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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
Duke University




Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What is the Ideal Timeline for the College Application Process?

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Applying to college can be a little intimidating given all the deadlines and time-sensitive logistics there is to juggle. Starting with junior year, there are tests to register for, summer programs to apply to, and college visits to schedule. Beyond that, there are essays to write, recommendations to gather, and applications to complete. Don’t let all the important dates and deadlines get the best of you.


Here, we’ve compiled the important dates of the college application process into a timeline, so that you can keep track of the various responsibilities you’ll need to take care of on your track to college. While some of these commitments may vary from student to student, we’ve covered all the basics. With this timeline, you’ll be able to think less about when you need to finish the first draft of your college essay, and more about how you can ensure it’s the best representation of your personality and ambitions.


As you use this timeline, keep in mind that some specific deadlines will vary from student to student. While these dates will certainly give you a rough idea of what should be accomplished when, a CollegeVine consultant can provide more insight tailored specifically to your unique situation.  


Read on for CollegeVine’s timeline for applying to college.



Date Task
September Begin to keep an eye out for scholarship opportunities. While most are not due until senior year, some — especially larger awards — do have deadlines during junior year. Remain alert in order to capitalize on potential scholarships available to you.
September 15 Confirm PSAT registration with counselor if you plan on taking the PSAT. If none is offered at your school, contact other area schools to arrange a test date.
Mid-September Registration deadline for October ACT, if applicable.
September Get serious about making your college list. Revise it throughout the year as needed.
October Take the PSAT. Three dates are typically available, but the test will only be offered at your school once.
Early-October Registration deadline for November SAT, if applicable.
Late October ACT administration.
November Registration deadline for December SAT and ACT. Preview SAT Subject Test calendar dates and availability. Make a schedule that accommodates the tests you plan to take.
Early November SAT and ACT administrations.
Early December SAT administration.
January-February Common App essay topics are released for the upcoming year.
Mid November – March Deadlines for many summer programs. Start planning now!
Mid-January Registration deadline for February ACT. Take your first ACT now if you plan on taking it but have not already.
Winter-Spring Attend college fairs. Visit colleges if your schedule allows.
Mid-February Take your first ACT if you plan on taking the ACT and have not already. (NOTE: No ACTs available in New York State on this date.)
Mid-February Registration deadline for March SAT. Take your first SAT if you plan on taking it but have not already.
Before March 1 Confirm AP registration with AP teachers, or discuss registration with AP coordinators if self-studying.
Before March 1 Check AP calendar for any potential exam conflicts. Speak with AP coordinator to coordinate a late-testing date if necessary.
Early-March ACT administration date.
Mid-March SAT administration date. (NOTE: There are no SAT Subject Tests available on this date.)
Early-April and Early-May Registration Deadlines for May and June SAT administrations. Juniors should plan to take SAT Subject Tests on these dates.
Early-Mid May AP Exams.
May-June Think about scheduling college visits as time allows over the summer.
End of Junior Year Request teacher recommendations and start to think about your Common App essay.


Date Task
Summer Before

Research scholarships. Create a list of ongoing scholarships and important deadlines to keep in mind throughout the year. Many scholarships have deadlines as early as October and November.

Summer Before

Start brainstorming for your Common App essay and experiment with ideas and essay prompts.

Late-July Registration deadline for August SAT and SAT Subject Tests.
August 1 The Common Application is released online and many schools begin to release their supplements. Get serious about brainstorming for your Common App Essay and finalize your topic.
Early-August Registration deadline for September ACT.
Mid-August Finalize your college list. Consider Early Decision-I or Early Decision-II options.
Late-August SAT administration date.
Early-September ACT administration date.
Mid-September Registration deadline for October ACT and SAT, if applicable.
September 1 If applying ED-I, complete a first draft of your Common App essay. Submit for free peer editing and review. 
September 15 Aim to complete second draft of your Common App essay for ED-I deadlines. Start on your supplemental essays for your ED-I school.
September 7-October 1 Contact MIT Educational Counselor (EC) to arrange interview for Early Action applications, if applicable.
October 1 Confirm teacher recommendations for ED-I deadlines. Complete counselor and teacher brag sheets, if applicable.  
October 1 Finalize your Common App essay. Submit for final editing and review. Complete your second drafts of your supplements.
Early-October Registration deadline for November SAT, if applicable.
October 12 Send SAT/ACT and SAT Subject Test scores to all early action schools unless you are taking October ACT or November SAT.
October 15 Finalize your ED-I essays, including your supplements. Submit for editing and final review.
October 15 Register for CSS Profile, if applicable.
October 15 Complete all steps for your high school to send your transcript to all ED-I schools.
October 22 Submit art or other supplement and/or Slideroom to all ED-I schools.
October 25 Have a friend or teacher read through your final essays to catch any last typos for ED-I applications.
October 25 Check in with your teachers to make sure that they have sent your recommendation letters in for ED-I applications.
Late October SAT and ACT administrations.
November 1-15 Typical Early Decision-I application deadlines.
November 3-23 Contact MIT Educational Counselor (EC) to arrange regular decision interview, if applicable
Early November Registration deadline for December SAT and ACT. This administration will be your last chance for SAT and ACT scores to reach schools for ED-II application and regular application deadlines.
Early November SAT and ACT administrations.
November 10 Aim to complete first draft essays and submit for editing and review for regular or ED-II applications
Before November 15 Prepare for ED-I alumni interviews.
November 15 Complete all steps for your high school to send your transcript to UC Schools and other 11/30 or 12/1 deadlines.
November 15 Confirm teacher recommendations for regular and ED-II applications.
November 15 Send SAT/ACT, and SAT II scores to all UC Schools and others with 11/30 or 12/1 deadlines.
November 15-22 Rush October ACT or November SAT scores to all ED-I schools (if applicable).
November 22 Submit art or other supplement and/or Slideroom to all UC Schools and other schools with 11/30 or 12/1 deadlines.
November 24 Aim to complete second draft of essay for ED-II and regular decision deadlines. Submit for editing and final review.
November 30 or December 1 Application deadline at UC schools and few others.
Early-December SAT and ACT administrations. Last chance for SAT and ACT scores to reach schools for ED-II and regular application deadlines.
Mid-December ED-I decisions released.
December 10 Have a teacher or friend read through your final essay to catch any last typos for regular or ED-II applications.
December 15 Complete all steps for your high school to send your transcript to all regular or ED-II schools.
December 15 Send SAT/ACT and SAT Subject Test scores to all regular or ED-II schools.
Before December 15 Prepare for ED-II alumni interviews.
Around Dec. 20 Rush December SAT or ACT scores for ED-II and regular decision application deadlines.
December 15- January 1 Typical ED-II Application deadlines.
December 15 Submit art or other supplement and/or Slideroom to all regular or ED-II schools (if applicable).
January 1-February 1 Typical Regular Decision Application deadlines.
Before January 25 Prepare for regular decision alumni interviews.
January-March Deadlines for many summer programs. Start planning now!
Before February 7 Make sure your school sends mid-year reports to all regular decision schools that require them.
Mid-February ED-II decisions released.
February 20 Finalize and submit FAFSA and CSS Profiles.
Before March 1 Confirm AP registration with AP teachers, or discuss registration with AP coordinators if self-studying.
Before March 1 Check AP calendar for any potential exam conflicts. Speak with AP coordinator to coordinate a late-testing date if necessary.
Mid-March – Early April Regular application decisions released.
April 15 Write waitlist letter and secure waitlist recommendation if applicable.
May 1 Finalize your college choice or decision to take a gap year.
Early-Mid May AP Exams.


Applying to college can get overwhelming quickly if you lose sight of important deadlines. Keep this timeline handy to ensure that you stay on top of important dates and anticipate what’s coming next.


Curious about your chances of acceptance to your dream school? Our free chancing engine takes into account your GPA, test scores, extracurriculars, and other data to predict your odds of acceptance at over 500 colleges across the U.S. We’ll also let you know how you stack up against other applicants and how you can improve your profile. Sign up for your free CollegeVine account today to get started!


For more about applying to college, see these CollegeVine posts:


Kate Sundquist
Senior Blogger

Short Bio
Kate Koch-Sundquist is a graduate of Pomona College where she studied sociology, psychology, and writing before going on to receive an M.Ed. from Lesley University. After a few forays into living abroad and afloat (sometimes at the same time), she now makes her home north of Boston where she works as a content writer and, with her husband, raises two young sons who both inspire her and challenge her on a daily basis.