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FAQs About Communications as a Major: Real Students’ Stories

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by communications majors Katie, Kiya, Drew, and Justin in a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info. 


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Is It a Good Idea to Major in Communications If You Aren’t Interested in Social Media?


The communications major is broad and enables each student to specialize in whatever area of interest they may have. Even if you don’t want to go into social media as a career, communications is still a great option as a major. Your first couple of years as a communications major will be filled with general classes to create a strong academic foundation. The last two years of your degree are when you can begin to specialize in the subjects that you are most interested in. 


A degree in communications can be used in a variety of different ways. Students have gone into areas like advertising, news, analytics, and strategy. Our society is built around a constant need for communication, so there will always be an industry requiring people knowledgeable in this area. 


What High School Extracurriculars Point to an Interest in Communications?


Demonstrating an interest in communications through your high school extracurriculars can be done in many different ways. There are a few common high school clubs that many communications majors tend to be a part of. Participating in student government or high school event planning for prom, homecoming, or pep rallies is quite common. These extracurriculars involve significant communication with people in different positions, so having any of these as part of your application shows that you can strategize and organize people for a common goal. 


A background in marketing is also a great way to show an interest in communications. Participating in marketing organizations at your high school is a great idea because marketing and communications share many transferable skills. Both are centered around developing strategies to reach out to people and involve teamwork and collaboration skills. 


What Are the Pros and Cons of Studying Communications?


Communications Major Drawbacks


One of the biggest cons to studying communications is that there is always something new to learn. This is usually a benefit, but it can become overwhelming at times. As a communications major, you will always need to keep up with the news and major events going on in society. Many communications classes have weekly quizzes on current events, so there is little time to relax and disassociate. This is especially true nowadays because news and information are everywhere around us.


There is a great deal of complexity behind communications, and that is sometimes not recognized by fellow students. Many people believe that this major just requires knowing how to talk, but that does not take into account strategy, message, impact, and many other factors that go into a career in communications. 


Communication Major Positives


One of the biggest advantages of communications is how creative the field can be. As a student in communications, you will find yourself with significant career flexibility. Nearly every industry requires this knowledge, so you can spend your career bouncing around different industries and learning about cool new topics. The skills that you learn in any communications job are transferable across fields. 


The people who major in communications are among the most interesting and diverse. Your classrooms will be filled with students who will be great resources throughout your career.