What are your chances of acceptance?

Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
Duke University
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

The ScholarshipPoints $10,000 College Scholarship



Are you looking for additional ways to make college more affordable? External scholarships are an excellent way to make going to college easier on your family’s wallet. The variety of privately-funded scholarships out there is impressive. They come in all shapes and sizes, and all have their own target populations, missions, eligibility requirements, and scholarship amounts.


Earning a scholarship isn’t easy though; most scholarship programs require more or less the full application that you used for college applications themselves. In addition, special essays or responses are usually required.


The college application process is often exhausting, and going through rounds and rounds of applications to earn scholarships can make your head spin. Continue reading to find out about a scholarship that doesn’t require such applications.


ScholarshipPoints College Scholarships


ScholarshipPoints is a membership program for students who wish to earn scholarships for college. It’s one of the more unconventional scholarship programs out there, in the sense that it doesn’t require students to submit GPAs, essays, résumés, or any other traditional application elements. Instead, it uses a points-based system that allows members to “draw” for scholarships ranging from $1000 to $10,000.


ScholarshipPoints works with partners to help fund the scholarships. The program gives out $1000 scholarships three times each month, and one $10,000 scholarship four times a year, at quarterly intervals. The next drawing for the $10,000 scholarship is June 15, 2019.



How to “Apply”


The process for ScholarshipPoints is quite straightforward.


In terms of eligibility, students must be at least 13 years old at the time of entry, and residents of the United States or Puerto Rico.


Students create a free account on ScholarshipPoints’ website, and earn points by investing time in the site. Reading articles, testing online games and puzzles, checking out ScholarshipPoints’ partners’ sites, and taking surveys can all help you to accumulate points. Your stock from these activities can be used to enter into scholarship drawings. As with any drawing, the more points you enter, the greater of a chance you have to win the scholarship. If you receive the scholarship, you have three days to claim it before another winner is drawn.


You can take a look at ScholarshipPoints’ Winners’ Wall, where they post information about all previous scholarship winners, such as amounts received and the school attended. This also serves as testimony for the relatively unusual scholarship program.


Tips on Applying for Scholarships


For most scholarships, the application process is stressful and can feel like a shot in the dark.


Even following all the advice you hear, meeting all the entry requirements, writing a stellar essay, or drawing a narrative through your extracurriculars and response questions, it’ll still be hard to estimate whether you will receive the scholarship or not.  


For ScholarshipPoints, however, there are fewer variables in the equation. It comes down to how many points belong to you out of all the points in the drawing hat, as well as a good deal of chance. In this case, best practice is relatively clear: complete the online activities so that by the time of entering in a contest, you have enough points to put in. Then just hope for the best!


If you’re hoping to get more financial help in paying for college, consider applying to more than just the ScholarshipPoints program. There are many scholarships out there. Take a look at these posts below to see which other scholarships might be for you, and how to go about applying for them.



Curious about your chances of acceptance to your dream school? Our free chancing engine takes into account your GPA, test scores, extracurriculars, and other data to predict your odds of acceptance at over 500 colleges across the U.S. We’ll also let you know how you stack up against other applicants and how you can improve your profile. Sign up for your free CollegeVine account today to get started!

Short Bio
Kimberly graduated from Smith College with a degree in English Literature. This year, she has been based in Beijing, China, where she works in the education field and rescues dogs in her free time. She will be starting her masters at Columbia University in the fall.