What are your chances of acceptance?

Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
Duke University
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How Your Academic Index Is Calculated at UPenn

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Aja Altenhof in a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info.


What’s Covered:



Academic index is a metric that college admissions offices use to assess how academically qualified you are for their school. This article will explain how it is used in the admissions process at the University of Pennsylvania and how it is calculated.


How Is Academic Index Used in the Admissions Process?


Your academic index is an important part of your applicant profile, since you need to be able to handle the academic rigor at a school like UPenn. Essentially, your academic index is a calculation that combines all of the components of your overall academic performance — such as your GPA and test scores — into one score. 


If your academic index score does not meet UPenn’s cutoff, you may be effectively dropped from the applicant pool. Your other application components, like extracurriculars, will have to stand out in order to make up for your academic index score.


How Are Standardized Test Scores Used to Calculate Academic Index?


UPenn uses every quantifiable measurement of your academic performance in its academic index calculation. Even though UPenn was test-optional during the last admissions cycle, standardized test scores are still used to determine your academic index. SAT and ACT scores are evaluated based on how they compare to the average scores of accepted applicants. Last admissions cycle, the average accepted applicant scored between 1420-1550 on the SAT and 34-36 on the ACT. 


UPenn takes context into account when it comes to evaluating your test scores. Since UPenn is test-optional, test scores are seen as similar to a credit score instead of a requirement. Having no score adds an unknown factor to your application, and the rest of your application will have to compensate for it. 


Your circumstances themselves could compensate for applying test-optional. For example, if there were pandemic-related restrictions in your area, colleges will know that you did not have the ability to take a standardized test and will not expect you to submit a score. Likewise, there is not as much pressure to apply with a test score if you are a low-income student. These circumstances and others can be explained in the additional information section of any college application system.


How Is GPA Used to Calculate Academic Index?


Based on data from CollegeVine’s chancing engine, the typical unweighted GPA of accepted applicants to UPenn is between 3.79-3.93. However, UPenn looks at more than these hard numbers to fully understand your GPA.


Demonstrating an upward trajectory in your GPA is an important part of your academic performance. With each year of high school, your GPA should ideally be improving a bit to show that you are academically motivated. An upward trend in your GPA can even make up for a low grade earlier on in your high school career. A steadily declining GPA, however, may be interpreted as a sign that you are not prepared for the commitment of a four-year undergraduate degree. 


Course rigor factors into your GPA as well, since it determines how your GPA is weighted. UPenn looks for applicants who take the most rigorous classes possible at their school while still performing well. More than just resulting in a higher weighted GPA, maximizing course rigor demonstrates a passion for learning and an ability to take advantage of the resources at your disposal.