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Duke University
Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

The List of All U.S. Colleges With a Geology Major

Geology majors study the Earth’s structure and the scientific processes that transform that structure. The field is truly interdisciplinary, and involves skills in math, chemistry, biology, physics, and environmental science. Students will not only learn the history of the Earth’s structure, but also how to apply these concepts to current-day challenges. 


Keep reading to learn more about geology as a field of study and for a complete list of all the universities that offer this degree program.


A Quick Clarification: Geology vs. Geosciences vs. Earth Sciences


This post includes a complete list of all colleges in the U.S. with a Geology, Earth Sciences, or Geosciences major. While Geology focuses on the structure of the earth, or the lithosphere, Earth Sciences and Geosciences include the study of the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Earth Sciences and Geosciences are generally broader than the field of Geology, but most programs involve in-depth coursework in geology, and some programs will also let you specialize in Geology. 


Why Should You Study Geology in College?


At the core of geology is the study of rocks and dirt, but that is only scratching the surface. This particular field has been a driving force for the growth of civilizations throughout history, from the construction of the pyramids in ancient Egypt to the Roman Empire building the aqueducts.  


Homes and skyscrapers can be built on solid ground because construction companies and civil engineers ensure beforehand the dirt underneath can sustain the weight. Because the power of oil and natural gas has been harnessed, travel by land and air is possible. Entire history books have been written due to what has been found within the deep layers of the Earth that tell present and future generations of the rise and fall of past civilizations.


This is a fulfilling career path for the student who enjoys learning outdoors but also wants to take this knowledge and learn more inside a laboratory. It is one that has a projected average growth of 10% between the years 2014 and 2024. Through careers such as geotechnical engineering, pollution control, geological surveying, and field seismology, students can have a direct impact on civilization as we are constantly searching for new ways to use the planet for a better life.


How Can You Increase Your Chances of Acceptance?


For the student who wants to pursue this path of higher education, college admission officers are looking for candidates who have a strong GPA and a transcript with AP geology, biology, and physics classes. Special attention will also be given to how well a student scored in the math and science sections of a standardized test.


Another way to boost the chances of getting accepted into a top-tier college is to participate in extracurricular activities. Science fairs and clubs are great ways to enhance a student’s profile and make them stand out to college admission officers; it shows the student is committed to learning inside and outside of the classroom.

What Colleges Have a Geology Major?


To help lessen the stress of figuring out which college has a geology major, we have compiled a complete list of all the universities in the country that offer this degree program.


Adams State University

Adrian College

Alaska Pacific University

Albion College

Alfred University

Allegheny College

Amherst College

Angelo State University

Appalachian State University

Arizona State University

Arkansas Tech University | ATU

Ashland University

Auburn University

Augustana College

Austin Peay State University | APSU

Ball State University | BSU

Bates College

Baylor University

Beloit College

Bennington College

Binghampton University

Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

Boise State University

Boston College

Boston University

Bowdoin College

Bowling Green State University | BGSU

Bridgewater State University

Brigham Young University | BYU

Brigham Young University-Provo

Brigham Young University–Idaho | BYU–Idaho

Brown University

Bryn Mawr College

Bucknell University

California Institute of Technology | Caltech

California Lutheran University | CLU

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona | Cal Poly Pomona

California State University, Bakersfield | CSU Bakersfield

California State University, Chico | CSU Chico

California State University, Dominguez Hills | CSU Dominguez Hills

California State University, East Bay | CSU East Bay

California State University, Fresno | CSU Fresno

California State University, Fullerton | CSU Fullerton

California State University, Long Beach | Long Beach State

California State University, Los Angeles | Cal State LA

California State University, Northridge | CSUN

California State University, Sacramento | Sacramento State

California State University, San Bernardino | CSUSB

California State University, Stanislaus | Stanislaus State

California University of Pennsylvania

California University of Pennsylvania | Cal U

Calvin College

Carleton College

Case Western Reserve University

Case Western Reserve University | CWRU

Castleton University

Cedarville University

Centenary College of Louisiana

Central Connecticut State University | CCSU

Central Michigan University | CMU

Central State University

Central Washington University

Central Washington University | CWU

Chadron State College

City College of New York | CCNY

Claremont McKenna College | CMC

Clarion University

Clarion University of Pennsylvania

Clemson University

Cleveland State University

Colby College

Colgate University

College of Charleston

College of William & Mary | William & Mary

College of William and Mary

College of Wooster

Colorado College

Colorado Mesa University

Colorado School of Mines | Mines

Colorado State University – Fort Collins | CSU

Columbia University

Columbus State University

Concord University

Concordia University – Chicago

Cornell College

Cornell University

CUNY Brooklyn College

CUNY City College

CUNY College of Staten Island

CUNY Graduate School and University Center

CUNY Hunter College

CUNY Lehman College

CUNY Queens College

CUNY York College

Dartmouth College

Denison University

DePauw University

Dickinson College

Dickinson State University | DSU

Drexel University

Duke University

Earlham College

East Carolina University

East Carolina University | ECU

East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania

East Tennessee State University

Eastern Illinois University | EIU

Eastern Kentucky University | EKU

Eastern Michigan University | EMU

Eastern New Mexico University – main campus

Eastern Washington University | EWU

Edinboro University

Edinboro University of Pennsylvania

Emporia State University

Evergreen State College

Fitchburg State University

Florida Atlantic University | FAU

Florida International University | FIU

Florida State University | FSU

Fort Hays State University | FHSU

Fort Lewis College

Framingham State University

Franklin and Marshall College

Frostburg State University

Furman University

George Mason University

Georgia Southern University

Georgia Southwestern State University | GSW

Georgia State University

Grand Valley State University | GVSU

Guilford College

Gulf Coast State College | GCSC

Gustavus Adolphus College

Hamilton College

Hanover College

Hardin-Simmons University

Hartwick College

Harvard University

Haverford College

Hofstra University

Hope College

Humboldt State University | HSU

Idaho State University

Illinois State University | ISU

Indiana State University | ISU

Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis | IUPUI

Indiana University Bloomington | IU Bloomington

Indiana University Northwest | IU Northwest

Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus

Indiana University Southeast | IU Southeast

Iowa State University

Jackson State University

James Madison University | JMU

Johns Hopkins University | JHU

Juniata College

Kansas State University | KSU

Kean University

Keene State College

Kent State University at Kent

Keystone College

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania | KU

La Salle University

Lafayette College

Lake Superior State University | LSSU

Lamar University

Lawrence University

Lehigh University

Lewis-Clark State College

Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania | LHU

Loma Linda University

Long Island University

Louisiana State University | LSU

Macalester College

Marietta College

Marshall University

Massachusetts Institute of Technology | MIT

Mercyhurst University

Metropolitan State University of Denver | MSU Denver

Miami University

Miami University-Oxford

Michigan State University | MSU

Michigan Technological University | Michigan Tech

Middle Tennessee State University

Middlebury College

Midwestern State University

Millersville University of Pennsylvania | MU

Millsaps College

Minnesota State University Moorhead | MSUM

Minnesota State University, Mankato | MNSU

Minot State University | MSU

Mississippi State University | MSU

Missouri State University–Springfield | MSU

Missouri University of Science & Technology | Missouri S&T

Montana State University

Montclair State University

Moravian College

Morehead State University

Mount Holyoke College

Murray State University | MSU

Muskingum University

National University

New Jersey City University

New Jersey Institute of Technology | NJIT

New Mexico Highlands University | NMHU

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

New Mexico State University – main campus

New York University | NYU

North Carolina A&T State University | N.C. A&T

North Carolina Central University | NCCU

North Carolina State University | NC State

North Carolina State University at Raleigh

North Dakota State University

North Dakota State University-Main Campus

Northeastern Illinois University

Northeastern University

Northern Arizona University | NAU

Northern Illinois University

Northern Kentucky University

Northern Michigan University

Northland College

Northwest Missouri State University

Northwestern University

Norwich University

Oakland University

Oberlin College

Occidental College

Ohio State University-Main Campus

Ohio University-Main Campus

Ohio Wesleyan University

Oklahoma Baptist University | OBU

Oklahoma State University-Main Campus

Olivet Nazarene University

Oregon State University

Pace University

Pacific Lutheran University

Peninsula College

Pennsylvania State University | Penn State

Pennsylvania State University-Penn State DuBois

Pennsylvania State University-World Campus

Pitzer College

Pomona College

Portland State University | PSU

Princeton University

Purdue University

Purdue University-Main Campus

Radford University

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | RPI

Rice University

Rider University

Rocky Mountain College | RMC

Rowan University

Rutgers University–New Brunswick | Rutgers

Rutgers University–Newark

Saint Cloud State University

Saint Louis University | SLU

Saint Norbert College

Salem State University

Sam Houston State University | SHSU

San Diego State University | SDSU

San Francisco State University | SFSU

San Jose State University | SJSU

Savannah State University

Scripps College

Sewanee: The University of the South | Sewanee

Shawnee State University | SSU

Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania

Skidmore College

Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania | SRU

Smith College

Sonoma State University | SSU

South Dakota School of Mines & Technology

South Dakota School of Mines and Technology

Southern Connecticut State University

Southern Illinois University Carbondale | SIU

Southern Methodist University | SMU

Southern Utah University | SUU

Southwestern Adventist University

St. Lawrence University

Stanford University

State University of New York at Albany | SUNY Albany

State University of New York at Cortland | SUNY Cortland

State University of New York at Fredonia | SUNY Fredonia

State University of New York at New Paltz | SUNY New Paltz

State University of New York at Oneonta | SUNY Oneonta

State University of New York at Oswego | SUNY Oswego

State University of New York at Plattsburgh | SUNY Plattsburgh

State University of New York at Potsdam | SUNY Potsdam

State University of New York Buffalo State College | SUNY Buffalo State College

State University of New York College at Genesco | SUNY College at Genesco

Stephen F Austin State University

Stephen F. Austin State University | SFA

Stockton University

Sul Ross State University

Susquehanna University

Swarthmore College

Syracuse University

Tarleton State University

Temple University

Tennessee Technological University

Texas A & M University-College Station

Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi

Texas A & M University-Kingsville

Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi

Texas A&M University–Kingsville

Texas Christian University | TCU

Texas Tech University | TTU

The College at Brockport, State University of New York | SUNY Brockport

The College of Saint Rose

The College of Wooster

The State University of New York at Buffalo | SUNY Buffalo

The State University of New York at Stony Brook | SUNY Stony Brook

The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga

The University of Tennessee-Knoxville

The University of Tennessee-Martin

The University of Texas at Arlington

The University of Texas at Austin

The University of Texas at Dallas

The University of Texas at El Paso

The University of Texas at San Antonio

The University of Texas of the Permian Basin

The University of the South

Towson University

Trinity University

Tufts University

Tulane University

Union College (New York)

University at Buffalo

University of Akron

University of Akron Main Campus

University of Alabama

University of Alaska Anchorage | UAA

University of Alaska Fairbanks | UAF

University of Arizona

University of Arkansas – main campus

University of Arkansas at Fort Smith

University of Arkansas at Little Rock

University of California-Merced

University of California, Berkeley | UC Berkeley

University of California, Davis | UC Davis

University of California, Irvine | UC Irvine

University of California, Los Angeles | UCLA

University of California, Riverside | UC Riverside

University of California, San Diego | UC San Diego

University of California, Santa Barbara | UC Santa Barbara

University of California, Santa Cruz | UC Santa Cruz

University of Cincinnati

University of Cincinnati-Main Campus

University of Colorado Boulder | CU Boulder

University of Connecticut | UConn

University of Dayton

University of Delaware

University of Florida

University of Florida-Online

University of Georgia

University of Hawaii at Hilo | UH Hilo

University of Hawaii at Manoa | UH Manoa

University of Houston

University of Houston-Downtown

University of Idaho

University of Illinois at Chicago

University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign | UIUC

University of Indianapolis

University of Iowa

University of Kansas

University of Kentucky

University of Louisiana at Lafayette | UL Lafayette

University of Maine – main campus

University of Maine at Farmington

University of Mary Washington | UMW

University of Maryland, College Park | Maryland

University of Massachusetts Amherst | UMass Amherst

University of Memphis

University of Miami

University of Michigan–Ann Arbor | UMich

University of Michigan–Dearborn | UM-D

University of Minnesota–Duluth

University of Minnesota–Morris

University of Minnesota–Twin Cities

University of Mississippi | Ole Miss

University of Missouri | Mizzou

University of Missouri–Columbia

University of Missouri–Kansas City | UMKC

University of Montana

University of Montana Western

University of Mount Union

University of Nebraska Omaha | UNO

University of Nebraska–Lincoln | UNL

University of Nevada, Las Vegas | UNLV

University of Nevada, Reno

University of New Hampshire – main campus

University of New Mexico – main campus

University of New Orleans

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | UNC

University of North Carolina at Charlotte | UNC Charlotte

University of North Carolina at Wilmington | UNC Wilmington

University of North Carolina Wilmington

University of North Dakota | UND

University of Northern Colorado

University of Northern Iowa

University of Oklahoma

University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus

University of Oregon

University of Pennsylvania | UPenn

University of Pittsburgh | Pitt

University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus

University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez

University of Puget Sound

University of Rhode Island | URI

University of Rochester

University of South Alabama | South

University of South Carolina-Columbia

University of South Dakota

University of South Florida – main campus | USF

University of Southern California | USC

University of Southern Indiana | USI

University of Southern Maine

University of Southern Mississippi | Southern Miss

University of St. Thomas (Minnesota)

University of Tennessee at Chattanooga | UTC

University of Tennessee at Martin | UTM

University of Texas at Arlington | UT Arlington

University of Texas at Austin | UT Austin

University of Texas at El Paso | UTEP

University of Texas at San Antonio | UTSA

University of Texas of the Permian Basin | UT Permian Basin

University of the Pacific

University of Toledo

University of Tulsa

University of Utah

University of Vermont | UVM

University of Washington-Seattle Campus

University of West Georgia | UWG

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

University of Wisconsin-Madison | Wisconsin

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

University of Wisconsin-Parkside

University of Wisconsin-River Falls

University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh | UW Oshkosh

University of Wisconsin–River Falls | UW–River Falls

University of Wyoming

Utah State University

Utah Valley University | UVU

Utica College

Valdosta State University

Valparaiso University

Vanderbilt University

Vassar College

Virginia Polytechnic University | Virginia Tech

Washington and Lee University

Washington State University | WSU

Washington University in St. Louis | WashU | WUSTL

Wayland Baptist University | WBU

Wayne State University | WSU

Weber State University

Wellesley College

West Chester University of Pennsylvania

West Texas A&M University

West Virginia University | WVU

Western Carolina University | WCU

Western Connecticut State University

Western Gorvernors University

Western Illinois University | WIU

Western Kentucky University | WKU

Western Michigan University | WMU

Western Oregon University

Western State Colorado University

Western Washington University | WWU

Westminster College (Pennsylvania)

Westminster College (Utah)

Wheaton College (Illinois)

Whitman College

Wichita State University | WSU

Wilkes University

William Paterson University of New Jersey

Williams College

Winona State University

Wittenburg University

Wright State University – main campus

Yale University

Youngstown State University


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