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What Does It Take to Get Into the University of Vermont?

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A self-described “public ivy,” the University of Vermont offers the exceptional academics of a private institution, coupled with the size and program offerings of a larger school. Located between Vermont’s Adirondack and Green Mountains, UVM boasts more than a 100 undergraduate major programs from which students can choose. In fact, US News & Rankings rated this school one of top 100 universities in the nation and in the top 75 of best value schools.


Think the University of Vermont is the place for you? Read on to discover what it takes to get into UVM, along with tips to keep in mind when applying.


Applying to the University of Vermont: A Quick Review


If your goal is to attend the University of Vermont, you should start by gathering the necessary application materials. First-year students are invited to fill out either the Coalition or Common Application. Additionally, aspiring freshmen must submit the following:


  • Official SAT and ACT scores
  • Official high school transcript, including mid-year grades attained in senior year
  • Letter of recommendation
  • $55 nonrefundable application fee (Note that Early Action applicants who apply by November 1st will have their application fees waived.)
  • Optional essay


The deadline for Regular Notification is January 15th.


University of Vermont Acceptance Rate: How Difficult Is It to Get In?


The University of Vermont receives around 21,000 applicants a year and has an acceptance rate of 68%. While UVM is a selective school, it’s important to note that the admissions committee looks at more than a student’s grades and test scores. The school employs a holistic review process that assesses grades, test scores, essays, recommendation letters, and other information regarding a student’s life experiences in order to determine a student’s potential to succeed and contribute to the campus community.


Note that a student’s financial factors don’t play a role in admissions decisions. 

So, How Does One Get Into the University of Vermont?


The University of Vermont is passionate about admitting students with solid academic credentials. For Fall 2018, the middle 50% of admitted students boasted SAT scores between 1210 and 1400. ACT scores were in the 27 to 32 range. The average UVM freshman had a high school GPA of 3.7.


To ensure students will succeed at UVM, the admissions committee looks for a rigorous high school coursework. Minimum entrance requirements include:


  • 4 years of English
  • 3 years of math, including Algebra I, Algebra II, and geometry
  • 2 years of foreign language
  • 3 years of a natural or physical science
  • 3 years of social sciences


First-year students applying to specific majors should check their programs’ unique requirements. For example, the Engineering and Mathematical Sciences program mandates four years of math, including precalculus. Additionally, aspiring engineers should have one year of chemistry and one year of physics under their belts.


How to Make Your Application Stand Out


UVM receives thousands of applications from qualified candidates each year, so having a solid high school transcript might not be enough to stand out from the crowd. If you want to make an impression, take advantage of the optional essay question. For the 2018-2019 application season, students have a choice of five essay questions, including the following:


  • A time traveling connoisseur gives you a remote with two buttons: pause and rewind. Which would you prefer to use on your own life and why?


  • Imagine it is the morning of August 28, 1963 and Twitter has already been developed. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has contracted the flu. Rather than giving his historic “I Have a Dream” speech from the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, he instead sends out a Tweet that highlights the central point of his speech. What does he Tweet (in true Twitter fashion, no longer than 280 characters) and why?


Available through both the Common Application and the Coalition Application, these essays enable the admissions committee to gain a deeper insight into students’ creativity and background. They’re also a great opportunity for students to convey information not evident in their transcripts, including extracurriculars, passions, and goals for the future.


Additionally, students can gain a competitive edge through their standardized test scores. UVM utilizes superscoring, which means they consider the best result from each test section, regardless of the date on which it was attained. For this reason, students are encouraged to submit results from every SAT date in which they earned a top score for a section.


What If You Get Rejected?


Like most colleges, the University of Vermont only has a certain number of slots available each year, and sometimes even highly qualified applicants fail to make the cut. The important thing is not to take a rejection too personally. Remember that getting rejected from one school leaves you with an opportunity to experience something wonderful at another. In other words, you will have the chance to make lifelong friends and pursue incredible academic and professional opportunities even if you attend your second or third-choice school.


If you’re worried about getting rejected from the University of Vermont or another school, think about increasing the size of your college list. Determined to attend college in the Green Mountain State? Consider applying to top-rated schools like Middlebury College and Bennington College. Looking to matriculate at a large university? The University of Rhode Island, the University of New Hampshire, and the University of Massachusetts Amherst, offer stellar academics and robust campuses. By applying to a range of schools, including reaches and safeties, you can boost your odds of getting in somewhere you’ll love.


For help adjusting to a different dream school, read our post, Envisioning a New Future: Preparing for Life at Your Second-Choice (or Third, or Fourth) School.


Curious about your chances of acceptance to the University of Vermont? Our free chancing engine takes into account your GPA, test scores, extracurriculars, and other data to predict your odds of acceptance at over 500 colleges across the U.S. We’ll also let you know how you stack up against other applicants and how you can improve your profile. Sign up for your free CollegeVine account today to get started!


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Short Bio
A graduate of the Master of Professional Writing program at USC, April Maguire taught freshman composition while earning her degree. Over the years, she has worked as a writer, editor, tutor, and content manager. Currently, she operates a freelance writing business and lives in Los Angeles with her husband and their three rowdy cats.