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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
Duke University




Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

The List of All U.S Colleges With an Elementary Education Major

Did you pretend to teach your toys when you were young? Do you enjoy helping your friends master concepts they find difficult, or love working with children? If so, then you might be a future elementary education major!

Why Study Elementary Education in College?

Education is a vital part of a functioning society, especially in the U.S. Children are going to grow into adults, and we want them to be prepared for anything that life may send their way. Elementary education teachers create an incredibly important foundation for the development of virtually every individual in the nation.


Aside from the academic skills that help people get minimum wage jobs, such as basic reading and arithmetic, elementary school is where we learn some of our most important social skills, such as cooperation and teamwork, organization, and time management. Even if we don’t always realize it, the quality of our elementary school experience impacts the course of our lives.


As an elementary education major, you’re most likely planning to become an elementary school (kindergarten through sixth grade) teacher after graduation. Given how important those formative years are, becoming an elementary school teacher is something to be proud of.


In your classes, you’ll develop strategies for teaching to different learning styles, learn how the education system works, and prepare for your career through classroom hours and immersive internships. You’ll need to be passionate about both education and working with children of all backgrounds to succeed in the classroom and after graduation.


Nowadays, most elementary school teachers don’t stay as school teachers forever, although nothing is stopping you from teaching for twenty to thirty (or more!) years. However, many school teachers eventually get their master’s degrees or Ed.D.s in order to become school administrators, such as the principal or dean of a school. An elementary education degree is highly valued for these graduate programs and for the jobs that you’d be eligible for afterwards.


The U.S. needs resilient, motivated people to prepare the next generation for the world they will inherit. If you want to make a direct impact on society, enjoy the art of teaching, and want to work with all kinds of people, then elementary education is perfect for you.

How Can You Increase Your Chances of Acceptance?

As a future elementary education major, you’ll want to do everything you can to show colleges that you’ve got what it takes to get in. Here’s how you can understand your chances and create a strong school list.


Look at the freshman profile. Sometimes called the “Class of ___ Profile,” the freshman profile will give you enough information to give you a quick idea of what your chances of being admitted are. If your GPA and test scores are close to or above the averages listed on the freshman profile, the better your chances of getting in. But remember that this is just a chance, not a guarantee. The rest of your application still matters.


Consider your preferred learning environment. Not only do you want to include schools that you have a good chance of getting into, but you should also think about what kind of school you want to attend. Do you want to stay in-state or go out-of-state? Would you prefer a small liberal arts college or a large research university? Narrow down your school list based on where you think you would thrive.


Volunteer. Once you have created your list, a great way to optimize your profile is to get involved, especially with an extracurricular activity or organization where you can work with elementary school aged children. You could volunteer with your local elementary after-school program, over the summer at a summer camp, or even in children-centered educational museums. You’ll show the admissions officers that you know what it’s like to work with kids.


In addition to the above tips, you may want to work with a company like CollegeVine. We tailor guidance to your specific educational needs:


  • For 9th and 10th graders, we identify the classes you should be taking to be as competitive as possible and extracurriculars that will flesh out your profile.
  • For 11th and 12th graders, we hone in on the components of the application and make sure that each of them are as strong as possible, and show you your exact chances of getting in.


As an elementary education major, you have plenty of schools to choose from, and if you do your research, you’re likely to get into your dream school.

Which Colleges Have an Elementary Education Major?

We researched hundreds of schools to create the ultimate list of every college with an Elementary Education major:


Arizona Christian University

Arizona State University | ASU

Arkansas State University | A–State

Arkansas Tech University | ATU

Asbury University

Ashland University

Assumption College

Atlanta Metropolitan State College | AMSC

Auburn University

Auburn University at Montgomery | AUM

Augsburg University

Augustana University

Aurora University

Austin Peay State University | APSU

Avila University

Baker College

Baldwin Wallace University | BW

Ball State University | BSU

Barton College

Bay Path University

Baylor University

Becker College

Belhaven University

Bellevue College

Beloit College

Benedict College

Benedictine College

Benedictine University

Bennett College

Berklee College of Music | Berklee

Berry College

Bethel College (Indiana)

Bethel University (Minnesota)

Biola University

Bismarck State College | BSC

Black Hills State University | BHSU

Blackburn College

Bloomsburg University | BloomU

Blue Mountain College | BMC

Bluefield College

Bluefield State College | BSC

Bob Jones University | BJU

Boise State University | BSU

Boricua College

Boston College | BC

Boston University | BU

Bowdoin College

Bowie State University | BSU

Bradley University

Brandeis University

Brandman University

Brazosport College

Brewton–Parker College

Briar Cliff University

Bridgewater State University

Brigham Young University | BYU

Brigham Young University–Idaho | BYU–Idaho

Brooklyn College

Broward College

Brown University

Bryan College

Bucknell University

Buena Vista University | BVU

Butler University

C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University | LIU Post

Cairn University

Caldwell University

California State University, Sacramento | Sacramento State

California State University, Stanislaus | Stanislaus State

Calumet College of St. Joseph | CCSJ

Calvin College

Cambridge College

Cameron University

Campbell University

Campbellsville University

Canisius College

Cardinal Stritch University

Carlow University

Carroll College

Carroll University

Carson–Newman University

Carthage College

Castleton University

Catawba College

Catholic University of America | CUA

Cedar Crest College

Cedarville University

Centenary University

Central Baptist College | CBC

Central Christian College of Kansas

Central Connecticut State University | CCSU

Central Michigan University | CMU

Central Washington University | CWU

Chadron State College | CSC

Chaminade University of Honolulu

Champlain College

Chapman University

Charleston Southern University | CSU

Chatham University

Chestnut Hill College | CHC

Chicago State University | CSU

Chipola College

Chowan University

Christian Brothers University | CBU

City College of New York | CCNY

Claflin University

Clarke University

Clemson University

Cleveland State University | CSU

Coastal Carolina University | Coastal

Coe College

Coker College

Colby College

Colgate University

College of Central Florida

College of Charleston

College of Coastal Georgia | CCGA

College of Saint Rose

College of St. Benedict | CSB

College of St. Joseph

College of St. Scholastica | CSS

College of the Ozarks

College of William & Mary | William & Mary

Colorado Christian University | CCU

Colorado College

Colorado Mesa University

Colorado State University–Pueblo | CSU Pueblo

Columbia College (Missouri)

Columbia College (South Carolina)

Columbia College Chicago

Columbia International University | CIU

Concordia College (Minnesota)

Concordia College (New York)

Concordia University (Oregon)

Concordia University Ann Arbor

Concordia University Chicago

Concordia University Nebraska

Concordia University Wisconsin | CUW

Converse College

Coppin State University

Corban University

Cornell College

Cornerstone University

Creighton University

Crowley’s Ridge College

Crown College (Minnesota)

Culver–Stockton College

Cumberland University

Curry College

Dakota State University | DSU

Dakota Wesleyan University | DWU

Dallas Baptist University | DBU

Dalton State College | DSC

Daytona State College

Dean College

Delaware State University | Del State

Delta State University

Denison University

DePaul University

DePauw University

DeSales University

Dickinson State University | DSU

Dixie State University | DSU

Dominican College

Dominican University (Illinois)

Dordt College

Drexel University

Drury University

Duquesne University

Earlham College

East Carolina University | ECU

East Central University | ECU

East Georgia State College | EGSC

East Texas Baptist University | ETBU

Eastern Connecticut State University | ECSU

Eastern Illinois University | EIU

Eastern Kentucky University | EKU

Eastern Mennonite University | EMU

Eastern Michigan University | EMU

Eastern Nazarene College | ENC

Eastern New Mexico University | ENMU

Eastern Oregon University | EOU

Eastern University

Eastern Washington University | EWU

Edgewood College

Edinboro University

Edward Waters College | EWC

Elizabeth City State University | ECSU

Elizabethtown College | E-town

Elms College

Elon University

Emmanuel College (Georgia)

Emmanuel College (Massachusetts)

Emporia State University

Endicott College

Eureka College

Evangel University

Fairfield University

Fairmont State University

Faulkner University

Fayetteville State University | FSU

Ferris State University

Fisher College

Fisk University

Fitchburg State University

Flagler College

Florida A&M University | FAMU

Florida Atlantic University | FAU

Florida College

Florida Gateway College | FGC

Florida Gulf Coast University | FGCU

Florida International University | FIU

Florida Memorial University

Florida Southern College

Florida SouthWestern State College | FSW

Florida State College at Jacksonville | FSCJ

Fontbonne University

Fort Hays State University | FHSU

Fort Valley State University | FVSU

Framingham State University

Francis Marion University

Franklin Pierce University

Freed–Hardeman University | FHU

Friends University

Frostburg State University

Furman University

Gallaudet University

Gardner–Webb University

George Fox University | GFU

Georgia Gwinnett College | GGC

Georgia Southern University

Georgia Southwestern State University | GSW

Georgian Court University | GCU

Glenville State College | GSC

Gonzaga University

Gordon State College

Goshen College

Goucher College

Governors State University

Grace Christian University

Grace College & Seminary

Graceland University

Grambling State University | GSU

Grand View University

Great Basin College

Green Mountain College

Greensboro College

Greenville University

Gulf Coast State College | GCSC

Gustavus Adolphus College

Gwynedd Mercy University | GMercyU

Hannibal–LaGrange University | HLGU

Harris–Stowe State University

Hastings College

Hawaii Pacific University | HPU

Heidelberg University (Ohio)

Henderson State University | HSU

High Point University

Hobart and William Smith Colleges | HWS

Holy Family University

Hope College

Houston Baptist University | HBU

Howard University

Humboldt State University | HSU

Humphreys College

Hunter College | CUNY Hunter

Huntingdon College

Huntington University

Husson University

Huston–Tillotson University | HTU

Illinois State University | ISU

Illinois Wesleyan University

Immaculata University

Indian River State College | IRSC

Indiana State University | ISU

Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis | IUPUI

Indiana University Bloomington | Indiana

Indiana University East | IU East

Indiana University Kokomo | IU Kokomo

Indiana University Northwest | IU Northwest

Indiana University of Pennsylvania | IUP

Indiana University South Bend | IU South Bend

Indiana Wesleyan University | IWU

Iowa State University

Iowa Wesleyan University

Ithaca College

Jackson State University | JSU

Jacksonville State University | JSU

Jacksonville University

Jarvis Christian College | JCC

John Brown University | JBU

Judson University

Juniata College

Kansas State University | KSU

Kansas Wesleyan University | KWU

Keene State College

Keiser University

Kendall College

Kentucky State University | KSU

Kentucky Wesleyan College | KWC

Keuka College

Keystone College

Knox College

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania | KU

Lake Erie College

Lake Forest College

Lake Superior State University | LSSU

Lakeland University

Lamar University

Lander University

Landmark College

Langston University | LU

Lasell College | LC

Lebanon Valley College | LVC

Lees–McRae College

Lehigh University

LeMoyne–Owen College | LOC

Lesley University

LeTourneau University | LETU

Lewis University

Lewis–Clark State College

Limestone College

Lincoln Memorial University | LMU

Lindenwood University

Lindsey Wilson College

Lipscomb University

Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania | LHU

Loras College

Louisiana College

Louisiana State University Shreveport | LSUS

Louisiana Tech University | La. Tech

Loyola University New Orleans

Lubbock Christian University | LCU

Luther College

Madonna University

Malone University

Manhattan College

Mansfield University of Pennsylvania

Maranatha Baptist University

Marian University

Marietta College

Marquette University

Mars Hill University

Marshall University

Martin Methodist College

Maryville University

Marywood University

Mayville State University | MSU

McKendree University | McK

McMurry University

McNeese State University

Medgar Evers College | CUNY MEC

Mercy College

Merrimack College

Messiah College

Methodist University

Metropolitan State University

Metropolitan State University of Denver | MSU Denver

Miami Dade College | MDC

Michigan State University

Mid-America Christian University | MACU

MidAmerica Nazarene University | MNU

Middle Georgia State University

Middle Tennessee State University | MTSU

Midland College | MC

Midway University

Midwestern State University

Miles College

Millersville University of Pennsylvania | MU

Milligan College

Millikin University

Mills College

Millsaps College

Minnesota State University Moorhead | MSUM

Minnesota State University, Mankato | MNSU

Minot State University | MSU

Mississippi College

Mississippi State University | MSU

Mississippi University for Women | MUW

Mississippi Valley State University | MVSU

Missouri Baptist University

Missouri Southern State University

Missouri State University | MSU

Missouri Valley College

Missouri Western State University

Mitchell College

Montana State University | MSU

Montana State University–Northern | MSU–Northern

Montreat College

Morris College

Mount Aloysius College

Mount Marty College

Mount Mary University

Mount Mercy University

Mount Saint Mary College

Mount St. Joseph University

Mount Vernon Nazarene University | MVNU

Muhlenberg College

Murray State University | MSU

Naropa University

Nazareth College

Neumann University

Nevada State College | NSC

New England College | NEC

New England Institute of Technology | NEIT

New Mexico Highlands University | NMHU

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology | New Mexico Tech

New Mexico State University | NMSU

New School

New York City College of Technology | CUNY City Tech

New York University | NYU

Newberry College

Newman University

Niagara University

Nicholls State University

North Carolina A&T State University | N.C. A&T

North Carolina Central University | NCCU

North Carolina State University | NC State

North Dakota State University | NDSU

North Greenville University

North Seattle College | NSC

Northcentral University

Northeastern Illinois University | NEIU

Northeastern State University | NSU

Northeastern University

Northern Arizona University | NAU

Northern Illinois University | NIU

Northern Michigan University | NMU

Northern New Mexico College

Northern State University | NSU

Northern Vermont University–Johnson | NVU Johnson

Northwest Florida State College | NWFSC

Northwest Missouri State University

Northwest Nazarene University | NNU

Northwestern Michigan College | NMC

Northwestern Oklahoma State University | NWOSU

Northwestern State University of Louisiana | NSU

Notre Dame of Maryland University | NDMU

Nova Southeastern University | NSU

Nyack College

Oakland City University | OCU

Oakwood University

Oberlin College

Occidental College

Ohio Christian University | OCU

Oklahoma Baptist University | OBU

Oklahoma Christian University | OC

Oklahoma Panhandle State University | OPSU

Oklahoma State University–Oklahoma City | OSU–OKC

Oklahoma Wesleyan University | OKWU

Olivet Nazarene University | ONU

Olympic College

Oral Roberts University | ORU

Oregon Institute of Technology | Oregon Tech

Otterbein University

Pace University

Palm Beach Atlantic University | PBA

Park University

Peninsula College

Pennsylvania College of Technology | Penn Tech

Pensacola State College

Pepperdine University

Peru State College

Pfeiffer University

Piedmont College

Pittsburg State University | PSU

Plymouth State University | PSU

Point Park University

Polk State College

Prairie View A&M University | PVAMU

Presbyterian College

Principia College

Providence College

Purdue University

Purdue University Fort Wayne | PFW

Purdue University Northwest | PNW

Queens College, City University of New York | CUNY QC

Queens University of Charlotte

Quincy University

Radford University

Ramapo College of New Jersey | RCNJ

Regent University

Regis College (Massachusetts)

Regis University

Reinhardt University

Rhode Island College | RIC

Rhodes College

Rider University

Ripon College

Rivier University

Robert Morris University | RMU (Pennsylvania)

Rochester College

Rockford University

Rockhurst University

Rocky Mountain College | RMC

Roger Williams University | RWU

Rogers State University

Roosevelt University

Rowan University

Rust College

Saginaw Valley State University | SVSU

Saint Francis University | SFU

Saint Joseph’s College of Maine

Saint Joseph’s University | SJU

Saint Leo University

Saint Martin’s University | St. Martin’s

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College | SMWC

Saint Mary’s College (Indiana)

Saint Mary’s College of California | St. Mary’s

Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota | SMU

Saint Peter’s University

Salem State University

Salisbury University

Salve Regina University

Samford University

Savannah State University

Seattle Pacific University | SPU

Seminole State College of Florida

Seton Hill University

Shaw University

Shawnee State University | SSU

Siena Heights University | SHU

Sierra Nevada College | SNC

Silver Lake College

Simmons College

Skidmore College

Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania | SRU

Smith College

South Dakota State University

South Georgia State College

Southeast Missouri State University | SEMO

Southeastern Louisiana University

Southeastern Oklahoma State University | SOSU

Southeastern University

Southern Adventist University

Southern Arkansas University | SAU

Southern Connecticut State University | SCSU

Southern Illinois University Carbondale | SIU

Southern Nazarene University | SNU

Southern New Hampshire University | SNHU

Southern Oregon University | SOU

Southern University and A&M College | SUBR

Southern Utah University | SUU

Southern Wesleyan University

Southwest Baptist University | SBU

Southwest Minnesota State University | SMSU

Southwestern Assemblies of God University | SAGU

Southwestern Christian University

Southwestern Oklahoma State University | SWOSU

Southwestern University

Spalding University

Spelman College

Spring Arbor University | SAU

Springfield College

St. Ambrose University

St. Augustine College

St. Augustine’s University

St. Bonaventure University

St. Catherine University

St. Cloud State University | SCSU

St. Francis College | SFC

St. John Fisher College

St. Johns River State College

St. Joseph’s University | SJU

St. Mary’s University, Texas

St. Petersburg College | SPC

St. Thomas Aquinas College | STAC

St. Thomas University | STU

State College of Florida

State University of New York at Canton | SUNY Canton

State University of New York at Cortland | SUNY Cortland

State University of New York at Fredonia | SUNY Fredonia

State University of New York at New Paltz | SUNY New Paltz

State University of New York at Old Westbury | SUNY Old Westbury

State University of New York at Oneonta | SUNY Oneonta

State University of New York at Oswego | SUNY Oswego

State University of New York at Plattsburgh | SUNY Plattsburgh

State University of New York at Potsdam | SUNY Potsdam

Sterling College

Stevenson University

Stockton University

Swarthmore College

Tabor College

Talladega College

Taylor University

Temple University

Tennessee State University | TSU

Tennessee Technological University | Tennessee Tech

Tennessee Wesleyan University | TWU

Texas Tech University | TTU

Texas Wesleyan University

The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina | The Citadel

The College at Brockport, State University of New York | SUNY Brockport

The College of New Jersey | TCNJ

The Ohio State University | OSU

The State University of New York at Geneseo | SUNY Geneseo

Thomas College

Toccoa Falls College

Touro College

Towson University

Transylvania University

Trevecca Nazarene University

Trine University

Trinity Christian College

Trinity International University | TIU

Trinity Washington University

Troy University (Alabama)

Truett McConnell University

Tufts University

Tulane University

Tusculum University

Tuskegee University

Union College (Kentucky)

Union College (Nebraska)

University of Akron

University of Alabama

University of Alaska Anchorage | UAA

University of Alaska Southeast

University of Arizona

University of Arkansas

University of Arkansas at Little Rock | UA Little Rock

University of Arkansas at Monticello | UAM

University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff | UAPB

University of Arkansas–Fort Smith | UAFS

University of California, Irvine | UC Irvine

University of California, Santa Cruz | UCSC

University of Central Florida | UCF

University of Charleston

University of Cincinnati

University of Colorado Denver | CU Denver

University of Connecticut | UConn

University of Delaware

University of Detroit Mercy

University of Dubuque

University of Evansville

University of Florida

University of Hawaii at Hilo | UH Hilo

University of Hawaii at Manoa | UH Manoa

University of Hawaii–West Oahu | UHWO

University of Holy Cross | UOHC

University of Houston–Downtown | UHD

University of Idaho

University of Iowa

University of Jamestown

University of Kansas

University of Kentucky

University of Louisiana at Lafayette | UL Lafayette

University of Louisiana at Monroe | ULM

University of Louisville

University of Lynchburg

University of Maine

University of Maine at Farmington | UMF

University of Maine at Fort Kent

University of Maine at Presque Isle | UMPI

University of Mary | UMary

University of Maryland, College Park | Maryland

University of Massachusetts Amherst | UMass Amherst

University of Massachusetts Lowell | UMass Lowell

University of Memphis

University of Michigan

University of Michigan–Dearborn | UM-D

University of Michigan–Flint | UofM-Flint

University of Minnesota Crookston | UMC

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | Minnesota

University of Mississippi | Ole Miss

University of Missouri | Mizzou

University of Missouri–Kansas City | UMKC

University of Missouri–St. Louis | UMSL

University of Mobile

University of Montana

University of Montana Western | UMW

University of Mount Olive

University of Mount Union

University of Nebraska at Kearney | UNK

University of Nebraska Omaha | UNO

University of Nebraska–Lincoln | UNL

University of Nevada, Las Vegas | UNLV

University of New England | UNE

University of New Hampshire | UNH

University of New Mexico | UNM

University of North Alabama | UNA

University of North Carolina at Charlotte | UNC Charlotte

University of North Carolina at Greensboro | UNC Greensboro

University of North Carolina at Pembroke | UNC Pembroke

University of North Carolina at Wilmington | UNC Wilmington

University of North Dakota | UND

University of North Florida | UNF

University of North Georgia | UNG

University of North Texas at Dallas | UNTD

University of Northern Iowa | UNI

University of Northwestern – St. Paul

University of Notre Dame

University of Oklahoma

University of Portland

University of Providence | UP

University of Rhode Island | URI

University of Rio Grande

University of Saint Francis | USF

University of Saint Joseph

University of Saint Mary | USM

University of Sioux Falls | USF

University of South Carolina | USC

University of South Carolina Aiken | USC Aiken

University of South Carolina Beaufort | USCB

University of South Carolina Upstate | USC Upstate

University of South Dakota | USD

University of South Florida | USF

University of Southern Indiana | USI

University of Southern Mississippi | Southern Miss

University of St. Thomas (Minnesota)

University of St. Thomas (Texas)

University of Tennessee

University of Texas at El Paso | UTEP

University of Texas at Tyler | UT Tyler

University of the Cumberlands

University of the District of Columbia | UDC

University of the Ozarks

University of the Southwest

University of Toledo

University of Tulsa

University of Utah

University of Vermont | UVM

University of Virginia | UVA

University of West Alabama | UWA

University of West Florida | UWF

University of West Georgia | UWG

University of Wisconsin-Madison | Wisconsin

University of Wisconsin–Green Bay | UW–Green Bay

University of Wisconsin–La Crosse | UW–La Crosse

University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee | UWM

University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh | UW Oshkosh

University of Wisconsin–Platteville | UW–Platteville

University of Wisconsin–River Falls | UW–River Falls

University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point | UW–Stevens Point

University of Wisconsin–Stout | UW–Stout

University of Wisconsin–Whitewater | UW–Whitewater

University of Wyoming

Urbana University

Ursinus College

Utah State University

Utah Valley University | UVU

Utica College

Valdosta State University | VSU

Valley City State University | VCSU

Valparaiso University | Valpo

Vanderbilt University

Vassar College

Viterbo University

Wagner College

Wake Forest University

Walla Walla University

Walsh University

Warner Pacific University

Warner University

Washington State University | WSU

Washington University in St. Louis | WashU

Wayland Baptist University | WBU

Wayne State College

Wayne State University | WSU

Waynesburg University

Webber International University | WIU

Weber State University

Webster University

Welch College

Wesley College

West Chester University | WCUPA

West Liberty University

West Virginia University | WVU

West Virginia University at Parkersburg

West Virginia Wesleyan College

Western Carolina University | WCU

Western Connecticut State University | WCSU

Western Governors University | WGU

Western Illinois University | WIU

Western Kentucky University | WKU

Western New England University | WNE

Western New Mexico University

Western Oregon University | WOU

Western State Colorado University

Western Washington University | WWU

Westfield State University

Westminster College (Missouri)

Westminster College (Pennsylvania)

Westminster College (Utah)

Wheaton College (Illinois)

Wheaton College (Massachusetts)

Wheelock College

Wichita State University | WSU

Wiley College

William Carey University | WCU

William Paterson University | WPUNJ

William Penn University

WIlliam Woods University | WWU

Wilmington University

Wilson College

Winona State University | WSU

Winston-Salem State University | WSSU

Winthrop University | WU

Wisconsin Lutheran College | WLC

Worcester State University

Xavier University of Louisiana

York College of Pennsylvania

York College, City University of New York | CUNY York

Youngstown State University

How We Help Students Improve Their Chances

If you continue to do well in school and seek out opportunities to experience working with children, you’ll find that you’ll be able to get into many schools that offer elementary education as a major. Being a teacher is a valuable and rewarding career where you’ll be able to make a real difference in society.


But the first step is to get into the college of your choice. Students who work with CollegeVine’s Applications Program have the ability to calculate their chances of getting into a school, the ROI of different schools, and even polish their college essay. We triple our students chances at getting in to even the most selective colleges. Want to improve your chances of admission? See if our College Applications program is right for you!


If you’re interested in other social majors, check out some of our other posts below:


The List of All U.S. Colleges With a Sociology Major

The List of All U.S Colleges With a Human Development and Family Studies Major

The List of All U.S Colleges With an Anthropology Major

Short Bio
Gianna Cifredo is a graduate of the University of Central Florida, where she majored in Philosophy. She has six years of higher education and test prep experience, and now works as a freelance writer specializing in education. She currently lives in Orlando, Florida and is a proud cat mom.