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The List of All U.S. Colleges With a Forest Science/Forestry Major

If your high schooler prefers walks through the forest over strolls on city streets, has an interest in conservation, and doesn’t mind getting their hands dirty, then a degree in forest sciences or forestry could put them on the path to a fun and fulfilling career. Keep reading to learn more about the study of forest science and forestry, get some tips for getting into the college of your choice, and see which U.S. colleges offer forest science/forestry major.

Why Should You Study Forest Sciences/Forestry in College?

The forest plays a critical role in the United States and the world as a whole. For many, the forest is a place to recreate, recharge, and relax. In fact, in today’s fast-paced, screen-based world, some time in the forest might even offer some health benefits—the Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku (forest bathing) is proven to improve heart health, reduce stress, and improve overall feelings of wellbeing. Not a bad sounding work environment at all!


Understanding the interplay between the forest and society is an integral role in many forestry jobs, as foresters must balance the needs and interests of many groups. For example, an interesting study from the University of Vermont recently analyzed more than 7,000 geotagged photos on Flickr to demonstrate that the state’s parks and conservation areas contributed $1.8 billion to its tourism industry between 2007 and 2014.


Wood is one of the world’s oldest renewable resources and, in recent years, it has seen a resurgence of interest as an energy source and a building material, fueled by new technology and increased awareness of society’s environmental impact. Forest science and forestry students will learn about sustainable forestry practices and how to keep forests producing valuable timber.


Forest management is also going to be on the front lines of the fight against climate change. In the U.S., our forests store 14% off all the nation’s annual carbon emissions—growing these forests and keeping them productive through management will be a task required of future foresters. Future foresters will be challenged by a changing environment—increasingly large wildfires and invasive pests (like the mountain pine beetle in Colorado) threaten the health of these valuable resources.


The study of forest science and forestry even extends past the forest itself to its role in the entire ecosystem. For example, forests act as a natural filter of sediments and pollutants for water—collecting rainfall and slowly releasing it into streams lakes, and rivers. In fact, the Trust for Public Land and the American Water Works Association found that forest cover is linked to reduced drinking water treatment costs. Forestry majors will have to account for the variety of roles that forests play in society both throughout their education and in their broader careers


As the world changes, the careers available to students with forest science and forestry degrees are changing with it—adding new jobs like urban forestry to more classic career paths such as forest manager, silviculturist, soil scientist, and fire ecologist.

How Can You Increase Your Chances of Acceptance?

No matter what type of program you plan on applying for, whether it’s photography or forestry, having a strong GPA will be beneficial. For students planning on pursuing a degree in forest science or forestry, high-level classes such as AP biology and chemistry will stand out to college admissions officers.


Another great way for a student to stand out from other applicants is through their extracurricular activities. For students interested in forestry, there are a host of ways to build their extracurricular profile, do what they interested in, and have fun. One idea is to organize a tree planting event on Arbor Day or join the Arbor Day Foundation. Similarly, students might organize an Earth Day event to demonstrate their commitment to conservation.


If your 9th or 10th grader knows they want to pursue a degree in forest science or forestry and is already thinking about colleges, it’s the perfect time to contact CollegeVine. Our Early Advising Program helps make sure 9th and 10th graders take the correct courses, participate in the right extracurricular activities, and are properly prepared for standardized testing—resulting in a profile that will open doors to admission at top-flight schools.


CollegeVine can also benefit juniors; our College Strategy Program will both build their college list and construct a college profile that will wow admissions officers by securing significant letters of recommendation, creating a robust resume of extracurricular activities, and making school-specific tweaks to enhance their chances of acceptance at their first-choice schools.

Which Colleges Have a Forest Science or Forestry Major?

If your student is interested in pursuing a degree in forest science of forestry, we’ve taken the first step in building a college list for you. Below are all the colleges in the U.S. that offer a forest science or forestry major.


Alabama A&M University | AAMU

Alfred State College

Auburn University

Boise State University | BSU

California Polytechnic State University | Cal Poly

Clemson University

College of St. Benedict | CSB

Colorado State University–Pueblo | CSU Pueblo

Florida A&M University | FAMU

Frostburg State University

Glenville State College | GSC

Gulf Coast State College | GCSC

Lake Superior State University | LSSU

Louisiana Tech University | La. Tech

Michigan State University

Michigan Technological University | Michigan Tech

Mississippi State University | MSU

New Jersey Institute of Technology | NJIT

Northern Arizona University | NAU

Oklahoma Baptist University | OBU

Pace University

Paul Smith’s College

Pennsylvania College of Technology | Penn Tech

Pennsylvania State University | PSU

Purdue University

Sewanee: The University of the South | Sewanee

Southern Illinois University Carbondale | SIU

Southern University and A&M College | SUBR

State University of New York at Cobleskill | SUNY Cobleskill

Stephen F. Austin State University | SFA

Unity College

University of California, Berkeley | UC Berkeley

University of Florida

University of Georgia

University of Kentucky

University of Maryland, College Park | Maryland

University of Maryland Eastern Shore | UMES

University of Massachusetts Amherst | UMass Amherst

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | Minnesota

University of Montana

University of New Hampshire | UNH

University of Tennessee

University of Vermont | UVM

University of West Alabama | UWA

University of Wisconsin-Madison | Wisconsin

Utah State University

Virginia Tech

Washington State University | WSU

West Virginia University | WVU

Yale University


Curious about your chances of acceptance to your dream school? Our free chancing engine takes into account your GPA, test scores, extracurriculars, and other data to predict your odds of acceptance at over 500 colleges across the U.S. We’ll also let you know how you stack up against other applicants and how you can improve your profile. Sign up for your free CollegeVine account today to get started!

Short Bio
A graduate of Northeastern University with a degree in English, Tim Peck currently lives in Concord, New Hampshire, where he balances a freelance writing career with the needs of his two Australian Shepherds to play outside.