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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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A Guide to Applying to the University of New Hampshire

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Karoline Goulart and Aja Altenhof in a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info.


What’s Covered:



The University of New Hampshire (UNH) uses the Common App to evaluate applicant eligibility and competitiveness for admission. 


In this article, we will explore the different components of the Common App, from the activities list to transcripts, and will share insider tips on how to maximize your application specifically for getting accepted to UNH.


The Common Application – Activities and Essay


The Activities List


One component of the Common Application that admissions officers at UNH consider is your activities list. Through this list, applicants are able to demonstrate what activities they have been involved in throughout high school, how they prioritized and dedicated their time, and how successfully they have been able to balance their activities with academics.




The essay is a small component of the UNH application, especially in comparison to other schools that require supplemental essays in addition to the main Common App personal statement. Applicants to UNH are only required to complete the main Common App essay.


As you work on your Common App essay, remember that because applicants to UNH only have one essay to submit, it is critical to pick a topic that is of importance to you and that you’re passionate about.


Additionally, UNH does not conduct personal interviews for applicants. Instead, applicants are encouraged to include information in their essay, or other parts of their application, that they would have otherwise shared in a personal interview. This can ensure that admissions officers have the context they need to really understand who you are, what is important to you, and if you will be a good fit for their college.


Letters of Recommendation


UNH requires applicants to provide just one letter of recommendation from an academic source. School counselors or teachers are great folks to ask for this letter of recommendation.


UNH admissions officers are looking for letters of recommendation that advocate for applicants, speak to their strengths and weaknesses, and highlight how likely they are to succeed in college. As you consider your recommender options, try to select someone who can speak to these aspects of you as a student.


Academics and Transcripts


The Importance of Transcripts


The most important question that UNH admissions officers are trying to answer when reviewing student applications is, “Can the applicant do the work, and are they academically prepared to succeed at the University of New Hampshire?” 


The most useful application material for answering this important question is the student’s transcript, which they use as an initial screening tool. Admissions officers will spend time looking at the types of classes that you’ve taken and the level and rigor of those courses. Additionally, they will evaluate whether you meet the minimum requirements for admission. 


What Admissions Officers Are Looking For


For students applying to math or science majors, admissions officers will look specifically for four years of math and science on your transcript, and whether you have been at least a B-average student in those areas.


Keep in mind that the typical admitted student to UNH has about a B to B+ plus average GPA, so admissions officers will be looking for grades in that range for the core subjects of English, math, science, social science, and a foreign language. 


Additionally, admissions officers will check to make sure that over the course of your four years of high school, you have accumulated at least 15 year-long units within these core subjects. This tends to be about four years of English, three to four years of math, science, and social science, and then two years of foreign language. That said, the language requirement is not required if your school doesn’t offer it, or if you took additional core courses that replaced the foreign language units.


Application Deadlines


UNH has two deadline options for first year students, an Early Action deadline on November 15th, and a Regular Decision deadline on February 1st.  


The main difference between these two deadlines is when you will be notified of a decision. Students who apply to the Early Action deadline typically hear back by mid or late January, while students who apply to the Regular Decision deadline receive their decisions by mid to early March. 


Notes for Transfer Applicants


Students who are considering transferring to UNH should keep a few additional things in mind. 


Transfer applicants are reviewed based on both their high school and college backgrounds. Applicants who were not eligible or competitive for UNH while in high school should be sure to address their academic areas of growth while in college, as the UNH admissions team will be looking at this specifically. 


In general, the UNH looks for at least a 2.8 GPA in transfer applicants, which is around a B to B minus academic average. That said, depending on the major you apply for, the average GPA could be higher. Students applying to business and  science majors should keep in mind that those programs typically require a GPA of 3.0 or higher, or a solid B average, of transfer applicants.


Transfer students can choose from two admission deadlines – the spring deadline which is on October 15th, or the fall deadline which is April 1st.