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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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What does it really cost to attend Johns Hopkins University?

Is your child considering attending Johns Hopkins University? The country’s first research university, Hopkins has a stellar reputation and boasts alumni success in a number of fields, from medicine to international relations.


As with many top-ranking colleges and universities, the high cost of attendance at Hopkins may seem overwhelming. However, it’s important to understand that the list price is unlikely to be your actual cost of attendance. Your net cost, the actual out-of-pocket cost, will depend on the financial aid you receive.


Among government aid (federal, state, and local), institutional aid, and merit scholarships, your net cost is likely to be far lower than Hopkins’ list price, depending, of course, on your family’s income and financial situation.


So, what can you expect to pay if your child decides to attend Hopkins? We’ll break down the costs, including the cost of living in Baltimore and expected earnings for graduates.


Want to learn what Johns Hopkins University will actually cost you based on your income? And how long your application to the school should take? Here’s what every student considering Johns Hopkins University needs to know.


What Is the List Price of Attending Hopkins?


The list price of attendance, including tuition, room, and board, for Hopkins is $67,650. The price does not vary for in- and out-of-state students, since the university is private.


Typically, families who earn above $175,000 annually pay the list price. Students who are in the very top tier of accepted students may receive merit aid.


Financial Aid Net Price


Students who receive financial aid and no merit scholarships pay a net cost of $58,502 on average. Remember that financial aid packages will vary considerably based on family incomes. The average net prices for different income brackets are:


Family Income Average Net Price
$0-$30,000 $12,297*
$30,001-$48,000 $7,096
$48,001-$75,000 $14,488
$75,001-$110,000 $27,600
Over $110,000 $44,393

* Note: Many low-income families receive Pell Grants, offsetting accounting for the higher cost compared with the next income bracket.


Merit Aid Net Price


Only 2.8 percent of students who do not receive need-based aid receive merit aid. The average merit award for students without need is $925. So, for students who do not qualify for need-based aid but do receive merit aid, the average net price for attending Hopkins is $66,725.


Among over 1,000 schools Collegevine analyzed for merit aid generosity, Hopkins ranks 776th.

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Average Loans/Debt for Hopkins Students


Sixty-four percent of Hopkins students take out student loans, with an average federal student loan of $4,062. Unlike scholarships, work-study, grants, and some other parts of financial aid packages, loans must be repaid according to a certain time table after students graduate.


Other Ways to Save During College


Even with financial aid, college can be expensive. Still, there are plenty of ways to cut costs and save money. Some Hopkins students work part-time jobs during the school year or breaks. Your child can also look into outside merit scholarships, which can supplement financial aid packages and institutional merit awards. Do read the rules carefully to determine whether a particular scholarship will affect your child’s overall financial aid package.


Hopkins does not award scholarship money for National Merit Scholars beyond the Scholarship prize of $2,500. However, it does award several other merit-based scholarships for select students. Learn more about these and need-based scholarships.


Expected Outcomes For Hopkins Graduates


Backed by a strong education and prestigious degree, Hopkins students and graduates are primed to succeed. Ninety-one percent of students graduate within six years, and alumni average $73,200 annually after 10 years.


Local Area Cost Considerations In Baltimore:


Cost of Living Index


The cost of living index for Baltimore is 96.8, meaning it is about 3.2 percent lower than the national average. Students will likely find that the city is affordable and provides plenty of options for living, working, and entertainment within walking distance of Homewood Campus.


Average Apartment Costs


While all first- and second-year students are required to live on campus at Hopkins, most upperclassmen live off campus. The average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Baltimore is $1,342 per month and $1,632 for a two-bedroom apartment. Students may be able to find even more affordable apartments in Charles Village, where Hopkins is located, because the area caters to undergraduates and graduates.


Upperclassmen seeking off-campus housing can consult the Off-Campus Housing Office, which provides resources and assists students with finding apartments near Homewood Campus.


Minimum Wage and Salary Information in Maryland


The minimum wage in Maryland is $10.10/hour. In the Baltimore-Columbia-Towson Metropolitan Statistical Area, the mean wage for hourly workers was $27.12 in 2017, 11 percent higher than the national average, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It’s important to keep in mind that this average accounts for a wide range of occupations, not just entry-level positions.


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Short Bio
Laura Berlinsky-Schine is a freelance writer and editor based in Brooklyn with her demigod/lab mix Hercules. She specializes in education, technology and career development. She also writes satire and humor, which has appeared in Slackjaw, Points in Case, Little Old Lady Comedy, Jane Austen’s Wastebasket, and Funny-ish. View her work and get in touch at: www.lauraberlinskyschine.com.