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30 Best Scholarships for High School Seniors in 2023

What’s Covered:


The final two years of high school are filled with classes, activities, and friends. It’s also time to think about post-graduation and college. As you look at different colleges, you need to consider how you are going to pay for your education. It’s important to think realistically about what your school will offer in financial aid and how you will pay for your share of the cost. 


Overview of Scholarships


The difference between scholarships and loans is huge. Scholarships don’t require repayment and loans must be repaid, with interest. Sometimes, student loans are unavoidable. However, you want to ensure that you minimize the amount of student loan debt that you take on.  


Start your scholarship search early in your high school career. Create a calendar with deadlines for each scholarship that you will apply for. Add notes for the different requirements for each application, such as an essay, your latest transcript, or financial information. Some scholarships are available for you in your junior year and many deadlines will land in the summer before your senior year.  


There are scholarships based on merit and academic performance. Others are most interested in meeting financial needs. Some organizations are looking to support students who are interested in certain fields of study. Others are open to students from the same community or geographic region. Check with your high school guidance office as they will have information on opportunities that are unique to your school or community. Your employer may also have a scholarship program. Starbucks, Burger King, and McDonald’s are just a few businesses that support their employees in this way. There’s almost certainly something for every student.


Now, let’s get into some amazing scholarship opportunities.


30 Best Scholarships for High School Seniors


General Opportunities


1. Equitable Excellence Scholarship


Amount: $2,500-5,000 (plus a $500 donation to the high school of winners)

Deadline: N/A


  • High school seniors who demonstrate positive qualities such as courage and determination shown in community volunteer work 
  • U.S. citizen, legal resident, or current resident in the U.S., District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico 

Application Requirements: Transcript


The Equitable Excellence Scholarship is awarded to driven and determined students of high character, with recipients coming from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. In addition to a scholarship, recipients are also provided with development opportunities such as mentoring, networking, and skill-building programs. 


2. Live Más Scholarship – Taco Bell Foundation


Amount: Up to $25,000

Deadline: January 11 


  • Ages 16-26
  • Employed in a restaurant position with Taco Bell
  • On track to apply to a post-high school or post-secondary program (both two- and four-year programs are eligible)
  • Have not previously won a Live Más Scholarship

Application Requirements: A two-minute video describing your passion 


The Live Más Scholarship selects winners a little differently than the traditional scholarship award winners. The Taco Bell Foundation is less concerned with academic and athletic excellence and more interested in finding passionate students who blaze their own paths, pursue their dreams, and inspire others. Students who have already been awarded a Live Más Scholarship can apply for a renewal.


3. Too Cool to Pay for School 


Amount: $1,000

Deadline: Last day of the months of March, June, September, and December

Eligibility: Full-time high school, college, or graduate students

Application Requirements: Short application form 


The Too Cool to Pay for School Scholarship is Access Scholarships’ contribution to help four lucky students each year cover school-related expenses. The scholarship can be used to cover any education-related expenses, such as tuition, textbooks, housing, and other fees. This scholarship is super quick and easy to enter (no essay required!), making it a great opportunity to apply for each quarter. 


4. GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program


Amount: Up to $40,000

Deadline: N/A


  • U.S. citizen
  • A high school senior
  • Demonstrated leadership, integrity, drive, and citizenship within the community, school, and workplace
  • Planning on enrolling full-time in a bachelor’s degree program at an accredited four-year college or university

Application Requirements:

  • Minimum 3.0 GPA 
  • Essay 
  • Personal statement 


Sponsored by General Electric (GE) and the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation, this scholarship is dedicated to honoring the legacy of the 40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan. Awarded to skilled and successful students, the scholarship promotes principles important to its namesake: individual liberty, economic opportunity, global democracy, and national pride. The GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program is looking for students with demonstrated leadership, drive, and citizenship. 


See our blog post on GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program for more information.


5. VFW Voice of Democracy Scholarship


Amount: Up to $35,000 

Deadline: October 31 


  • 9th-12th grade students
  • Enrolled in a public, private, or parochial school, or home study program in the U.S., its territories, or its possessions

Application Requirements: Three-five minute audio-essay


The VFW works to promote patriotism while investing in future generations, particularly “democracy-loving” high schoolers. Dating back to 1947, the Voice of Democracy Competition is an audio-essay program giving students the chance to express their thoughts through a recorded essay about democratic- and patriotic-themed principles. Essays are judged on three criteria: originality, content, and delivery. Applicants can win awards ranging from $1,000 to $35,000, making this an exciting scholarship opportunity.


6. Doodle 4 Google Competition


Amount: $30,000 for the student and $50,000 technology grant for their school

Deadline: March 7


  • K-12 students
  • U.S. citizen or legal resident 
  • Enrolled in a U.S.-based school (including homeschool or a school in Puerto Rico, Guam, or the U.S. Virgin Islands)

Application Requirements: Unique doodle that includes the letters G-O-O-G-L-E


The Doodle 4 Google Competition gives applicants the opportunity to create one of the doodles that graces Google’s homepage every day. The competition’s themes change yearly (this year’s theme is to share what you appreciate the most) and the only requirement for them is that they must include the letters G-O-O-G-L-E. Applicants are encouraged to express themselves through whatever medium they desire—although if you create a 3D doodle, you’ll need to submit it in a 2D format. 


7. Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest


Amount: Up to $10,000 

Deadline: November 6

Eligibility: High school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student (no citizenship requirements)

Application Requirements: Original essay between 800 and 1,600 words


Applicants for the Atlas Shrugged Essay contest are tasked with writing an essay about one of three provided topics on Ayn Rand’s novel, Atlas Shrugged. Judges of the contest are looking for clear, articulate writing; well-organized thoughts; and an exceptional grasp of the philosophy underlying Rand’s book. 


8. Create-A-Greeting Card Scholarship


Amount: $10,000 (plus a $1,000 donation to the winner’s school)

Deadline: March 2


  • 14 years of age or older
  • High school, college, or university student enrolled in an academic program designed to conclude with a diploma or degree
  • Legal resident of one of the 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Puerto Rico
  • International students who have a student visa to attend school in the United States are considered legal residents and are also eligible

Application Requirements: Submit a design for the front of a greeting card


Express your artistic side for a chance to win a $10,000 award from the Create-A-Greeting-Card Scholarship. Submit a photo, artwork, or computer graphic for use as the front of a greeting card that will both wow judges and win votes on the scholarship’s Facebook page for the chance to win this generous award. 


9. Tall Clubs International (TCI) Foundation Academic Scholarship 


Amount: $1,000

Deadline: March 1


  • Under 21
  • Entering the first year of higher education 
  • Meet height requirement: over 6′ 2″ for men and 5′ 10″ for women (in stocking feet) 
  • Sponsorship from a TCI member club 

Application Requirements:

  • Transcript 
  • Essay between 550-650 words
  • Two letters of recommendation 


This scholarship is aimed at students with their heads in the clouds, literally. Men must stand over 6′ 2″ and women 5′ 10″ in their stocking feet to qualify for the scholarship. In addition to meeting the height requirement, applicants must demonstrate merit in fields like academics, athletics, and community service to earn this award.


10. Niche $25,000 No Essay Scholarship


Amount: $25,000 

Deadline: March 29

Eligibility: High school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student 

Application Requirements: Create a Niche account 


You can enter for a chance to get a $25,000 scholarship in just minutes without the need to write an essay—all you need to do is create a Niche account for your chance to win. 


Scholarships for Academic Merit


11. Cameron Impact Scholarship


Amount: Full tuition 

Deadline: September 8


  • High school seniors 
  • U.S. citizen
  • Demonstrated excellence in leadership, activities, and community service or civic affairs
  • Planning on enrolling full-time at an accredited four-year college or university

Application Requirements:

  • Minimum 3.7 GPA 
  • Transcript
  • Letters of recommendation


This scholarship is awarded to high school seniors who have demonstrated excellence in numerous pursuits—academics, extracurricular activities, and community service—with a desire to make a positive change in their communities and the world. Left intentionally broad, the scholarship welcomes students with the aspiration to make a positive impact in both the private and public sectors, and through any number of professional careers. A quarter of scholarships are allocated to students pursuing careers in education, nonprofits, government, and the military who have a goal of public service.


12. Coca-Cola Scholars Program


Amount: $20,000 

Deadline: N/A



  • High school senior
  • U.S. citizen, U.S. national, U.S. permanent resident, asylee, Cuban-Haitian entrant, or Humanitarian Parole as defined by the U.S. Department of Education for Federal Financial Eligibility
  • Planning to pursue a post-high school education

Application Requirements:

  • Minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Complete an eligibility quiz
  • Must provide information on academic performance, leadership, and service


The Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship is awarded to exceptional students with a thirst for knowledge and a desire to make a difference in the world. Coca-Cola Scholars are high achievers and demonstrate leadership, service, and a commitment to change in their school and community. 


13. Davidson Fellows Scholarship


Amount: $10,000-$50,000

Deadline: February 15


  • 18 years old or younger
  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident

Application Requirements:

  • Created a significant piece of work
  • Nominations from two individuals who are not family members
  • Available to attend an in-person or virtual awards ceremony 


Davidson Fellows are gifted students who experts believe have the potential to make significant contributions to society. These students have completed a significant and meaningful piece of work in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Literature, Music, Philosophy, or “Outside the Box”. This can include the creative application of existing knowledge, a high-impact new idea, an innovative solution with a broad range of implications, or a remarkable performance, just to name a few examples. 


14. National Elks Foundation Most Valuable Student (MVS)


Amount: $4,000-$50,000

Deadline: N/A


  • High school senior
  • U.S. citizen
  • Plan to be a full-time student pursuing a four-year degree at an accredited U.S. institution of higher learning

Application Requirements:

  • Transcript
  • Essays


Applicants work through the ranks of local, district, and state levels to be considered for the MVS. The Foundation selects the top 500 students from these applications for the national semi-finalist competition. The top 20 students from the semi-final competition will participate in a Leadership Weekend with in-person interviews. The top two students (one male and one female) are awarded $50,000 scholarships. Runners-up receive $40,000 and $30,000 scholarships. The remaining 14 students receive $20,000. The additional 480 of the top 500 applicants earn a $4,000 scholarship.   


Opportunities for Students with Significant Financial Need


15. Horatio Alger Association – Targeted Scholarships


Amount: Up to $52,000

Deadline: Varies


  • High school senior
  • Critical financial need (defined as $55,000 or less gross adjusted household income)
  • Demonstrated integrity and perseverance through overcoming adversity
  • U.S. citizen


Horatio Alger scholarships are awarded to promising young students from low-income families. These targeted scholarships are endowed by members of the Horatio Alger Association at several different universities and colleges. Some are also targeted to specific fields of study. 


16. Jack Kent Cooke Foundation


Amount: Up to $55,000 per year

Deadline: N/A


  • High school senior
  • Cumulative, unweighted GPA of 3.5
  • Demonstrated unmet financial need—applicants with a family annual gross income up to $95,000 are considered 

Application Requirements:

  • JKCF uses the Common App (include JKCF as one of your “schools”)
  • Common App asks for a recommendation from your school counselor and two teachers
  • Several short essays
  • Household financial information


The Cooke College Scholarship Program offers scholarships to high-achieving high school seniors with financial need. JKCF Scholars join a nationwide community with ongoing personal and professional support and development opportunities. Recipients can use their scholarship funds to cover tuition, living expenses, books, and required fees. 


17. Engebretson Foundation Scholarship


Amount: $5,000 per semester

Deadline: March 1


  • High school senior
  • In need of financial assistance 
  • Planning to attend a four-year college

Application Requirements: 

  • Minimum 3.75 GPA and/or in the top 5% of graduating class
  • Score of 28 or higher on the ACT 
  • Teacher recommendation 


The Engebretson Foundation Scholarship is aimed at high-achieving, academically talented students with financial need. One winner is chosen annually to receive a $5,000 per semester scholarship. 


18. Dell Scholars Program


Amount: $20,000, a laptop, and $500 of textbook credits annually for four years 

Deadline: N/A


  • Enrolled in an approved college-readiness program, like College Possible or Upward Bound
  • On track to graduate from high school in the coming academic year
  • Demonstrated financial need 
  • Pell-eligible

Application Requirements: Minimum 2.4 GPA


This program is for students with “grit, potential, and ambition” to strive for a college degree. Dell Scholars are also provided with wrap-around support for academic success, financial matters, and teletherapy professional counseling.


Opportunities for First-Generation Students 


19. Colgate-Palmolive Haz la U Educational Grant Program


Amount: Up to $100,000

Deadline: N/A


  • Of Hispanic heritage (includes Spain, Brazil, Philippines)
  • High school senior 
  • Planning to enroll in an accredited institution of higher education 
  • U.S. citizen, resident, or DACA-eligible

Application Requirements:

  • 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale


This scholarship program is designed for Hispanic students who have maintained academic excellence throughout high school, participated in community service, and demonstrated leadership. Colgate-Palmolive offers this program in partnership with the Hispanic Heritage Foundation in support of higher education for Hispanics.


20. Fontana Transport Inc. Scholars Program


Amount: N/A

Deadline: March 18


  • High school senior
  • Planning to enroll in an accredited four-year higher education institution 
  • Demonstrated financial need
  • First-generation college student 
  • Planning to study: Transportation Management, Math, Science, Engineering (any field), Architecture, Environmental Design, Pre-Med, Psychology, or Spanish Language/Literature

Application Requirements:

  • Minimum 3.5 GPA
  • Teacher/advisor letter of recommendation (optional, but highly recommended)


This scholarship seeks to support first-generation, underrepresented college students studying in select fields. The intent of the award is to help students who are passionate about pursuing higher education overcome barriers—like lack of resources and hardships encountered in their communities—and achieve successful futures.  


For more info, check out our list of first-gen scholarships


Opportunities for Students of Color


21. Ron Brown Scholarship


Amount: $40,000

Deadline: N/A


  • High school senior
  • African American 
  • Academically excellent  
  • Community service participation 
  • Demonstrated financial need 

Application Requirements:

  • Transcript 
  • Two letters of recommendation 
  • Two essays 


This scholarship program provides awards for academically gifted African Americans who are active within their communities. Applicants should have demonstrated an interest in public service, community engagement, business entrepreneurship, and global citizenship—the four pillars of the late Ronald H. Brown’s mission to uplift people of all races, cultures, and ethnicities. 


22. McDonald’s HACER National Scholarship


Amount: $5,000-$100,000

Deadline: N/A


  • High school senior
  • U.S. resident or a DREAMer/DACA recipient
  • Under 21 years old 
  • Have at least one parent of Hispanic heritage

Application Requirements:

  • Minimum 2.8 GPA
  • Transcript 
  • Personal statement 
  • Letter of recommendation 
  • List of community service projects
  • FAFSA 


This scholarship program provides 30 college-bound students of Hispanic heritage awards ranging from $5,000 to $100,000. Recipients are selected based on a variety of factors including academic achievement, community involvement, and financial need.


23. APIA (Asian Pacific Islander) Scholars


Amount: $2,500-$20,000

Deadline: January 19


  • Asian or Pacific Islander ethnicity, heritage, or ancestry 
  • Citizen, national, or permanent resident of the U.S
  • Citizens of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of Palau are also eligible
  • Planning to enroll or continue in an accredited undergraduate program in the U.S.

Application Requirements:

  • Minimum 2.7 GPA
  • Letter of recommendation 


This scholarship is an excellent opportunity for students of Asian or Pacific Islander descent to receive valuable funds for college. APIA Scholars works to support underserved APIA students through their scholarships—a special focus is given to students who live at or below the poverty line, students who will be the first in their family to attend college, and students from backgrounds underrepresented in higher education. Strong applicants will have also demonstrated leadership and community service. 


24. Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholars


Amount: Up to $35,000 over four years 

Deadline: January 11


  • High school seniors
  • U.S. citizen 
  • Excellent academic performance 
  • Plan on attending a four-year, accredited college or university in the U.S.
  • Demonstrated financial need

Application Requirements: 

  • Transcript 
  • Letter of recommendation 
  • Four essays 
  • Standardized test scores
  • Household information


The Jackie Robinson Foundation goes beyond sponsoring scholarships, to guide minority students through the process of higher education. JRF Scholars have access to many benefits, including networking and mentorship, internship and employment opportunities, an annual conference, and year-round programming. 


25. National Society of High School Scholars STEM Scholarship


Amount: $1,000

Deadline: October 13


  • High school seniors 
  • Planning to pursue a degree in a STEM field

Application Requirements:

  • Minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Transcript
  • Letter of recommendation 
  • Personal statement 
  • List of STEM activities
  • Headshot


The NSHSS STEM Scholarship provides support for students from groups underrepresented in STEM fields. The goal is to increase diversity in STEM-related professions through college and university education. Check out the other NSHSS scholarship opportunities for high school and post-secondary students.


26. Native American Education Undergraduate Scholarship–American Indian Education Fund


Amount: Up to $2,000

Deadline: April 4


  • Native American, Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian
  • All future undergraduate students in a two- or four-year college, university, vocational, or technical school are encouraged to apply

Application Requirements: 

  • Transcript
  • Personal summary 
  • Tribal enrollment card/documentation
  • There is an essay of no more than four, double-spaced pages typed in 12-point font


The American Indian Education Fund believes that “education is one of the most important cornerstones of self-sufficiency and quality of life.” With that in mind, the AIEF works to end the cycle of poverty by providing scholarships, literacy programs, and school supplies to Native American students. A GPA between 2.0 and 3.5 is desirable—as is an ACT score of 14 or above—however, all current or future undergraduate students are encouraged to apply.


Opportunities for Student-Athletes


27. Foot Locker Scholar Athletes


Amount: Up to $20,000 

Deadline: January 30


  • U.S. Citizen or Permanent Legal Resident
  • High school senior 
  • Entering an accredited four-year institution for an undergraduate degree
  • Involved in high school sports, intramural sports, or community-based sports

Application Requirements:

  • Minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Two essays—one written and one video
  • Letter of recommendation 


Unlike most athletic scholarships, the Foot Locker Scholar Athletes Program is as likely to reward the student who kept team spirit high as it is the student who led the state in scoring. This scholarship honors athletes exhibiting excellence and leadership cultivated on the field and in the locker room to positively change the lives of others. 


28. Sara Scholarship


Amount: $2,000 per year—renewable for four years for a total of $8,000

Deadline: April 30 


  • Female high school seniors 
  • Demonstrated financial need
  • Active engagement with the sport of golf as a hobby, as a member of a team, working as a caddy, or at a golf course

Application Requirements: 

  • Minimum 3.3 GPA 
  • Standard application
  • Transcript
  • Personal essay
  • Letter of recommendation 
  • Student Aid Report (SAR)


Established in 2012, the Sara Scholarship was founded in memory of Sara Sheehan through the Henry & Sara Sheehan foundation. This scholarship grants awards to high-achieving female high school seniors who demonstrate financial need, excellence of character, a passion for golf, and a plan to pursue a college degree.


29. Lindsey Vonn Foundation Scholarships


Amount: $5,000

Deadline: March 31


  • Female
  • Ages 10 to 18 
  • Passion and promise in a sport
  • Demonstrated financial need

Application Requirements:

  • Letter of recommendation 
  • Essay about you and your sport (students are encouraged to create submissions that will stand out)


The Lindsey Vonn Foundation provides scholarships, programs, and mentorship in order to support future generations by helping them pursue their passion, overcome obstacles, and achieve their goals. Applicants that are 200% below the Federal Poverty Line are prioritized. 


30. United States Tennis Association


Amount: Up to $10,000 

Deadline: May 1


  • High school seniors  
  • Involved in community service or volunteering
  • Demonstrated financial need 
  • Participant in National Junior Tennis and Learning

Application Requirements: 

  • Minimum 3.0 GPA 
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Recent photo
  • FAFSA student report


There are several endowed scholarships available through USTA and students are encouraged to apply to all those that they are eligible to receive.


31 (Bonus). CollegeVine Scholarships


Amount: $2,000

Deadline: Quarterly

Eligibility: high school student and US resident

Application Requirements: create a free CollegeVine account or fill out chancing profile if you already have an account.


CollegeVine provides a quarterly, no-essay scholarship of $2,000. All you have to do is sign up for a free account, which allows you to see your chances of acceptance at 1,600+ schools, get your essays reviewed by a peer, ask questions in our community forum, and more. If you already have an account, just make sure your chancing profile is filled out.


Awards will be paid out directly to students to help them cover any educational costs. Learn more about the CollegeVine scholarships.


Tips For Applying For Scholarships


More work = fewer applicants


The more work applying for a scholarship is, the smaller the applicant pool will likely be. Scholarships involving video production, such as the Live Más Scholarship, or a well-thought-out essay, like the Dell Scholars Program, all demand a healthy amount of hard work which keeps the competition at bay. 


Apply to a mix of larger and smaller awards


All the above scholarships are relatively well-known, so they will still be incredibly competitive even if they involve a lot of work. Don’t limit yourself to applying for huge national awards—look for local groups who may have smaller awards, but also smaller pools of candidates.


Research past winners


Scholarship committees tend to have an idea of “what they’re looking for.” To present yourself in the best light, research past winners to get a better sense of what scholarship committees want to see. Most scholarship pages will have a section dedicated to past winners, what their application was like, and where they are now. If not, you can always Google the name of the scholarship and “past winners.”


Short Bio
A graduate of Northeastern University with a degree in English, Tim Peck currently lives in Concord, New Hampshire, where he balances a freelance writing career with the needs of his two Australian Shepherds to play outside.