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15 Summer Programs in Wyoming for High Schoolers in 2024

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Are you gearing up for college admissions season and wondering what will make you stand out among other talented applicants? Summer programs are one way to answer that question, and if you live in Wyoming, you have plenty of options.


15 Summer Programs in Wyoming for High Schoolers


1. Black 14 Social Justice Summer Institute


Dates: July 14 – 25

Location: University of Wyoming

Application Deadline: April 19 

Cost: Free 


Honoring the legacy of the Black 14, the Black 14 Social Justice Summer Institute allows rising 11th and 12th-grade students to research contemporary issues that are important to the Black community at the local, state, national, and worldwide levels. The residential program also seeks to put Black students in position to succeed during college.


2. Engineering Summer Program (ESP)


Dates: June 9 – 15

Location: University of Wyoming 

Application Deadline: March 25

Cost: $350 


During ESP, participants will work closely with faculty and current advanced engineering students at University of Wyoming, to develop their own creative thinking and problem-solving skills. Participants will work in some of the top lab labs in the West, where they will explore engineering topics and careers in a range of fields, including medicine, law, business, and, of course, engineering. The program is selective—only 36 students will be chosen to participate.


3. Native American Summer Institute (NAIS)


Dates: June 2 – 8 

Location: University of Wyoming 

Application Deadline: March 22 

Cost: Free


The Native American Summer Institute is an opportunity for Native American high schoolers to get a taste of college life by staying in residence halls, attending academic workshops, and participating in activities both on and off-campus, including cultural activities to connect with their cultural identities. Along the way, students will build leadership skills and develop relationships with peers, faculty and staff, and current Native American college students.


4. Snowy Range Summer Dance Festival



  • Young Dancers’ Workshop (ages 13 – 16): July 14 – 20 
  • Pre-Professional/Professional Intensive (ages 16+): July 21 – 27 

Location: University of Wyoming

Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: $450 – $950  


The Snowy Range Summer Dance Festival (SRSDF) offers professional-level training and performance opportunities for dancers ages 13 through adult. Over the five-day festival, dancers will work with faculty in areas like ballet and modern dance, along with jazz, tap, pointe, and more. The festival concludes with a Gala Performance.


Scholarships are available for this program.


5. Summer High School Institute (HSI)


Dates: July 7 – 27 

Location: University of Wyoming 

Application Deadline: February 18 

Cost: $275


Scholars from across Wyoming will spend three weeks experiencing what life at UW is like, by taking college classes, staying in dorms, participating in community service, and attending events on and off campus. Activities are designed to push the limits of the “whole” and help rising juniors learn more about themselves.


6. High School Arabic Program


Dates: July 13 – 27

Location: University of Wyoming

Application Deadline: May 1

Cost: Free


This program aims to increase the number of students learning, speaking, and teaching critical languages. Students will study the Arabic alphabet, familiarize themselves with basic greetings and introductions, and explore the geography and culture of the Middle East.


The two-week program takes place at two locations. The first week is spent at a wilderness retreat in the Table Wilderness; the second week takes place on the University of Wyoming’s campus.


7. Blue Sky Music Camp


Dates: July 8 – 12 

Location: Star Valley 

Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: N/A 


Set in the Rocky Mountains, this music camp welcomes students of all ages to learn how to improvise, play with a band of professional musicians, and arrange and perform on their own. Advanced musicians will practice in preparation for a final performance in a bluegrass band. 


8. Jackson Hole Science Expeditions


Dates: July 1 – 24 

Location: Teton Science Schools Kelly Campus  

Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: $6,155


Hosted by Teton Science Schools, this residential program is a science immersion in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Participants will go on both front-country camping overnights in Yellowstone National Park and a backpacking trip in Grand Teton National Park. They will also conduct their own inquiry-based field research projects and present their findings to peers, faculty, TSS community members, and Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem land managers.


9. SOAR Summer Camps


Dates: Varies depending on activity chosen

Location: SOAR’s Eagle View Ranch, plus additional locations

Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: Varies depending on activity 


SOAR hosts a number of summer camps aimed at helping youth with ADHD develop self-confidence, social skills, and life skills. Students can choose from a variety of different programs, including a canoe adventure, horsepacking trip, and other outdoor activities while learning about everything from the hydrothermal features of Yellowstone National Park to predators like grizzly bears and wolves. Participants work with staff who are highly trained on working with the population.


10. Yellowstone Summer Music Camp


Dates: June 16 – 21 

Location: Northwest College of Wyoming 

Application Deadline: May 15

Cost: $590 (overnight camp); $390 (commuter camp)


At Northwest College, young musicians will have the opportunity to perform in concert and jazz bands and choirs. They will explore topics like music theory, computer composing, conducting, harmonica, digital art, fun and fitness, and more. High school participants will also attend a college orientation, where they will learn about financial aid, college applications, scholarships, and more.


11. Wyoming Game and Fish Department Youth Camp 



  • Boys Camp: June 16 – 22
  • Girls Camp: July 14 – 20 

Location: Whiskey Mountain Conservation Camp  

Application Deadline: April 30

Cost: $150 


This summer camp might interest younger high schoolers (it’s open to students ages 12 to 15) with an interest in outdoor recreation. Participants will explore career paths like a biologist and game warden, meet agency personnel, and gain hands-on experience with scientific research and animal identification.


Participants are asked not to bring their phones—there’s no cell service anyway—to make the program more immersive and ensure students escape from screens for at least one week of the summer!  


12. PEAK Summer Program


  • Session 1: June 9 – 22
  • Session 2: June 24 – July 9

Location: Wyoming Catholic College

Application Deadline: March 1 to receive Early-Bird Discount

Cost: $1,195 (Early-Bird registers receive a $300 discount)


Spiritual high school juniors and seniors with an interest in both academics and the outdoors will want to check out this summer program. Time is divided between studying the “Great Books” and participating in outdoor activities like horseback riding, rock climbing, and rappelling. Participants will even take a four-day backpacking trip. Despite the packed schedule, time is always made for resting in prayer and the sacraments.


13. Broadway Musical Theater Intensive


Dates: June 14 – 30

Location: Sheridan College

Application Deadline: March 25

Cost: $1,400 – $1,950, depending on focus area and whether room and board is needed


This program, open to students ages 15 to 26, connects participants with industry professionals and provides real-world stage experience, on either the performance side or the technical side. The program culminates with multiple performances of the rock opera Chess.


14. Power Up Expedition


Dates: June 16 – 21

Location: Central Wyoming College

Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: $449


This program, provided by the Alpine Science Institute at Central Wyoming College, challenges students in grades 9 through 12 to push their boundaries, build confidence, develop teamwork skills, and grow as leaders during a six-day backpacking trip. They will also learn skills like plant and animal identification, basic first aid, and Leave No Trace principles.


Living and learning on a college campus will be a breeze after this adventurous outdoor experience!


15. University of Wyoming Summer Bridge


Dates: July 12 – August 9

Location: University of Wyoming

Application Deadline: June 30

Cost: $1,868.95


This program allows students to get a head start on college, by earning credit, forging friendships, and acclimating to college life before most students arrive on campus. Participants will earn six credits, live in dorms, connect with both new and returning students, and familiarize themselves with the resources available to them.


The program is open to students who have been admitted to the University of Wyoming and plan to enroll for the coming academic year.


How do Summer Programs Impact Your College Chances? 


Extracurricular activities are an important part of the admissions process. Admissions officers want to see students exploring their passions outside of the classroom, and summer programs are one way to do that.  


That said, not all summer programs are equivalent in the eyes of colleges. Some are highly prestigious and selective, while others are less so. The more selective and impressive an internship, the more weight it will carry with admissions offices.  


According to the four tiers of extracurricular activities, Tier 1 indicates the rarest and most exceptional extracurriculars while Tier 4 represents those that are the most common. The standard summer program is usually considered a Tier 3-4 activity, although some awe-inspiring programs are more prestigious and considered Tier 1-2 activities.  


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Short Bio
A graduate of Northeastern University with a degree in English, Tim Peck currently lives in Concord, New Hampshire, where he balances a freelance writing career with the needs of his two Australian Shepherds to play outside.