What are your chances of acceptance?

Your chance of acceptance
 Holy Cross
Holy Cross
Duke University
Duke University
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What Are Some Traditions at the College of the Holy Cross?

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Kamela Dino, Assistant Director of Admission at the College of the Holy Cross, in a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info. 


What’s Covered:



In this post, we explore exciting traditions that take place at the College of the Holy Cross, such as move-in day activities, midnight breakfasts, the annual concert, and the ability to explore the city of Worcester. For more information about the school, check out our quick guide to Holy Cross.


Move-In Day


New students actually experience one of Holy Cross’s traditions on their first day there. Older students volunteer to help the new students bring their belongings into their dorm rooms, so as a new student, you won’t be carrying anything that you bring to campus! This is such a special way to begin your time at Holy Cross because it really immerses you in the community and helps you get a sense of how much everyone cares about each other.


Midnight Breakfasts


Another beloved tradition at Holy Cross is the midnight breakfast held during finals season. Each night during finals week, students gather at midnight and are served a special breakfast by the faculty, who take the time out of their nights to come back to campus and participate. You could be served breakfast by one of your professors or even the university president! This tradition is a fun way for students to let off a little steam during this stressful period and connect with other students and faculty.


The Annual Concert


Every year, there is a concert held on Holy Cross’s campus. The Campus Activities Board raises money and books a singer or band to come perform at the school. This is an extremely fun event that Holy Cross students always look forward to. 


Exploring Worcester


One of the most exciting traditions at Holy Cross is exploring the city of Worcester. There are many museums to go to, including the Worcester Historical Museum and Worcester Art Museum. Both are amazing places to visit and give students a sense of the community off campus. 


There are also frequent concerts, beautiful parks (such as Elm Park), and incredible restaurants. Many students go to Shrewsbury Street to explore all kinds of cuisines, including Greek, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, and Jamaican. There are at least 100 languages spoken in Worcester, and about 25% of Worcester residents speak a language other than English, so it’s an incredibly diverse and exciting place to live.


You can also attend WooSox (Worcester Red Sox) minor league baseball games, catch a show at the Hanover Theatre, or take the train into Boston!


What Are Your Chances of Acceptance?


While Holy Cross’s acceptance rate is low in general, your personal chances of acceptance may be higher or lower. To better understand your chances at Holy Cross, we recommend using our free admissions calculator. Using your grades, test scores, and extracurriculars, we estimate your odds of acceptance and give you tips on improving your profile.


You can also search for best-fit schools based on your chances and factors like size, location, majors, and more. This tool will make it much easier to create a strategy for your college application process.