Do SAT Subject Test Scores Come Out?


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The college admissions process is truly a testing-heavy venture, and it can start as early as your freshman year of high school. For starters, you need to take AP/IB exams for every single one of those advanced courses you take if you want to earn college credit; most students have to take the SAT/ACT (or both) more than once just to get their goal score; and this is on top of the normal exams, quizzes, and assignments that you need to complete just to pass your classes. Now, just when you think you’re done, many colleges require one or two OTHER standardized tests: SAT Subject Tests.


SAT Subject Tests, also known as SAT II’s, are created and administered by the same organization that administers the SAT: the College Board. However, SAT Subject Tests are completely different exams that require different study strategies and a different level of time commitment.


Many elite colleges recommend that students take 1-2 SAT Subject Tests and send those scores along with their applications. But when do SAT Subject Test scores even come out? In other words, how long do you have to wait, biting your nails, to see if you did well on your SAT Subject Tests? Read on to find out.


A Quick Review: What Are SAT Subject Tests?


SAT Subject Tests are standardized examinations that end up being supplementary components of your college application. Each subject test is one-hour long, but most students opt to take multiple SAT Subject Tests one after another.


Each test is subject-specific, and you get to choose which subjects you want to be tested in. The SAT Subject Test disciplines range all the way from English literature to Physics, so you’re bound to find something that you could excel in. Finally, for the most part, SAT Subject Tests are largely multiple-choice, with a similar scoring system as that of the SAT.


Some schools require or recommend the number of SAT Subject Tests a student should take, and many recommend the specific subject as well. Which SAT Subject Test will be recommended for you highly depends on your intended major, however. For example, if you’re planning on studying Business, most colleges will ask you to take Math Level II and any non-STEM subject test. However, if you’re going into a STEM field, colleges usually ask that you take two STEM-related subject tests.


Once you’ve taken an SAT Subject Test, you will receive a score report from the College Board. This score report will contain a composite score from 200-800, and that is the score that colleges want to see. The higher your score is, the better.


When Do SAT Subject Test Scores Come Out?


The College Board will grade your exam after you sit and take the test and give you your scores via your Online Score Report. If you did not register for your SAT Subject Test online, your scores will be sent in paper form in the mail. If you wish, you can receive your scores via phone, but this will cost you an extra fee.


Of course, it takes a bit of time for the College Board to turn around these exams and give you your scores. The College Board is advertising that score reports should be available approximately 13 days after you sit and take the exam.  However, there are some exceptions, as displayed below.


Here are the implications for the SAT Subject Test Dates for the 2019-2020 academic year:



Test Date When the Score Report Will Be Available
Prior to or during May 2019 Already available online
June 1st, 2019 July 10th, 2019
August 24th, 2019 September 6th, 2019
October 5th, 2019 October 18th, 2019
November 2nd, 2019 November 15th, 2019
December 7th, 2019 December 20th, 2019
May 2nd, 2020 May 15th, 2020
June 6, 2020 July 15th, 2020


If you signed up to send your SAT Subject Test scores to colleges, your scores will be sent within 10 days after you receive your online score report.

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What Should Students Do Once They Get Their Score?


Well, the simplest answer is that it depends. Depending on whether you are applying to college soon or have some time before you apply and want to get ahead of the game, your next steps may be very different. Here are the most common scenarios that we at CollegeVine have dealt with.


  1. You’re not applying to college soon


In other words, you’re still a freshman, sophomore, or junior in high school. If that’s the case, kudos to you for getting your SAT Subject Tests out of the way! Regardless of whether you were happy with your score or not, you shouldn’t be sending them to colleges just yet. If you liked your score, hold on to your score reports, as you will need to send them whenever your college applications season begins. If you didn’t like your score, take a small break, and then try taking the test again. The good news is that you have plenty of time to get your goal score.


  1. You are applying to college soon


  • If you were happy with your score: Congratulations! You can check that off of your college application checklist! If you’ve narrowed down your school list, you can start sending your scores to the colleges that require them. Keep in mind that there may be a fee associated with this. You can send your scores online via College Board, and you usually have until early January of your Senior Year to do so. Just don’t forget!


  • If you weren’t happy with your score: We’re sorry to hear that, but alas, not all hope is lost. If you’ve taken your subject test early enough to where you can take it again and get your scores back in time to send them to colleges by the deadline, then by all means, sign up for another test date and try again. You can either take the same subject again or, if you’re feeling up to it, try a different subject that you might excel a bit more in.


Now, if you have taken your SAT Subject Test right before the deadline to send it to colleges, unfortunately, you still need to send that score in order for your application to be considered complete. While this is disappointing, it is certainly not the end of the world. As mentioned above, SAT Subject Test scores are a supplemental part of your application. This means that just because you didn’t score as well as you wanted to on your SAT Subject Test does not mean that you won’t get into the school of your dreams.


Lastly, it is important that, before you think about next steps, please take a small break. Taking these long standardized tests is a mentally taxing and draining process. For the sake of your physical and mental health, give yourself some time to de-stress and relax before you go back into hardcore study mode. You will be emotionally, and physically, better off in the long run.


For More Information


SAT Subject Tests are not as well-covered as the SAT and the ACT. Luckily, we at CollegeVine have covered these extensively. For everything you need to know about SAT Subject Tests and the scores that come with them, check out the following blog posts:


How Are SAT Subject Tests Scored?

What’s a Good SAT Subject Test Score?

SAT Subject Tests: Answers To Our Most Frequently Asked Questions

Complete List of SAT Subject Tests


Preparing for the SAT? Download our free guide with our top 8 tips for mastering the SAT.


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Sadhvi Mathur
Senior Blogger

Short Bio
Sadhvi is a recent graduate from the University of California, Berkeley, where she double majored in Economics and Media Studies. Having applied to over 8 universities, each with different application platforms and requirements, she is eager to share her knowledge now that her application process is over. Other than writing, Sadhvi's interests include dancing, playing the piano, and trying not to burn her apartment down when she cooks!