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Timothy Peck
5 Scholarships

10 Arizona Scholarships to Save You Thousands on College

What’s Covered:


Over 1.7 million scholarships totaling an estimated $46 billion are awarded annually, yet only 7% of college students receive a scholarship. One of the best steps you can take to maximize your chances of winning an award—and count yourself among the 7% of scholarship winners—is to apply for scholarships that narrow the field of applicants. For example, scholarships tailored to students with a particular interest, background, or region—such as scholarships only for students from Arizona. 


10 Arizona Scholarships to Save You Thousands on College


1. The National Association for Amateur Radio (ARRL) Foundation Scholarship Program


Amount: $1,000

Deadline: January 31

Eligibility: Graduating high school seniors and undergraduates who are residents of the ARRL Southwestern Division:

  • Arizona
  • Los Angeles 
  • Orange 
  • San Diego
  • Santa Barbara 

Application Requirements: Letter of recommendation and an active amateur radio license


ARRL, the national association for amateur radio, sponsors this scholarship program for participants who have an active amateur radio license. Enrollment in electronics, communications, or a related field is required to qualify for this award which can be used at a regionally accredited institution. 


2. Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation’s (AFFCF) Post-Secondary Scholarship


Amount: Up to $5,000

Deadline: June 30 

Eligibility: Wards of the State of Arizona or in tribal foster care when they turned 18 years of age, under 24 years old, and a minimum 2.0 GPA 

Application Requirements: Transcript, FAFSA, current class schedule showing a minimum enrollment of six credit hours, and a letter of recommendation 


The AFFCF’s Post-Secondary Scholarship program helps provide financial support to young people who age out of foster care in Arizona and want to pursue higher education. 


  • Four-year applicants: eligible to receive up to $5,000 ($2,500 per semester) annually
  • Two-year applicants: eligible to receive up to $2,000 ($1,000 per semester) annually


Provided AFFCF scholarship recipients meet certain benchmarks, the scholarships are renewable.


3. KASF Western Region Scholarship


Amount: Up to $5,000

Deadline: June 30 


  • Full-time student of Korean heritage with a minimum 3.0 GPA from:
    • Alaska
    • Arizona
    • California
    • Hawai
    • Idaho
    • Montana
    • Nevada
    • Oregon
    • Utah
    • Washington
  • Application Requirements: Transcript, two letters of recommendation, essay, and resume of achievements and activities 


Korean American Scholarship Foundation Western Region Scholarship recipients can receive as much as $5,000 for college. This generous award is available to students of Korean heritage located in the western United States—including Arizona. KASF Scholarship winners are chosen based on five factors: financial need, scholastic achievement, recommendation, essay, and extracurricular activities, with bonus points awarded for students who stand out or have extraordinary circumstances.


4. American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) Academic Scholarship Program


Amount: $2,500

Deadline: January 15

Eligibility: Enrolled in an occupational safety and health (OSH) related degree program and taking or have taken a minimum of three credit hours

Application Requirements: Transcript, letter of recommendation (although it’s recommended you submit three), and five short-answer essays 


The ASSP Academic Scholarship Program is open to students enrolled in OSH-related degree programs, such as those pursuing an associate’s, bachelor’s, or master’s degree; as well as those working towards a doctorate. Membership in the ASSP is not required to compete for this award, however, priority is given to members. Selection criteria include:  


  • Academic performance
  • Leadership 
  • Motivations for entering the field 
  • Letters of recommendation 


5. Marian R. DeLano Memorial Scholarship


Amount: $1,500

Deadline: May 31

Eligibility: Female member of the Southwest Section of Ninety-Nines

Application Requirements: Student pilots must have passed the written test and have soloed


Young female aviators will want to check out this interesting scholarship in Arizona. The Marian R. DeLano Memorial Scholarship is available to members of the Ninety-Nines in the organization’s Southwest Section, which includes:


  • Arizona
  • California
  • Hawaii
  • Nevada
  • Utah 


Scholarship recipients can apply the funds to their private pilot certificate or one advanced certificate or rating. 


6. Arizona Foundation for the Future of Nursing (AzFFN) Academic Nursing Scholarships


Amount: $2,500

Deadline: October 2

Eligibility: Member of the Student Nurses Association, enrolled in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program, and have completed at least one semester of coursework

Application Requirements: 7- to 10-minute video and a reference letter


The AzFFN Academic Nursing Scholarships intend to strengthen the sustainability of the nursing workforce in Arizona and ensure nurses have the ability to deliver safe, quality care, along with health and wellness for all. Applicants are required to submit a short video that includes:


  • A brief biography 
  • Their potential for leadership in nursing
  • Commitment to the profession of nursing in Arizona 
  • Degree outlook, such as:
    • The current number of credits they’re enrolled in 
    • The number of credits remaining to complete their degree
    • The estimated cost of completing their degree
    • Other scholarship or supplemental income they’re receiving 
    • Any factors that could interfere with obtaining their degree 


7. Arizona Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership (AzLEAP)


Amount: Up to $2,500

Deadline: N/A

Eligibility: Resident of Arizona enrolled at least half-time as an undergraduate in an Arizona postsecondary institution

Application Requirements: Have substantial financial need—eligible for the Federal Pell Grant as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)


This Arizona scholarship provides financial support to Arizona students with significant financial need. Through this program, the state partners with institutions to offer assistance in the form of need-based grants, which are awarded by the participating institutions. The maximum award is $2,500, however, the average amount awarded is $1,000. 


8. Arizona Society of CPAs Accounting Scholarships


Amount: $1,000

Deadline: February 4

Eligibility: Arizona resident who will enroll full-time in an Arizona university or community college and designate their major as Accounting 

Application Requirements: Transcript, personal statement, and letter of recommendation 


You don’t need a passion for accounting to recognize the value of this Arizona scholarship. Intended to encourage high-achieving students to the field of accounting and help them prepare for a career in the field by assisting them financially with their education, recipients are chosen by two factors: their academic performance and involvement with the community. 


9. Flinn Foundation Scholarships


Amount: Covers tuition, fees, housing, meals, and study abroad at one of Arizona’s public universities 

Deadline: September 27

Eligibility: High school seniors who are Arizona residents with a minimum 3.5 GPA, in the top 5% of their graduating class, and have demonstrated leadership in a variety of extracurricular activities 

Application Requirements: Transcript, report from a high school counselor, two teacher recommendations, three essays, and complete a biographical form


One of the most valuable Arizona scholarships, Flinn Scholarships are valued at over $120,000. These awards are competitive—in 2022, there were 1,095 applications for just 20 scholarships. Winners are generally exceptionally well qualified, having excelled in the classroom, participated in meaningful extracurricular activities, and demonstrated leadership inside and outside of school. In fact, winners typically exceed eligibility standards. For example, the Flinn Scholars Class of 2021 averaged a 3.95 GPA and were in the top 2% of their class. 


10. National Independent Automobile Dealers Association Association (NIADA) Foundation Region IV Scholarship


Amount: $3,500

Deadline: March 12

Eligibility: High school seniors with a desire to work in the automotive industry from the following states:

  • Washington
  • Oregon
  • California
  • Nevada
  • Idaho
  • Montana
  • Wyoming
  • Utah
  • Colorado
  • Arizona
  • New Mexico
  • Alaska
  • Hawaii

Application Requirements: Transcript, essay, and up to five letters of recommendation 


This scholarship was established by the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association—a 70-year old trade association—as a way to improve the motor vehicle industry. The scholarships also seek to highlight the training motor vehicle industry employees undergo to the general public and consumers. Applicants are required to compose a 1,200-word essay, in part sharing why they’re interested in the automotive industry.  


Tips on Applying to Scholarships


As the cost of college continues to rise, so does competition for scholarship dollars. Luckily, there are some steps you can take to improve your odds of winning an award. 


1. Maximize Merit Aid 


Colleges and universities generally have more funds available for scholarships than outside organizations. Because of this, you should prioritize earning institution-based merit scholarships—for everything from academics to extracurricular activities—before turning your attention to outside scholarships.


2. Apply for Well-Suited Scholarships 


Find scholarships that align with your strengths, interests, and qualities. Big national scholarships with substantial awards get a lot of attention, but they also get a lot of applicants. Local, more niche awards like a scholarship for students from Arizona or scholarships for women in STEM can reduce the size of applicants and increase your odds of winning. 


3. Apply for a Lot of Scholarships


Find as many scholarships that you’re uniquely suited to as you can and apply for as many as possible. There is no surefire way to guarantee winning an award, but the more you apply to, the higher chances of winning become. Just don’t let applying to scholarships take over other aspects of your life, remember merit aid is a better bet.

Short Bio
A graduate of Northeastern University with a degree in English, Tim Peck currently lives in Concord, New Hampshire, where he balances a freelance writing career with the needs of his two Australian Shepherds to play outside.