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Ivy League Schools in Florida: Does Florida Have Ivies?

What’s Covered:


The Ivy League holds a reputation for comprising some of the world’s top universities. All of these schools are located in the Northeastern United States. Nevertheless, during your college search, you may have encountered phrases like Southern Ivies, Little Ivies, or Public Ivies, each referring to different groups of universities across the United States. So, does Florida host any Ivy League institutions? Continue reading for a deeper understanding.


Are There Ivy League Schools in Florida?


Contrary to some misconceptions, Florida does not house any Ivy League institutions. The Ivy League, which began as an athletic conference, now represents a collection of eight esteemed, private universities located in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions of the U.S. Just to reiterate, these are not in Florida or any other parts of the country.


However, Florida does boast several academically challenging and nationally renowned universities, which underscore the diverse educational excellence within the state.


Top 10 Colleges in Florida


1. University of Florida


Location: Gainesville, Florida

Acceptance Rate: 30%

Undergraduate Enrollment: 34,800


The University of Florida (UF) stands as a beacon of entrepreneurial spirit and innovation, with offerings extending far beyond its reputation as an academic powerhouse. Situated in Gainesville, UF has fostered a thriving ecosystem of entrepreneurship and start-ups that have taken root within its grounds. The university’s commitment to providing a supportive environment for budding entrepreneurs has led to the birth of countless innovative ventures that have contributed significantly to Florida’s economic fabric.


UF’s innovative spirit is evident in its research projects, which span across diverse fields such as biotechnology, engineering, artificial intelligence, and more. The university’s close collaboration with industries and businesses has created a seamless bridge between academia and the business world, facilitating the transformation of cutting-edge research into marketable products and services. Start-ups emerging from UF’s research labs have not only created job opportunities but have also attracted investment, fostering economic growth and vitality within the region.


2. University of Miami


Location: Coral Gables, Florida

Acceptance Rate: 28%

Undergraduate Enrollment: 12,000


Affectionately termed “The U,” the University of Miami provides a captivating blend of innovation, vibrancy, and tradition, captivating students and visitors alike with its diverse offerings. Renowned for its esteemed programs in business and marine sciences, the institution is also a hotbed of pioneering initiatives in tropical medicine and music, reflecting its commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and creativity.


The University of Miami’s business school has gained a stellar reputation for producing successful graduates who go on to lead in various industries. Its forward-thinking approach to business education incorporates real-world experiences, internships, and partnerships with local companies, preparing students to tackle real challenges and thrive in today’s competitive marketplace. The university’s strong connections with Miami’s vibrant business community offer unparalleled networking opportunities, adding immense value to the education it provides.


3. Florida State University


Location: Tallahassee, Florida

Acceptance Rate: 37%

Undergraduate Enrollment: 33,500


Florida State University (FSU) stands as a harmonious fusion of the arts, sciences, and humanities, creating a dynamic and inclusive academic environment for its students. The university’s eclectic academic programs encompass a wide array of disciplines, allowing students to explore their passions and interests across diverse fields. Bolstered by groundbreaking research and artistic ventures, FSU has established itself as a hub of innovation and creativity.


4. University of South Florida


Location: Tampa, Florida

Acceptance Rate: 49%

Undergraduate Enrollment: 38,000


The University of South Florida (USF) proudly stands as an emblem of community involvement and global research, making a significant impact both locally and on the world stage. The university’s commitment to addressing worldwide challenges through groundbreaking research is matched by its dedication to acting as a catalyst for socio-economic development in its surrounding communities. USF’s diverse academic programs, ranging from health sciences to the humanities, foster a culture of interdisciplinary collaboration, cementing its role as a beacon of academic progress.


At the core of USF’s mission is its dedication to research that addresses pressing global issues. Faculty and researchers at USF are engaged in a wide range of studies, seeking solutions to challenges such as healthcare disparities, environmental sustainability, urban development, and technological advancements. USF’s research efforts have led to pioneering discoveries, patents, and innovations that have the potential to transform industries and improve the lives of people around the world.


5. University of Central Florida


Location: Orlando, Florida

Acceptance Rate: 36%

Undergraduate Enrollment: 60,000


UCF’s engineering and IT programs have consistently been recognized for their excellence and innovation. The university’s faculty comprises accomplished researchers and industry leaders who bring their expertise to the classroom, ensuring that students receive top-notch education that aligns with industry demands. As a result, UCF graduates are well-prepared to tackle complex engineering challenges and excel in the ever-evolving field of information technology.


The university’s influence in the tech industry is palpable in the Central Florida region, which is often referred to as the “Florida High Tech Corridor.” UCF’s close collaborations with local tech companies, startups, and research institutions have led to the development of cutting-edge technologies and solutions. This synergy between academia and industry has not only boosted the regional economy but has also attracted national and international attention, establishing Central Florida as a hotbed of technological innovation and entrepreneurship.


6. Florida International University


Location: Miami, Florida

Acceptance Rate:  64%

Undergraduate Enrollment: 46,000


A powerhouse of academic diversity, FIU emphasizes international relations, making it a nexus for global dialogue. Research here often transcends borders, reflecting its commitment to fostering global ties. FIU’s emphasis on multiculturalism ensures a holistic, world-ready education for its students.


FIU also houses the Institute of Environment, a multidisciplinary research center dedicated to advancing environmental science and finding innovative solutions for environmental issues. Researchers at the institute focus on topics such as climate change adaptation, ecosystem restoration, water resource management, and sustainable development. Their work contributes not only to scientific knowledge but also informs policies and practices that promote environmental sustainability and resilience in the face of changing climate conditions.


7. Rollins College


Location: Winter Park, Florida

Acceptance Rate: 49%

Undergraduate Enrollment: 3,000


Rollins College stands as a testament to the transformative power of a holistic liberal arts education. As an institution dedicated to fostering intellectual growth, personal development, and global awareness, Rollins provides students with a well-rounded experience that goes beyond traditional academic learning.


The college’s size allows for smaller class sizes, enabling students to actively participate in discussions, receive individualized attention, and form mentorships with faculty members. This intimate learning environment facilitates deeper engagement with course material and encourages critical thinking and intellectual exploration.


8. Beacon College


Location: Leesburg, Florida

Acceptance Rate: 57%

Undergraduate Enrollment: 500


Unique in its mission, Beacon College’s dedication to students with learning disabilities is unparalleled. Beyond just academic rigor, the college focuses on life skills, personal growth, and empowerment. The college’s innovative approaches to education serve as a model for inclusive higher education worldwide.


Furthermore, Beacon College’s commitment to inclusive higher education is not limited to its campus in Leesburg, Florida. The college actively engages with the wider community and advocates for greater accessibility and support for individuals with learning disabilities in higher education. Beacon College shares its innovative approaches and best practices with other colleges and universities, serving as a model for creating inclusive environments for students with learning challenges worldwide.


9. Florida Atlantic University


Location: Boca Raton, Florida

Acceptance Rate: 78%

Undergraduate Enrollment: 25,000


Florida Atlantic University (FAU) stands as a beacon of academic excellence and research prowess, offering a diverse array of programs that foster an environment of inquiry and discovery. The university’s commitment to research is evident in its pursuit of knowledge across various disciplines, ranging from marine biology to business, and beyond.


At the forefront of FAU’s research efforts is its renowned Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, which houses a strong emphasis on marine biology and oceanography. Situated along Florida’s coastline, FAU’s proximity to diverse marine ecosystems provides unique opportunities for research and exploration. Students and faculty have access to state-of-the-art research facilities, allowing them to contribute to groundbreaking studies on marine life, conservation, and environmental sustainability.


10. Florida Southern College


Location: Lakeland, Florida

Acceptance Rate: 61%

Undergraduate Enrollment: 3,000


Beyond its breathtaking architecture, Florida Southern thrives as an academic hub. The liberal arts foundation stimulates analytical and critical thinking, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for diverse challenges. The college’s commitment to personal growth, community engagement, and global exposure positions it as a premier institution of higher learning.


One academic-specific aspect that sets Florida Southern College apart is its unique “Citrus Research and Education Center.” Established in partnership with the Florida Citrus Commission, this center focuses on research and education related to the citrus industry, which plays a significant role in Florida’s economy and agriculture. Through hands-on projects and collaboration with faculty and industry experts, students gain exceptional research opportunities in horticulture, plant pathology, entomology, and agricultural engineering, among others. This immersive learning environment prepares students for impactful careers by addressing real-world challenges in the citrus industry.


What Are Your Chances of Acceptance?


To ensure a well-balanced college list, it’s essential to include “safety,” “target,” and “reach” schools. The Florida universities mentioned above can all be considered “reach” schools due to their competitive nature. It’s also important to note admission decisions are influenced by academic achievements, standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and personal essays. Colleges tend to seek well-rounded individuals who can positively contribute to their communities, so every aspect of the application is carefully reviewed. 


Determining your acceptance chances and your standing as you aim to be a “well-rounded student” may be challenging, but CollegeVine’s chancing engine tool considers various factors, such as GPA and extracurriculars, to generate your unique probability of acceptance at the school of your choice. This aids you in your admissions process by giving you a clearer figure of your shots at the schools you intend to apply to!

Short Bio
Varun is a recent graduate from Arizona State University, Tempe, with a degree in Computer Science. He aims to share his knowledge of computer science, the IB Diploma Program, and all things college-related with high school students. In his free time, he can be found performing DJ sets or cooking!