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15 Summer Programs in Hawaii for High Schoolers in 2024

What’s Covered:


If you’re a student living in Hawaii and looking for a fulfilling summer activity to boost your applications—or even if you’re a student who would like to have a productive summer in a tropical paradise—a summer program in Hawaii might be right for you. 


The Aloha State offers many options in terms of high school summer programs, from theater and art experiences to public health opportunities. Keep reading to learn about some programs available to you in Hawaii this summer! 


15 Summer Programs in Hawaii for High Schoolers 


1. Diamond Head Musical Theatre Experience 1


Dates: N/A

Location: Diamond Head Theatre 

Application Deadline: Enrollment opens in May

Cost: N/A


The Diamond Head Theatre’s MTE program allows students of all levels to hone their acting, singing, and dancing skills in a professional setting with real guest artists. The seven-week program—hosted by America’s third-oldest-running community theater— culminates in a final performance, allowing participants to show off what they’ve learned. No prior experience in acting, singing, or dancing is required. 


2. Diamond Head Musical Theatre Experience 2 


Dates: N/A

Location: Diamond Head Theatre 

Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: N/A


If you have previous performance experience and really want to develop your professional musical theater skills, this is the MTE program for you. This is an intensive two-week, full-day program that allows students aged 7 to 16 to refine techniques they’ve developed and gain further knowledge in musical theater. Previous performance experience is required to participate in this program. 


3. Hawai’i Preparatory Academy Summer Session


Dates: June 24-July 19 

Location: Hawai’i Preparatory Academy 

Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: $1,900-$7,100 


The Hawai’i Preparatory Academy (HPA) puts on a four-week day and boarding program for students from all over the world. Students in this program can pursue a variety of areas of interest. This year’s academies are: 


  • Young Authors Academy
  • Arts Academy
  • Sustainability Academy
  • Marine Explorations Academy
  • English Language Learners Academy


An additional benefit of the program is that it introduces prospective HPA students to the school, its programs, and its instructors.


4. ‘Iolani School Summer Programs



  • Session 1: June 10-28
  • Session 2: July 1-19
  • Auxiliary program: July 22-August 2

Location: ‘Iolani School  

Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: Varies 


Dedicated to the tradition of leadership and academic excellence, the ‘Iolani School offers students from both the community and abroad an opportunity to “enrich their knowledge and curiosity through engaging curriculum and interactive learning environments in order to foster lifelong learners.” 


As part of its mission, the school offers a diverse array of summer classes—in fields ranging from ceramics to algebra to marine science—to students looking to enrich their learning experience.


5. Hawaii Pre-Health Career Corps (PHCC)


Dates: Varies 

Location: Varies   

Application Deadline: Rolling 

Cost: Free


The PHCC is a fantastic opportunity for anyone looking to go into a health-related career. This program allows high school students to learn about various health careers through volunteering, interning, shadowing, and/or conducting research with the PHCC. In addition, students will gain access to a support network for college and beyond. The program is open to students who live in, or who have ties to, Hawaii. 


6. Le Jardin Academy Summer School


Dates: June 17-July 19 

Location: Le Jardin Academy

Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: N/A 


Le Jardin Academy offers a multitude of four-week programs for high schoolers. Classes run for two hours a day and encompass a spectrum of interests, including cooking, music, and language.


7. Pacific Music Institute Wind Ensemble


Dates: July-6-14 

Location: McKinley High School

Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: N/A  


Pacific Music Institute Wind Ensemble provides students with the chance to have fun and develop their skills while making friends and music. The program is open to students who play the following instruments: 


  • Flute
  • Oboe
  • Bassoon
  • Clarinet
  • Saxophone
  • Horn
  • Trumpet
  • Trombone
  • Euphonium
  • Tuba
  • Percussion


The weeklong program culminates in a concert for friends and family. Ideally, participants will have at least two years of experience with their respective instruments.


8. Pacific Music Institute Jazz Intensive


Dates: July-6-14 

Location: McKinley High School

Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: N/A   


Students in this weeklong summer program will receive instruction in everything from jazz theory to improvisation to playing in an ensemble—they’ll also enjoy daily jam sessions. The program is open to students who play the following instruments: 


  • Saxophone
  • Trumpet
  • Trombone
  • Piano
  • Guitar
  • Bass guitar
  • Drums


No jazz experience is necessary. However, participants ideally will have two years of experience with their respective instruments. 


9. Pacific Discovery Hawaii Gap Summer Program


Dates: June 26-July 25

Location: N/A

Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: $7,995    


This month-long program immerses students in the culture and community of Hawaii. Participants will connect land and sea, learn valuable life skills, and have the best summer of their lives. Students will surf world-class waves, hike past volcanoes, and relax on dreamy white sand beaches. 


They’ll also have the opportunity to give back by taking part in a marine conservation project. Participants will leave the program with a lifetime’s worth of memories along with a Certificate of Environmental Conservation, and a resume-boosting 40 hours of community service. 


10. Science Camps of America Land and Sea Camp


Dates: July 1-10 

Location: Science Camps for Teens 

Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: $2,795    


The Land and Sea Camp introduces students to some of the most interesting features and creatures Hawaii has to offer. During the nine-day residential camp, students explore volcanoes, swim with sea turtles, hike black sand beaches, and conduct science activities to gain greater insight into the world around them while taking advantage of nature’s best laboratory for earth science—the big island of Hawai’i. 


11. Science Camps of America Air and Space Camp


Dates: July 11-20 

Location: Science Camps for Teens 

Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: $2,795    


The nine-day residential Air and Space Camp provides students with a chance to explore the Earth’s atmosphere and climate while introducing them to astronomy and space exploration. Students will take part in activities like building circuits, creating solar-powered USB chargers, and launching their own rockets while gazing upon the stars from Mauna Kea—the home of some of the largest observatories in the world.


12. College of Education Summer Programs at UH Mānoa



  • Session 1: July 15-19
  • Session 2: July 21-26 

Location: University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa  

Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: Varies 


The College of Education Summer Programs at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa has offered a variety of summer programs to students of all ages for more than five decades. The program has yet to release the specific courses it will offer in 2024, but over the years they’ve developed a fantastic reputation for their nature studies, robotics, and STEAM classes. 


13. UH Mānoa Summer Scholar Program 



  • Session 1: May 20-June 28
  • Session 2: July 1- August 9
  • Midsummer Session: June 10-July 19

Location: University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa  

Application Deadline: April 15

Cost: $471


For over two decades, the UH Mānoa Summer Scholar Program has provided high school sophomores and juniors the chance to take classes and earn credit at the university. The program provides a host of other benefits to participants, including allowing them to experience college academics, sample a field of interest, and build valuable skills like writing and math. It also allows students to network with their peers and begin fulfilling core college requirements.


14. UH Mānoa Marine Science Investigations at the Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology 


Dates: N/A

Location: University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa  

Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: $1,000 (for Hawai‘i residents) 


This five-day program provides students interested in marine science with hands-on learning opportunities and introduces them to scientific fundamentals and research practices. The program consists of a mix of classroom instruction, laboratory learning, and fieldwork—covering everything from marine bioacoustics laboratories and ocean acidification laboratories to reef transects and walking tours of the island.


15. Punahou School Academy Summer School 


Dates: June 10-July 19

Location: Punahou School

Application Deadline: April 17

Cost: N/A 


The Punahou School—one of the world’s largest independent schools—has been producing leaders and innovators since its founding in 1841. The school has yet to release its 2024 course offerings, but in the past classes in dance, music, and athletics have been featured. The school has also provided a summer SAT prep course for high schoolers.


How Do Summer Programs Impact Your College Chances? 


Some summer programs are more competitive, requiring letters of recommendation and standardized test scores, while others are open to all students within a particular grade level. Consequently, some programs are given more weight in college admissions than others. 


The 4 tiers of extracurricular activities are a good way to understand how colleges value activities outside of the classroom, such as summer programs. The most impressive, prestigious, rare, and influential activities are placed in the top two tiers. When it comes to summer programs, these are ones that tend to be offered by universities, have an application to apply, and are at no- or little-cost.


Lower-tier extracurricular activities don’t hold the same sway with admissions officers, but they are often still valuable. Less selective and esteemed programs still show off your interests to potential colleges while highlighting your desire to pursue your passions. Many field-specific activities also help build the skills needed to ace everything you’ll encounter in the college application process, from essays to interviews.


Curious how the summer program you’re participating in affects your odds of college admission? CollegeVine can help! Our free chancing calculator uses a variety of factors including grades, test scores, and extracurriculars to estimate your odds of getting into over 1600 colleges and universities while also providing insight into how you can improve your profile.

Short Bio
A graduate of Northeastern University with a degree in English, Tim Peck currently lives in Concord, New Hampshire, where he balances a freelance writing career with the needs of his two Australian Shepherds to play outside.