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20 Summer Programs in Louisiana for High Schoolers in 2024

What’s Covered:


After a long school year, you likely want nothing more than to spend the summer kicking back and relaxing. While there’s nothing wrong with engaging in a little “me time” during the summer months, if you dream of attending a competitive college, you’ll want to make sure you’re also thinking about how you’ll impress admissions officers when the time comes.


That’s where summer programs come in. Also known as pre-college programs, these provide a glimpse into life at college, allow you to pursue interesting fields, develop in-demand skills and talents, and ultimately stand out from crowded fields of applicants. If you’re from Louisiana and want to see what options you have close to home, read on!


20 Summer Programs in Louisiana for High Schoolers


1. Architecture Camp 


Dates: June 9 – 14 

Location: Louisiana State University (LSU)
Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: $930 


Budding architects in the Bayou State will want to explore this week-long residential program at Louisiana State University (LSU), which is designed to expose students to the basic principles of the field. 


Students build models and other structures to get a feel for what working in the architecture industry is really like. Additionally, they’ll interact with current LSU Architecture students and faculty, and tour real-life construction sites and architectural firms.


2. Robotics Summer Residential Program


Dates: July 15 – 26 

Location: Louisiana State University (LSU)
Application Deadline: June 14

Cost: $1,250, or $2,750 for the residential option


Through a combination of study and hands-on experimentation, participants in this two-week program will expand their knowledge of the robotics world while exploring the development, building, and programming of robots. Topics covered in the program include motor speed, gear ratios, torque, sensors, program loops, project documentation, and decision-making.


For students who want to get a taste of college life by living on LSU’s campus during the program, a residential option is available.


3. Introduction to Engineering


Dates: July 15 – 26

Location: Louisiana State University (LSU)
Application Deadline: June 14

Cost: $1,450, or $2,950 for the residential option


Students interested in pursuing engineering will want to check out this two-week summer program at Louisiana State University. During this program, students will visit engineering laboratories and participate in hands-on projects related to a variety of engineering disciplines. 


The program aims to help attendees make more informed decisions about everything from high school electives to potential college majors, and, for those who participate in the residential version of the program, to even give aspiring engineers a firsthand look at what their life in college will look like.


4. Math Circle 



  • Session 1: June 10 – 29 
  • Session 2: July 15 – August 3

Location: Online
Application Deadline: Rolling

Cost: $1,200


The Math Circle program is a three-week-long online course from Louisiana State University (LSU), which is designed to help students develop their understanding of various mathematical principles, such as number theory, coding, and statistics. 


Attendees will have the chance to explore mathematics topics not typically taught at the high school level under the guidance of professors and graduate students, and alongside peers who are equally passionate about math.


5. Survey of Drones


Dates: July 15 – 26

Location: Louisiana State University (LSU)
Application Deadline: June 14

Cost: $1,250, or $2,750 for the residential option


This two-week LSU summer program tests a student’s engineering skills, as they are challenged to assemble, program, and pilot drones through an indoor racecourse. Participants will learn about the basics of flight and signal transmission, and gain hands-on experience with how to program more mobile, aerodynamic drones.


6. eXploreCS High School


Dates: June 3 – 7 

Location: Louisiana State University (LSU)
Application Deadline: May 19 

Cost: $700


This week-long summer program gives rising 10th through 12th graders the chance to explore computer science and programming. During this program, participants develop their general problem-solving skills in addition to learning key computer science principles in areas such as technology systems, networks, algorithms, data structures, data analytics, visualization, artificial intelligence, robotics, and cybersecurity. 


7. REHAMS Engineering 


Dates: June 23 – 29 

Location: Louisiana State University (LSU)
Application Deadline: April 30 

Cost: $800 


The Recruiting into Engineering High-Ability Multicultural Students (REHAMS) program introduces participants from all backgrounds to various subfields within engineering. Students in this five-day program engage in numerous hands-on activities, tour engineering facilities, sit in on panels led by professional engineers, and participate in a design challenge.


8. Halliburton XCITE


Dates: July 14 – 20 

Location: Louisiana State University (LSU)
Application Deadline: April 30 

Cost:  $800


Rising 9th- through 12th-grade female students are the target audience of this summer program, which encourages them to pursue careers in engineering, computer science, and construction management. 


Over the course of the program’s five days, participants learn about a variety of engineering majors and college life in general. Participants can expect to participate in design projects and activities designed to build leadership skills, listen to panels focused on female engineers, and tour engineering facilities. 




Dates: June 8 – July 4

Location: Xavier University of Louisiana
Application Deadline: April 30 

Cost: $2,000


Stress on Analytical Reasoning (SOAR) X is an intensive, four-week residential program designed to help prepare the next generation of highly educated professionals for success in, and after, college. 


Participants can choose from two tracks focused on social justice—one STEM-based, the other humanities-based—where they’ll be challenged to contribute to the promotion of a more just and humane society, while also gaining firsthand experience with college life and careers in the fields of health science and law.


10. Star Program



  • Session 1: June 3 – 21
  • Session 2: June 24 – July 12

Location: Xavier University of Louisiana

Application Deadline:

  • Session 1: May 20
  • Session 2: May 27

Cost: $500 – $550


Students preparing to take challenging high school math and science classes in the fall will want to look into this three-week program at Xavier University of Louisiana. Participants in the Star Program will gain a better understanding of basic concepts in fields like algebra, chemistry, physics, biology, and geometry through a variety of interactive lessons, hands-on activities, and team projects.


11. Pre-Freshman Engineering Summer Program


Dates: June 10 – July 12 

Location: Dillard University
Application Deadline: June 3

Cost: $450


Students in grades seven through 10 can sharpen their STEM skills in this summer program at Dillard University. Participants will explore a variety of courses over the program’s five weeks, including in mathematics, biology, chemistry, and computer science. Students will also build valuable skills that transcend fields, such as communication and critical thinking.


12. A Pathway to Geoscience Education Using Drones


Dates: June 10 – July 19

Location: Dillard University
Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: N/A


This summer STEM program aims to increase awareness and engagement of underrepresented minority students with geoscience. Participants learn how drone technology is applied to solve issues like water quality, pollution, soil erosion, natural resource management, and hazard mitigation. Students also build valuable broad skills like critical thinking, scientific reasoning, and problem-solving.




Dates: July 7 – 27 

Location: Northwestern State University of Louisiana

Application Deadline: May 1 

Cost: $2,850 


Open to students in grades 7 through 11, ADVANCE is a three-week residential program offered by Northwestern State. Targeting students who are gifted and talented in diverse subject areas, this program is described as “intense and demanding.” This year’s available courses include Chemistry, Algebra, Film Studies, and Shakespeare in Performance. Apply early, to increase your chances of receiving your desired courses!


While the idea of spending your summer studying might sound intimidating, it’s worth noting that the program includes plenty of time for social activities and recreation, to give you a comprehensive sense of what life in college will be like.


14. Explorations in Architecture and Design


Dates: Varies

Location: Tulane University
Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: $895 – $5,595


This collection of courses for rising juniors and seniors allows them to study at the picturesque Tulane University campus. During Career Explorations in Architecture and Design, high schoolers explore key topics in the field through not only classroom learning, lectures, and workshops, but also studio time and field trips.


As a bonus, attendees will meet and interact with both Tulane professors and practicing architects from the local region. Courses offered include Tactile Design, Fundamentals of Architecture Through Cinema, and The Sketchbook: Articulating Space > Cataloguing Place.


The price of the program varies depending on whether you complete the commuter or residential version, and whether you want to receive college credit for your participation. Need-based financial aid is available, with priority given to Louisiana residents.


15. Tulane Science Scholars Program


Dates: Varies 

Location: Tulane University
Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: $895 – $5,595


The Tulane Science Scholars program allows high school juniors and seniors to take a variety of two-week-long college-level courses in science and engineering—in areas ranging from coding to electronics to computer science—and potentially earn college credit. Participants will spend their days attending labs and lectures, eating in dining halls, and, for those participating in the residential version, living in dorms. 


The program is available at different price points, depending on whether you want to do the commuter or residential version, and whether you want to receive college credit for your coursework.


16. Tulane High School Summer Research Program


Dates: Varies

Location: Tulane University
Application Deadline: Rolling

Cost: Free


Students selected for this summer program participate in paid research for six weeks over the summer, while working hand in hand with Tulane faculty and graduate students in research laboratories. The program is open to rising high school juniors and seniors from greater New Orleans. Priority is given to students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunch programs at school or who will be first-generation college students.


17. Newcomb Summer Session


Dates: Varies

Location: Tulane University
Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: $895 – $5,595


Rising high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors can learn about gender equity during these four-day summer sessions hosted by the Newcomb Institute of Tulane University. Participants will leave this program more prepared for college and with a deeper understanding of gender, leadership, and social change thanks to discussion-based seminars, workshops, and collaborative projects.


The cost varies, depending on whether you commute or live on Tulane’s campus, and whether you want to be eligible to receive college credit for your participation in the program.


18. AMRI High School Summer Research Program


Dates: Varies

Location: University of New Orleans
Application Deadline: March 29

Cost: Free


This program offers students from greater New Orleans the chance to do paid research for eight weeks over the summer. Students work side by side with professional scientists in modern research labs, focused on fields including chemistry, psychics, material science, engineering, psychology, and mathematics, while exploring both fundamental and applied research. In addition to research, students participate in seminars and tutorials in areas ranging from ethics to lab safety to computational methods.


Not only is this program free, but students receive a $2,000 stipend for their participation.


19. Creative Summer Experience


Dates: June 17 – 28

Location: Loyola University New Orleans
Application Deadline: April 15 for early-bird pricing

Cost: $600 for one week; $1,000 if you participate in both weeks


Students interested in creative careers and building a portfolio for college applications will want to look into this summer program. Participants explore a variety of methods and media in fields such as graphic design, photography film, theater, and music through hands-on workshops, all while building a network of creative peers.


Make sure to register for this program early, as after April 15 the cost goes up to $700 for a one-week session.


20. Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong Summer Jazz Camp


Dates: June 24 – July 12

Location: Loyola University New Orleans
Application Deadline: Rolling

Cost: $250 – $6,500


This summer program aims to develop the next generation of jazz artists. Participants must commit to the study of one instrument but can choose an elective—such as music composition, swing dance, or voice—to pursue as well. 


The program is open to students between the ages of 10 and 21, and offers a wide range of options with different durations at different price points, to ensure all interested students can afford to participate in some capacity.


How do Summer Programs Impact Your College Chances?


Some summer programs are more competitive, requiring letters of recommendation and standardized test scores, while others are open to all students within a particular grade level. Consequently, some summer programs are given more weight in college admissions than others.   


The four tiers of extracurricular activities are a good way to understand how colleges value activities outside of the classroom, like summer programs. The most impressive, prestigious, rare, and influential activities are placed in the top two tiers. A good example of a top-tier Louisiana summer program is the super-selective ADVANCE program. 


Lower-tier extracurricular activities don’t hold the same sway with admissions offices, but they are often still valuable. Less-selective and esteemed programs still show off your interests to potential colleges while highlighting your desire to pursue your passions. Many field-specific activities also help build the skills you need to ace everything from the essays to interviews you’ll encounter in the college application process.


Curious how the summer program you participated in affects your odds of college admission? CollegeVine can help! Our free chancing calculator uses a variety of factors including grades, test scores, and extracurriculars to estimate your odds of getting into hundreds of colleges and universities while also providing insight into how to improve your profile.

Short Bio
A graduate of Northeastern University with a degree in English, Tim Peck currently lives in Concord, New Hampshire, where he balances a freelance writing career with the needs of his two Australian Shepherds to play outside.