Texas Tech Acceptance Rate: What Does it Take to Get In?
A large research university located in Lubbock, Texas, Texas Tech University offers 150 undergraduate courses of study across 13 schools. Just what does it take to get in? Here’s what you should know.
Applying to Texas Tech: A Quick Review
In order to apply to Texas Tech, you’ll need to submit your:
- ApplyTexas Application
- $75 Application Fee or Fee Waiver
- Official High School Transcript, including rank and diploma type (applicants with nontraditional secondary schooling, such as homeschooled students or those who complete a GED, will be assigned a rank in accordance with Texas Senate Bill 1543; homeschool transcripts must have a notarized signature to be official)
- Official final high school transcript sent by your high school and showing a graduation date; due after graduation
- Official SAT and/or ACT scores* (Test scores sent from the high school are considered official if they are included on the transcript or sent from the school registrar)
*SAT and ACT are superscored. Texas Tech does not require the writing supplement for either test.
Assured Admission
Students who meet the following criteria are guaranteed admission into Texas Tech:
Class Rank | ACT | SAT |
Top 10% | No minimum | No minimum |
First Quarter | 24 | 1180 |
Second Quarter | 26 | 1260 |
Third Quarter | 27 | 1290 |
If you do not meet the assured admissions requirements, Texas Tech “strongly suggests” responding to Essay Prompts A and/or B listed in the essay prompts and submitting three recommendations. Although these application components are not required, you should submit them unless you meet the criteria for assured admission.
Curriculum Recommendations
Texas Tech University recommends that applicants complete the Foundation Curriculum with the Distinguished level of achievement as outlined by the Texas Education Agency. Students who receive automatic admission on the basis of being in the top 10% of their graduating high school class must present a Distinguished diploma. The recommended high-school curriculum is as follows:
Language Arts (4 Credits)
English I, II & III
Advanced English Course
Options include English IV, Creative Writing, Humanities, & Advanced Journalism
Mathematics (4 Credits)
Algebra I
Algebra II
Advanced Math Course
Options include Precalculus, AQR, AP Statistics & Engineering Mathematics
Science (4 Credits)
IPC or Advanced Science
Two advanced Science Courses
Options include Chemistry, Physics, Forensic Science, & Astronomy
Social Studies (3 Credits)
U.S. History
U.S. Government (.5 credit)
Economics (.5 credit)
World Geography or World History
Foreign Language (2 Credits)
Both credits must be the same language
Includes American Sign Language
Note: Some programs have additional foreign language requirements
Physical Education (1 Credit)
Fine Arts (1 Credit)
Electives (6 Credits)
Texas Tech Acceptance Rate: How Difficult Is It to Get In?
With an acceptance rate of 69.2%, Texas Tech is somewhat selective. The average GPA for admitted students in 2.85. The middle 50% of SAT and ACT scores for the freshman class are 1158-1240 and 22-27, respectively.
So, How Does One Get Into Texas Tech?
Texas Tech notes that it evaluates applicants based on their:
- Academic Rigor
- Extracurricular activities
- Leadership experiences
- Civic or other service activities
- Socioeconomic background
- Family educational background
- Special talents or awards
- Diversity of experience and background
While the overall admissions rate signifies that admissions are not as competitive at this university compared with some of its peers, you should keep in mind that some programs, such as the Honors College, are more rigorous and have lower acceptance rates than others.
You should also bear in mind that not only can your test scores and GPA guarantee you admission into Texas Tech, but they can also qualify you for scholarships that significantly reduce your college costs.
How to Make Your Application Stand Out
Emphasize research and discovery.
Essay prompt B reads:
“Most students have an identity, an interest, or a talent that defines them in an essential way. Tell us about yourself.”
This makes it clear that Texas Tech looks for curious, passionate students. In your essay and other areas of your application, you should demonstrate a talent that sets you apart and displays your innovation and creativity. Perhaps you’re a creative writer and will demonstrate that through both writing-related extracurricular activities and a dynamite essay. Or maybe you’re a star oboe player. Whatever your hook is, make sure it’s obvious on your application.
Highlight your roots.
Essay prompt A reads:
“What was the environment in which you were raised? Describe your family, home, neighborhood, or community, and explain how it has shaped you as a person.”
While many colleges seek out a diverse student body, Texas Tech goes a step further by asking you to consider how your roots have shaped your identity. This should be a cohesive theme throughout your application: how your community—in whatever way you define it—has contributed to your identity as a person. You might, for example, describe your unique upbringing, being very close to members of your extended family, or participating in your religious or cultural community.
Keep the assured admissions criteria in mind.
If you meet the assured admissions criteria, Texas Tech can be a secure safety school for you. Otherwise, you will need to put extra effort into the other aspects of your application, such as your essays. Texas Tech provides tips to follow, and you should read ours as well. You should also send teacher recommendations and ensure that your extracurricular profile is strong to make up for weaker grades and test scores.
What If You Get Rejected?
Being denied admission to any college, particularly one of your top choices, is disappointing. Still, it’s important to take a step back and regroup. If you get rejected from Texas Tech, here’s what you can do:
Take a gap year or transfer in. If you had your heart set on Texas Tech or received bad news from the other colleges on your list, one option is to take a gap year and reapply next admissions cycle. If you do decide to go this route, make sure you have a productive plan for the year. You might undertake a research project, volunteer, study to improve your SAT scores, or take classes at another college.
You can also matriculate at another college and transfer to Texas Tech. As with first-year admissions, the university has assured transfer admission criteria (applicable to your college GPA and credits):
Transferable Hours GPA Requirements
12-23 hours 2.50 cumulative
24 or more hours 2.25 cumulative
Individual schools and majors within the university have additional assured transfer admissions criteria:
Architecture: 3.0 GPA
Biology, Cell & Molecular Biology, Microbiology: 2.5 GPA
Business: 15 hours + 2.75 GPA
Community, Family & Addiction Sciences: 2.5 GPA
Engineering: 24 hours + 3.0 GPA
Honors College: 3.5 GPA
Human Development & Family Studies: 2.5 GPA
Interior Design: 2.7 GPA
Kinesiology/Sport Management: 2.5 GPA
Note that if you don’t meet these requirements, Texas Tech will evaluate you based on other criteria.
Keep it in perspective. Even if TTU was your top choice, chances are, you’ll find a way to make a college that did accept you work. College really is what you make of it, and if you put effort into adjusting to another school by joining clubs, working hard in your classes, and cultivating a social life, you’ll likely find that you can make a fulfilling college experience for yourself, even if you end up at a college that wasn’t your top choice.
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For more information on applying to college, check out these posts:
How to Write a Personal Statement that Wows Colleges