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The 4 HBCUs in Maryland: Which is Right for You?

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Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) play an essential role in giving economic opportunities and ingraining great values for many in the Black community. Today, there are 107 HBCUs with more than 228,000 students enrolled, primarily clustered in the Southeast, but reaching as far north as Pennsylvania and as far west as California. 


HBCUs include public and private schools that offer both two- and four-year degrees. Maryland’s 4 HBCUs produce over a billion dollars in economic impact for the state. Keep reading to learn about the 4, four-year HBCUs in Maryland!


The 4 HBCUs in Maryland


1. Morgan State University


Location: Baltimore, Maryland

Acceptance Rate: 66%

Undergraduate Enrollment: 6,400


Morgan State University, founded in 1867 was originally established to train young men in ministry. Today Morgan State is a Carnegie-classified high research (R2) institution. It is among the nation’s most diverse HBCUs and awards the largest number of degrees to African American students in the State of Maryland. Located in the r​​esidential area of northeast Baltimore, Morgan’s campus encompasses more than 185 acres. 


Morgan State is one of the few historically black institutions to offer a comprehensive range of academic programs with over nearly 120 academic programs: 


  • James H. Gilliam Jr. College of Liberal Arts
  • School of Architecture & Planning
  • Earl G. Graves School of Business & Management
  • School of Community Health & Policy
  • School of Computer, Mathematical, & Natural Sciences
  • School of Education & Urban Studies
  • Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. School of Engineering
  • School of Global Journalism & Communication
  • School of Social Work
  • School of Graduate Studies


The School of Computer, Mathematical, & Natural Sciences recently approved a new Bachelor of Science in Cloud Computing, the only such degree offered in Maryland.


2. Coppin State University


Location: Baltimore, Maryland

Acceptance Rate: 38%

Undergraduate Enrollment: 2,300


Coppin State University is an urban, residential liberal arts university located northwest of Baltimore. Coppin was initially founded in 1900 as a high school with a one-year training course for the preparation of African-American elementary school teachers and later transitioned to a teachers college in the 50’s. Since 1963, the institution expanded and now offers 60 undergraduate academic programs within 4 Colleges:


  • The College of Arts & Sciences, and Education (CASE)
  • The College of Behavioral Health and Social Sciences (CBSS)
  • The College of Business (COB)
  • The College of Health Professions (CHP)


Coppin prides themselves on their career focused programs that make sure students  graduate with skills that translate across jobs, industries, and markets.


3. Bowie State University


Location: Bowie, Maryland

Acceptance Rate: 38%

Undergraduate Enrollment: 5,300


Bowie State University is Maryland’s oldest HBCUs and one of the ten oldest in the entire country. Bowie’s location between Baltimore and Washington DC provides students with easy access to internships and activities. Bowie offers 23 majors within 4 colleges:


  • College of Arts & Sciences
  • College of Business
  • College of Education
  • College of Professional Studies


Bonus point for parents, Bowie ranked as the #1 safest college or university campus in Maryland. Additionally, Bowie ranked #3 as the fastest growing four-year college or university in Maryland according to Baltimore Business Journal.


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4. University of Maryland Eastern Shore | UMES


Location: Princess Anne, Maryland

Acceptance Rate: 54%

Undergraduate Enrollment: 2,500


Located in the southernmost county in Maryland, UMES was established to provide African-American students educational opportunities in farming techniques and related trades in the late 19th century. Since then, the University of Maryland Eastern Shores now has 5 schools:


  • School of Agricultural and Natural Sciences
  • School of Education, Social Sciences, and the Arts
  • School of Business and Technology
  • School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
  • School of Graduate Studies


The School of Agricultural and Natural Sciences offers unique majors such as Agribusiness Management, Animal & Poultry Business Technology, and Animal & Poultry Pre-Vet Professional. Additionally, UMES also operates a 385-acre research farm and the Paul S. Sarbanes Coastal Ecology Center.


What are Your Chances of Acceptance?


HBCUs in Maryland can be quite competitive. Your chances of admission will depend on the strength of your profile, as your personal chances of acceptance may be higher or lower than the listed admissions rates. 


CollegeVine’s free admissions calculator can estimate your odds of acceptance using a host of factors like GPA, test scores, and extracurricular activities. It can also highlight areas in need of improvement. In addition to letting you know your chances of being accepted into a certain institution, our free chancing engine can also provide a list of schools that “fit” your needs and match your profile. Sign up for your free CollegeVine account today!



Short Bio
Bijal is a senior at UCLA studying Anthropology with minors in Global Health and Gerontology. Working as a Bruin Ambassador in the Undergraduate Admissions office throughout college and having gone through the application cycle again for graduate school, she is eager to share her knowledge!