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10 Mississippi Scholarships to Save You Thousands on College

What’s Covered:


Do you herald from the deep south? If so, you probably already know that there are many opportunities to further your education right in Mississippi. But the Magnolia State isn’t just home to numerous top colleges and universities — it also gives you a chance to pursue your goals outside of Mississippi.


That’s right: numerous organizations offer scholarships — sometimes substantial ones — to help you pay for college. We’ve rounded up 10 of the best awards in Mississippi.


10 Mississippi Scholarships


1. NISS – Nissan Scholarship


Amount: Full tuition, required fees, and a book allowance

Deadline: March 1

Eligibility: Graduating Mississippi high school students with a minimum 2.5 GPA and 20 ACT

Application Requirements: FAFSA, application, essay, two forms of residency documentation


Nissan North America, Inc. offers scholarships for students planning on attending a public two- or four-year college in Mississippi. Applicants should demonstrate leadership abilities through extracurricular participation and write an essay on how their plans will support the Mississippi automotive industry. The Scholarship Committee will also assess academic achievement and demonstrated financial need.


2. Blake Coghlan Memorial Ag Scholarship


Amount: N/A

Deadline: December 15

Eligibility: High school senior from Yazoo County or Sharkey County who is intending to study agriculture or a related discipline at a Mississippi two- or four-year institution; minimum 3.0 GPA

Application Requirements: Two recommendations, essay


Named for Blake Coghlan, who “had dreams of building the best farm in the Delta,” and funded by The Community Foundation for Mississippi, this scholarship encourages young people to pursue education and careers in farming and agriculture. Recipients are chosen based on academic achievement, leadership qualities, and career objectives in the field of agriculture.


3. Mississippi Eminent Scholars Grant


Amount: Up to $2,500 per year

Deadline: September 15

Eligibility: Minimum 3.5 GPA and 29 ACT/1350 SAT (or be named a National Merit finalist or semifinalist); legal resident of Mississippi one year prior to high school completion (additional requirements for current undergraduates)

Application Requirements: Online application (each year), two forms of residency documentation (FAFSA and driver’s license preferred)


Established by the Mississippi Legislature, this grant financially supports high-achieving students who plan to attend state-approved two- or four-year colleges or universities. Students may be considered for all state aid programs by submitting a single application.


4. Kim Green Educational Scholarship 


Amount: N/A

Deadline: March 11

Eligibility: High school seniors at Corinth and Alcorn County schools who plan to major in Education at Mississippi college or university

Application Requirements: Application, essay, 3 references


Created to honor the memory of teacher Kim Green, this scholarship assists Education majors in the state of Mississippi. As part of their applications, students must write an essay entitled “Why I Am Pursuing a Degree in the Field of Education.”


5. National Rice Month Scholarship Video Contest


Amount: $2,000-$5,000

Deadline: October 31

Eligibility: High school students in Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, or Texas

Application Requirements: Video (3 minutes or less) about the importance of rice/National Rice Month uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo, entry form


This scholarship underscores the importance of rice and is designated for students in the six top rice-growing states. To earn a first ($5,000), second ($3,000), or third-place ($2,000) prize, students should create an original video or animation that highlights the importance of rice to them, their state, or the world. 


6. Ann Wesson Memorial Scholarships


Amount: $500-$1,000

Deadline: March 30

Eligibility: High school seniors residing in the Junior Auxiliary of Biloxi-Ocean Springs service area; minimum B average

Application Requirements: Application, essay


Named in honor of a past Junior Auxiliary president, these scholarships are awarded to college-bound students based on financial need, activities and community service, academic achievement, and an essay. Applicants should also demonstrate that they are community advocates who work with children.


7. Mississippi Automotive Manufacturers Association Scholarship


Amount: $1,500 (two-year college) or $2,500 (four-year college)

Deadline: June 1

Eligibility: Must be enrolled at a two- or four-year college or university in Mississippi; must have a minimum 3.0 GPA

Application Requirements: Application, transcript, 2 essays, resume, photo, letter of recommendation (optional)


MAMA offers this scholarship to promote interest and careers in the automotive industry. Since 2006, the organization has awarded more than $280,000 in scholarship to support students studying automotive-related fields. In their essays, applicants should describe the area of the industry that most appeals to them and why they believe they are good candidates for the scholarship.


8. Bird Dog Foundation Annual College Scholarship Essay Contest


Amount: $1,000-$2,000

Deadline: April 15

Eligibility: High school seniors residing in Tennessee, Mississippi, or Arkansas

Application Requirements: Essay


Established to promote interest in hunting, wildlife conservation, and outdoor heritage, this annual scholarship supports college-bound students who engage with these topics. In addition to an essay contest, the Bird Dog Foundation holds an art contest.


9. Southernettes’ Scholarship


Amount: $500

Deadline: March 18

Eligibility: High school senior residing in Harrison or Jackson County; must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and 21 ACT

Application Requirements: Application, essay, photograph


The Southernettes’ Women’s Organization offers this one-time scholarship to help top-performing, well-rounded students who exhibit academic and extracurricular excellence. Recipients must attend the University of South Alabama or an accredited college or university in Mississippi. 


10. Dixie Youth Baseball Scholarship


Amount: Varies

Deadline: Varies

Eligibility: Varies

Application Requirements: Varies


Dixie Youth Baseball offers several different scholarships to assist students with their education, including the Dixie Boys Scholarship and Dixie Softball Scholarship. Deadlines, requirements, and application materials vary by program.


Bonus #11: CollegeVine Scholarships


Don’t forget to create a free account on CollegeVine, which will allow you to enter a weekly $500 scholarship drawing. You can increase your odds of winning by creating a college list, referring friends, peer-reviewing essays, and much more!


Tips on Applying for Scholarships


1. Look to your college first.


This is not to say you shouldn’t be applying for outside scholarships — you absolutely should! But bear in mind that your biggest source of financial aid will usually be your college itself. After you’ve received your financial aid package, which may include both merit-based and need-based funds, look to outside resources like the scholarships listed here.


2. Start early.


It’s a mistake to wait until your senior year of high school to start applying for scholarships. Instead, you can start looking as early as freshman year. That way, you can organize all your deadlines and materials so applying will be a breeze. 


3. Look for niche scholarships.


Scholarships that appeal to niche groups, such as specific demographics or people with particular talents, are generally a better bet than those targeted to a wider audience. So, be sure to focus on these awards as opposed to ones that draw many applicants, because you have a better chance of winning them.

Short Bio
Laura Berlinsky-Schine is a freelance writer and editor based in Brooklyn with her demigod/lab mix Hercules. She specializes in education, technology and career development. She also writes satire and humor, which has appeared in Slackjaw, Points in Case, Little Old Lady Comedy, Jane Austen’s Wastebasket, and Funny-ish. View her work and get in touch at: www.lauraberlinskyschine.com.