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Your chance of acceptance
University of Scranton
University of Scranton
Duke University
Duke University
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Launching Your Career at the University of Scranton

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Joe DiBenedetto and Alexander Oddo in a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info. 


What’s Covered:



The University of Scranton in Scranton, Pennsylvania, prioritizes helping its students prepare to launch their careers. In this article, we discuss Scranton’s career-focused programs, students’ internship policies, and career counseling for current students and alumni.


Career-Focused Programs at Scranton


Graduate Programs


Scranton’s graduate programs and accelerated graduate programs enable students to stay at the school for an additional one to three years to complete their master’s or doctorate.


Scranton students can also participate in honors programs, which are available for all students regardless of their interests.


Preprofessional Programs and Advising


Another career-focused program at Scranton is the preprofessional programs tracks and advising. Students in a preprofessional track can participate in prehealth and prelaw advisory programs while at the university. For the past 20 years, Scranton’s acceptance rate to medical school has been 80% on average, and its acceptance rate to law school for the past five years has been around 91%. Students are prepared for success at Scranton, no matter what route they follow.


If you do want to go to medical school or law school, Scranton has you covered with tracks available for prelaw, premed, preveterinary, predental, preoptometry, prepodiatry, prephysicians assistant, and prepharmacy. Each pathway has a separate advisor to ensure that students have access to field-specific information and support to help them take the right courses, get the best possible grades, and be prepared to apply to professional schools post-graduation.


Experiential Learning


Advising for each of these preprofessional pathways typically includes experiential learning opportunities. These help students test out different majors or careers in a real-world context, gain valuable experience, and meet their graduation and certification requirements. Depending on your major, the experiential learning opportunities will vary, such as the sciences encouraging research, nursing and physical therapy promoting clinicals, and education including student teaching.


Accessing Internships at Scranton


At Scranton, students can complete internships for credit as long as they’re related to their major. Students commonly participate in internships in the Scranton area throughout the academic year, either at home or in other parts of the country during the winter or summer breaks. Students are also encouraged to participate in non-credit or paid internships, depending on their field of study and career interests.


It is common for students at Scranton to have their internships lead to full-time job offers once they graduate. But even if that doesn’t happen, students still have the opportunity to get a better idea of what they want for the future by testing out a certain major and career in the real world.


Post-Graduate Outcomes for Scranton Students


A major point of pride for the University of Scranton is its post-graduate career outcomes for alumni. Scranton tracks the career “success” of alumni by noting whether they are working full time, engaging in a full year of service, or going to graduate, law, or medical school. The Scranton classes of 2018 and 2019 had 98% and 99% success rates, respectively, within six months of graduation, and the class of 2021 had a 99% success rate within one year of graduation.


Scranton students frequently go on to graduate schools, such as Boston College, New York University, and the University of Pennsylvania, or work for employers like Apple, Deloitte, or Sony.


A major factor in student post-grad success is the University of Scranton’s Gerard R. Roche Center for Career Development. This is Scranton’s career services department on campus, which helps students and alumni explore potential career tracks and identify employment opportunities. The center also helps with important tasks like resume writing, job searching, social media networking, and mock interviews.


Students can access the Center for Career Development from their first day on campus to years into their post-graduate life. Scranton’s approach is unique in that the university aims to support not only current students with their career needs but also alumni.