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What Does It Cost to Attend Diné College?

So much goes into choosing the right college—factors like geography, academics, campus life, class size, and how it will affect your child’s future prospects, to name a few. In the case of an institution such as Diné, the language and culture of the college also contribute to its appeal. Of course, there is another big consideration that goes into choosing a school, and that’s the price.


Although the easiest way to compare the cost of colleges is by using their list prices, the reality is that the majority of students don’t pay the published price for college. Net cost is a superior way to analyze the cost of college. Net cost factors in any grants or scholarships a student receives and subtracts them from the list price—providing a more accurate idea of the cost of a particular college.


The cost of college is highly variable and a number of elements can affect the cost of a given school—including federal, state, and local aid. Institutional aid and merit scholarships can also impact the total cost of college.


Curious to learn more about the cost of Diné College? Keep reading as we break down everything from financial aid to the cost of living.


What Is the List Price at Diné College?


The 2016-2017 list price of Diné College was $12,015 for both in- and out-of-state students. List price accounts for tuition, room, and board. It’s important to note that the majority of students do not end up paying the published price for college. Normally, students paying full price are from families who earn more than $175,000 a year who are not in the top 30% of accepted students academically.


What Is Financial Aid Net Price?


Financial aid net price is the list price of college minus any financial aid such as grants and scholarships awarded to a student. A favored way to compare the expense of college, financial aid net price presents a clear picture of the real expense of college. The average net cost of Diné for both in- and out-of-state students is $9,750—over $2,000 less than the list price.


Primarily serving Navajo students across the 27,000 square miles of the Navajo Nation spanning Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah, the cost of Diné College will vary depending on a student’s family income; lower-income families can expect to pay less than higher-income families. Below is the average price of tuition for students from families across a range of income levels:


  • Average net price for families with an income below $30,000: $10,650
  • Average net price for families with an income between $30,001-$48,000: $10,752
  • Average net price for families with an income between $48,001-$75,000: $11,483

Student Outcomes


Diné College graduates an impressive 100% of their students within six years–living up to its vision to be the exemplary higher education institution for the Diné People. The average salary for graduates of Diné College after ten years is $21,000. While $21,000 might not sound like a lot of money to people living in the U.S.’s major metropolises, consider that according to Sperling’s Best Places, the median annual household income in the Navajo Nation is $29,659 and the unemployment rate is 10.1%.



Local Area Cost of Living Considerations


Student housing is available on Diné College’s main campus. There is also student family housing—each unit has a living room, dining area, bathroom, and kitchen—available on the main campus for adult students with dependents.


The cost of living index for Tsaile, Arizona—home of Diné College’s main campus—is 80.8, meaning that it’s roughly 20% less expensive to live there than in the average U.S. city or town. It’s also considerably less than the average cost of living in Arizona, which is slightly more expensive than the average (100) at 112.4.


Students who choose to live off campus will find apartment rates far below both the state and national average. The average price of a one-bedroom apartment in Tsaile is $591, with two-bedroom apartments fetching $722.

The unemployment rate is high in and around Tsaile, Arizona; it’s 10.1% compared against the U.S. average of 3.9%—making even part-time work hard to find.



How Many Students Take Out Loans to Attend Diné College?


Like most colleges, students at Diné finance part of their education via student loans. Just over half of Diné students (52%) have student loans.



Other Ways to Help Fund a College Education


One way in which students attending Diné College can help fund their education is through scholarship. Native American undergraduate students attending tribal colleges and universities are eligible for both the American Indian College Fund TCU Scholarship Program and the American Indian College Fund Full Circle Scholarship Program. Additionally, Diné has a comprehensive list of other available scholarships—many of which are specifically aimed at native Americans—listed on their website.


Participating in the Diné Policy Institute’s summer internship program is another way students help fund their Diné College education. Interns in this program study Navajo philosophical concepts and apply this knowledge to a host of issues—such as public health, education, cultural rights, and government—facing the Navajo today.


As the first tribally controlled and accredited collegiate institution in the United States, Diné College provides a unique opportunity to acquire a high-quality college education—learning about the language, history, and culture of the Diné people while preparing the Navajo Nation for the future. More so, it provides an educational path for students in an area where less than 20% of the people have a four-year degree.


Our College Application Program can help students discover if they have what it takes to be accepted into this incredible college and ensure that all application deadlines are met. Using our Finances Tool, students will gain a better understanding of the real cost of college and learn how to pay for it.

Short Bio
A graduate of Northeastern University with a degree in English, Tim Peck currently lives in Concord, New Hampshire, where he balances a freelance writing career with the needs of his two Australian Shepherds to play outside.