What are your chances of acceptance?

Your chance of acceptance
 Holy Cross
Holy Cross
Duke University
Duke University
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How Holy Cross Can Help You Build Your Career

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Kamela Dino, an Assistant Director of Admission at the College of the Holy Cross, in a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info.


What’s Covered:



The College of the Holy Cross is dedicated to helping its students succeed during and after their time at the school. It has numerous opportunities and support systems for students to explore to make the most of their career potential.


Research Opportunities for Students at Holy Cross


The College of the Holy Cross is a private college located in Worcester, Massachusetts. Worcester is the second-largest city in New England, so many students find great research and internship opportunities near campus. Being that the college is so close to Boston, students have great access to a variety of opportunities there as well. Its location grants students at Holy Cross numerous research opportunities within driving distance, which is a great asset for them.


Students also do a semester away and go to places like Washington, D.C., or New York City, and it’s very common for students at Holy Cross to get internships during the summer. Students have gotten paid internships at the Smithsonian Institution, where they work for three months. Getting those dream internships can be difficult, and they often come with GPA requirements and recommendation letters, but the professors at Holy Cross are committed to helping students get the best internship possible―whether it is located close to campus or in another city.


Prior Performing Arts Center


Holy Cross has an active college community, so there is always something going on. Students usually get involved in either two or three clubs during their college career, create lasting memories in and out of the classroom and participate in work or internships. If you are an active student that wants a close-knit college community, the College of the Holy Cross has that.


There is a new center called the Prior Performing Arts Center that should be opening up in a few years. This will be impactful for students passionate about performing arts and want a community to share that passion with. There will be student lead performances taking place every semester once it opens.


How the Alumni Network Helps Current Students


Creating a network of current and past students is very important to Holy Cross. The alumni community of Holy Cross is very active and its network helps current students with career help and advice. Holy Cross has mentorship programs and alumni even help with internship and research opportunities for current students. This is a great asset for students as they have many resources and connections in the fields they are interested in to help them during their time at Holy Cross and beyond.


The alumni network is very strong and is located all around the world, but many Holy Cross alumni end up working in Boston or the Providence area, so they are available to meet with students both in person and online.


Holy Cross has well-known alumni like Dr. Anthony Fauci, who graduated with a premed and classics major. Dr. Fauci has been critical to the United States COVID-19 response, and there is now a building named after him on campus. He is a very active part of the Holy Cross alumni and visits the campus quite often. There are plenty of other Holy Cross alumni who ended up reaching great status in their fields to whom you will have access.


What Are Your Chances of Acceptance?


While Holy Cross’s acceptance rate is low in general, your personal chances of acceptance may be higher or lower. To better understand your chances at Holy Cross, we recommend using our free admissions calculator. Using your grades, test scores, and extracurriculars, we estimate your odds of acceptance and give you tips on improving your profile.


You can also search for best-fit schools based on your chances and factors like size, location, majors, and more. This tool will make it much easier to create a strategy for your college application process.