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2 Press Releases

Meridian CUSD 223 Partners With CollegeVine

Meridian CUSD 223 partners with CollegeVine to bring free, 24/7 college and career advising to families.


STILLMAN VALLEY, IL., NOVEMBER 1ST 2022 – Meridian CUSD 223 has entered a district-wide partnership with CollegeVine to offer free, 24/7 one-on-one college and career advising to every family. The service will come at no cost to students and parents that sign up for counseling sessions on the CollegeVine platform. This partnership strengthens the capacity and expertise of the existing HS counseling team with a network of on-demand expert advisors.


As the first district in Illinois to partner with CollegeVine, Meridian CUSD 223 is taking a massive stride to expand college and career readiness for all students—something that has historically been difficult for students and their parents to navigate on their own. CollegeVine is an additional resource we can provide our students and community to ensure that we are doing everything we can to provide as much guidance and support as possible in the college selection process, said Dr. PJ Caposey, Superintendent of Meridian School District.


No matter when students and parents need assistance—weeknights, weekends or summer—they can log on to the Meridian/CollegeVine portal from any device to instantly book an advising session from a nationwide network of experienced school counselors. CollegeVine’s counselors specialize in a variety of areas, including financial aid, college essays, application deadlines, majors, athletics, college list building and finding scholarships. Help is available in both English and Spanish, and families can book as many sessions as they would like. With full visibility into student activity on the platform, Meridian School Counselors can track progress and provide a more tailored experience to meet the unique post secondary needs of all students without feeling pressure to be on call 24/7.


Given the continued need for school counselors to focus on other important topics such as social emotional learning, the partnership will support the District’s strategic goals in providing equal opportunity for all students and ensures every student that graduates from high school is college and career ready. “We’re proud to be partnering with Meridian,” said Johan Zhang, co-founder of CollegeVine. “Figuring out where to go and what to do after high school has only gotten more complex after the pandemic. Our team is here to help.” 


About CollegeVine


CollegeVine is on a mission to become the trusted source of lifelong guidance for the next generation, helping millions of families find paths toward better life outcomes. The company partners with school districts to deliver 24/7, 1-on-1 advising services that are equitable, scalable and free for all families. Since 2013, the company has helped millions of students and parents navigate the path to the best post-secondary options for them.

Community Success Manager

Short Bio
Ellie is the Community Success Manager at CollegeVine for school districts. She partners with school districts on the CollegeVine platform to deliver expert college and career guidance to all. She has spent several years working in the Ed-tech space and graduated with an M.A in International Education from the George Washington University.
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Meridian CUSD 223 Partners With CollegeVine
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