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What Does It Really Cost to Attend The College of the Holy Cross?

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There are many factors to consider when choosing a college and price is one of them. It’s common to use the published price of an institution when comparing colleges; however, those figures can be both startlingly high and rarely reflect the real price paid by students, as they fail to account for any type of financial aid.


Comparing the net cost of colleges is a better method for figuring out what you can expect to pay at a particular school. Net cost is the published price of an institution, including loans, but subtracting federal, state, and local government aid, institutional aid, and merit scholarships. Because the circumstances surrounding each student is unique, net costs vary between students and schools.


Curious how much you can expect attending The College of the Holy Cross to cost if accepted? Keep reading as we break down the cost of college, along with other factors to consider if Holy Cross is on your list of dream schools.


What Is the List Price at The College of the Holy Cross?


The published price for tuition, room, and board at The College of the Holy Cross was $64,065 for both in- and out-of-state students in 2016-2017. However, students applying from more affluent families with annual incomes greater than $175,000 a year who fall outside of the top 30% of accepted students at Holy Cross are people that regularly pay full price. For example, the average net price in- and out-of-state students who don’t qualify for financial aid pay for The College of the Holy Cross is $63,254.


What Is Financial Aid Net Price?


Financial aid net price is the cost of college minus any financial aid received. When figuring in the effect financial aid has on the cost of attending Holy Cross, the price decreases almost $10,000 to an average net cost of $55,189 for both in- and out-of-state students. More so, the cost of Holy Cross fluctuates greatly depending on a family’s income, with lower income families paying significantly less than higher income families. For example, below is the average net price of Holy Cross for a wide range of family incomes:


  • Average net price for families with an income below $30,000: $9,169
  • Average net price for families with an income between $30,001-$48,000: $13,953
  • Average net price for families with an income between $48,001-$75,000: $17,426
  • Average net price for families with an income between $75,001-$110,000: $28,718
  • Average net price for families with an income greater than $110,000: $44,629


What Is Merit Aid Net Price?


Merit aid is typically awarded as a scholarship to students possessing particular skills in areas such as academics, athletics, and arts. The merit aid net price of a college or university accounts for this money and deducts it from the institution’s published price. 2.6% of students attending college without the need for financial assistance receive merit aid, with the average student without need awarded $811.


The College of the Holy Cross ranked 787th in our analysis of over 1,000 schools for merit aid and generosity.


Student Outcomes


Students attending The College of the Holy Cross make a large investment of both their time and money and Holy Cross returns on that investment—92% of Holy Cross students graduate within six years, and the average annual salary of a Holy Cross graduate after ten years is $71,100.

Local Area Cost of Living Considerations


Worcester, Massachusetts, home of The College of the Holy Cross has a cost of living index of 109—meaning it’s 9% more expensive to live in Worcester than the national average. However, it’s worth noting that approximately an hour away is Boston (also accessible via train), one of the nation’s most expensive cities with a cost of living index of 181.6—making Worcester a very affordable alternative.


Average Apartment Rental


The College of the Holy Cross allows students to live off campus, but they must apply for permission to do so, have their parent’s consent, and adhere to the college’s  Off-Campus Living Policy. Learn more about off-campus living at Holy Cross.


The average cost for a one-bedroom apartment in Worcester is $940. Students can expect to pay $1,194 for a two-bedroom. Apartment prices in Worcester will fluctuate and students can expect to pay a premium for an apartment in one of the city’s bedroom communities.




The minimum wage in Massachusetts is $12 an hour. However, students have the potential to earn more than minimum wage. The average hourly wage of a person on an internship is $13.36 an hour, while the average retail associate earns $13.69 per hour.



How Many Students Take Out Loans to Attend The College of the Holy Cross?


Student loans play a critical role in how many college students pay for school. Holy Cross is no exception; 61% of Holy Cross attendees take out student loans with the average federal student loans per undergraduate student being $5,265.


Other Ways to Help Fund a College Education


There are numerous other ways to cut down on costs for attending The College of the Holy Cross. One of which is by applying for scholarships outside of the college. Work is another option for students looking to save while at Holy Cross. The college has a work-study program that places students in part-time jobs on campus, while the city of Worcester offers a wide variety of part-time employment options for college students.  


Internships are another method students employ to offset college costs and explore career paths. Students attending Holy Cross are offered numerous internship opportunities in a wide range of fields through the college’s career exploration department.


Curious about your chances of acceptance to the College of the Holy Cross? Our free chancing engine takes into account your GPA, test scores, extracurriculars, and other data to predict your odds of acceptance at over 500 colleges across the U.S. We’ll also let you know how you stack up against other applicants and how you can improve your profile. Sign up for your free CollegeVine account today to get started!

Short Bio
A graduate of Northeastern University with a degree in English, Tim Peck currently lives in Concord, New Hampshire, where he balances a freelance writing career with the needs of his two Australian Shepherds to play outside.