How to Write the University of Michigan Ann Arbor Essays 2016-17
Check out the University of Michigan Application Essays for 2017-2018
Founded in 1817, The University of Michigan is one of the nation’s premier public research universities. Located in the quiet and eclectic town of Ann Arbor, Michigan, this university provides students with an incredible breadth of resources and unique opportunities. The University of Michigan (also known as Michigan) boasts an endowment of $10.6 billion and a huge campus spread out over 780 acres.
In addition to the main campus in Ann Arbor, the university also has satellite campuses in Detroit and Flint. Home of the Michigan Wolverines, students here generally have a strong sense of school spirit. The university’s huge student population of nearly 30,000 undergraduates is appealing for those seeking a “big state school” experience and a chance to enjoy all the offerings that such a large, diverse student body offers.
Want to learn what University of Michigan will actually cost you based on your income? And how long your application to the school should take? Here’s what every student considering University of Michigan needs to know.
Write an Essay That Will Stand Out
Despite the university’s large student body, admissions to Michigan are still very competitive. The university has a 26.2% acceptance rate with an average SAT score of 1430 (new standard) and ACT range scores from 30-34. The average high school GPA is 3.87.
Students seeking unparalleled research opportunities will relish the incredible opportunities and resources that this school offers. In order to write a quality essay that will make you stand out, there are a few suggestions we at CollegeVine would like to mention.
University of Michigan Writing Prompts
Essay #1 (Required – Approximately 250 words)
Everyone belongs to many different communities and/or groups defined by (among other things) shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest, race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it.
Essay #2 (Required for all freshman applicants – 500 words maximum)
Describe the unique qualities that attract you to the specific undergraduate college or school (including preferred admission and dual-degree programs) to which you are applying at the University of Michigan. How would that curriculum support your interests?
Writing the First Essay Prompt
The first prompt requires a sincere and nuanced response. The focus of this prompt is on community — and it includes a broad definition of community. Make sure to take time to carefully choose the community that you want to write about.
For many people, writing about your race or ethnicity is an appealing option. After all, living in the United States as a person of color is a defining experience for many people. This prompt invites some important personal reflections that demonstrate deep thought and conviction on your identity. Given that this is a common direction for students to take in this essay, the challenge is to make this topic as unique as possible for you.
In describing the community to which you belong, explore why that community is important to you and how that can connect to a broader narrative about yourself. This can be especially helpful if you have experience doing volunteer work on issues that matter to your community. For example, if you have volunteered for an organization that advocates for criminal justice reform or changes in education policy, you can connect that to your place within a certain community.
Community, as used in this prompt, is a broad category and is by no means limited to race or gender. If you have a creative or uniquely personal understanding of community, write about it! The goal is to convey sincerity and authenticity and to demonstrate as a thoughtful person who cares about more than just yourself.
Make Sure to be Specific
Another key point to stress about the community prompt is the importance of specificity. Ideally, the essay should demonstrate personality and conviction. Stay away from using vague, broad phrases and instead contextualize the themes you wish to address through the lens of community. This means if, for example, you choose to write about how systemic inequalities in society have affected you, make sure to explain how these broader issues relate to your community and how your understanding of community has helped you deal with these issues.
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Writing the Second Prompt
The second prompt asks you two things: to isolate the specific qualities of the particular undergraduate school to which you are applying and to explain how those qualities will help you pursue interests. This prompt requires a bit of research into the specific undergraduate school and connecting it to a broader narrative you want to construct about yourself.
Much like the first prompt, specificity is also a key element to a successful response. This prompt might require conducting a bit of research on Michigan’s website in order to mention specific qualities that draw you to that school. For example, if you’re a student applying to Michigan’s engineering school, do some research on the undergraduate engineering program and talk about why it appeals to you, mentioning specific factors, such as Michigan’s Undergraduate Research Opportunity.
Connect your Passions to the University of Michigan
The second part of the prompt gives a great opportunity to connect your passions to the unique traits of the school. This is an opportunity to view your application from a strategic lens: if you have structured your Common Application essay and extracurriculars around a particular narrative of yourself, here you can apply that narrative to the specific context of the school. This can effectively give the admissions officer a clear vision of what you would look like as a student.
For instance, continuing with the engineering example, let’s say that you are really interested in aerospace engineering and that’s been “your thing” throughout high school. You have some prior exposure to the field, and you dream of working for NASA or Boeing crafting the next generation of airplanes or space shuttles.
Mention this in your essay, but also add specific details about Michigan’s aerospace engineering program that you think will allow you to fulfill those aspirations. Whether it’s a series of professors who are the leaders in the field or access to some of the best research facilities, the goal of this prompt is to show why you think a Michigan education will best equip you to meet your goals.
Key Takeaways:
- For the first prompt, the goal is to craft an essay that shows personality and thoughtfulness about your relationship in a broader community. This can be a personal essay that includes strong themes of social justice and community advocacy, or it can be a more creative take that highlights an uncommon talent or ability.
- For the second prompt, it is important to show that you have done your homework on the specific undergraduate school that you’re applying to and give the reader a clear vision of what you would look like as a Michigan student.
The University of Michigan boasts a vast array of resources and tools that truly add to the value of an education there. For a chance to become a proud Wolverine, focus on writing an essay that will differentiate yourself and shows a true desire for wanting to be a student there.
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