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Timothy Peck
5 Summer Activities

15 Summer Programs in Washington for High Schoolers in 2024

What’s Covered:


Summer vacations are more than just opportunities to relax. College admissions season is right around the corner, and this is a time to explore your passions, learn new skills, and demonstrate your commitment to learning. Pre-college programs are the perfect way to do that. These summer programs can range from a few days to a few weeks long, giving high school students the chance to explore college life and sometimes even earn college credit.


Fortunately, Washington State offers plenty of summer programs—opportunities for you to do just that.


15 Summer Programs in Washington

1. DO-IT Scholars 


Dates: N/A

Location: Online & University of Washington Seattle 

Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: Free


This program is aimed at high school juniors and seniors with disabilities who plan to continue their education after high school. Participants will prepare for the transition to college—exploring career paths and academics, along with experiencing the independence found at college. They will also network with professionals and peers with disabilities.


The program is divided into two phases: the first phase takes place online and participants spend the second phase living and learning on the University of Washington Seattle campus.


2. Changemakers in Computing 


Dates: July 5-August 4

Location: University of Washington Seattle 

Application Deadline: April 3

Cost: Free


Washington State high schoolers with an interest in coding from economically disadvantaged families, underrepresented backgrounds, underrepresented minorities, or who will be first-generation college students will want to look into this free program. Participants work under the mentorship of UW graduate students to develop skills and tackle projects that combine technology, society, and justice.


Not only is the program free, but participants will receive a stipend plus free meals.


3. University of Washington Teen Summer Courses 


Dates: Varies

Location: University of Washington Seattle

Application Deadline: Registration opens February 13

Cost: N/A


The University of Washington offers a number of week-long courses throughout the summer to keep high schoolers active, engaged, and learning when school is out of session. The university hasn’t released its summer courses yet, however, last year featured classes in everything from coding to microbiology to screenwriting to esports.


4. UbiComp Lab High School Opportunity


Dates: June 15-September 15 

Location: University of Washington Seattle

Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: Free


The Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp) research lab at the University of Washington Seattle provides high schoolers the opportunity to conduct an eight-week-long summer research project. The program was created because of a positive research experience one of the university’s professors had in high school. The application opens up in March 2024, but expect the competition to be high as this program is very selective.


5. Young Scholars Program (YSP)-REACH


Dates: July 15-19 

Location: University of Washington Seattle

Application Deadline: March 15 

Cost: $500


High school students with an interest in a STEM career—particularly those with an interest in neural engineering and neuroscience—will want to check out this program at the University of Washington’s Center for Neurotechnology. Participants will receive an introduction to the field of neuroengineering, have the chance to tour labs, and learn about the latest developments in brain-computer interfaces.


6. Engineering Academy 


Dates: N/A 

Location: University of Washington Seattle

Application Deadline: N/A 

Cost: Free


This free program for high school seniors introduces students to engineering and helps them develop problem-solving skills. The program is open to students in the greater Seattle area and students from underrepresented groups, first-generation college students, and low-income students are encouraged to apply. Prior experience in engineering is not required to attend, but applicants are expected to have at least a 3.0 GPA and have demonstrated leadership in their community.


7. Urban Sustainability


Dates: N/A 

Location: Seattle University 

Application Deadline: N/A 

Cost: $1,195 


At Seattle University, students will learn all about urban systems, their environmental impact, and potential concerns. The program is project-based and includes faculty-led activities spanning SU’s biology, chemistry, environmental studies, environmental science, and environmental engineering programs. It also emphasizes sustainability, social equity, and inclusion.


8. Seattle University AI for Equity


Dates: N/A 

Location: Seattle University

Application Deadline: N/A 

Cost: $1,195


Students in this two-week summer program explore the intersection of technology and criminal justice issues, such as bias and equity. The project-focused program is open to high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Participants will engage with local law enforcement and tech companies.


9. Summer Business Institute


Dates: N/A 

Location: Seattle University

Application Deadline: N/A 

Cost: $1,195


Focused on diversity in entrepreneurship, this summer business camp provides youth from underrepresented backgrounds with the opportunity to explore entrepreneurship, data visualization, economics, and more, through college-level business, marketing, and economics classes. Upon completion, students will earn three college credits. 


10. Summer String Academy 


Dates: July 21-26

Location: Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center

Application Deadline: N/A 

Cost: $720


Middle and early high school students will learn from experienced music educators and professional musicians while enjoying the beautiful scenery of the foothills of the Eastern Cascades. Students will participate in ensembles, small-group sessions, and more while exploring topics like music theory and rehearsal etiquette.


11. SEAS Summer Immersion Program (SSIP)


Dates: July 7-11

Location: Gonzaga University 

Application Deadline: March 7 

Cost: Free


The purpose of this summer program is to introduce women with an interest in math and science to pathways in engineering and computer science. Students will live and learn at Gonzaga University—experiencing a slice of college life—while also working on projects and touring job sites.


12. Gonzaga University Summer Term (GUST)



  • Session 1: May 20-June 28
  • Session 2: July 1-August 9 

Location: Gonzaga University 

Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: $810 per credit 


Heading to Gonzaga but can’t wait until the fall to start your college career? The six-week GUST program lets you get a head start on your academic career. Incoming freshmen can take a handful of core classes—like Precalculus, Writing and Composition, and History (US History or World Civilizations)—while getting accustomed to college life, learning about campus, and meeting faculty and administrators.


13. Summer Academic Challenge (SAC)


Dates: Mid June-Mid July

Location: University of Puget Sound 

Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: Free


Students in this four-week summer enrichment program explore a project-based STEAM curriculum, allowing them to sample subjects they may study in college. Participants will spend their time attending classes, participating in labs, attending workshops, and participating in field trips and special events.


The SAC program is open to students in grades 7 through 12 who are from underrepresented minority groups, first-generation college students, or from underrepresented socio-economic status.


14. Seattle Children’s Hospital’s Research Training Program for High School Students


Dates: July 8-August 2 

Location: Seattle Children’s Hospital

Application Deadline: March 10 

Cost: Free


This program is aimed at 10th- to 12th-grade students from racial and ethnic groups that are historically underrepresented in the biomedical and health sciences. Participants will work in a lab environment and learn about topics like biochemistry, immunotherapy, gene editing, and infectious diseases. They’ll also participate in workshops dedicated to college readiness and career exploration.


This is a competitive program and stipends are available to help offset the expense of travel and meals.


15. High School Summer Volunteer Program


Dates: June 26-August 30

Location: Providence Health System 

Application Deadline: April 15 

Cost: Free


Participants in this summer program are required to commit to 100 hours of service. Students will complete their hours through a variety of opportunities in a hospital setting along with working a week at a summer camp for children with special needs. The program is open to high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors.


How Do Summer Programs Impact Your College Chances?


Extracurricular activities are typically assessed according to 4 tiers, with Tier 1 representing the most specialized and exemplary activities and Tier 4 representing the most common activities. The most impressive, prestigious, rare, and influential activities are placed in the top two tiers. When it comes to summer programs, these are ones that tend to be offered by universities, have an application to apply, and are at no- or little-cost.


Lower-tier extracurricular activities don’t hold the same sway with admissions officers, but they are often still valuable. Less selective and esteemed programs still show off your interests to potential colleges while highlighting your desire to pursue your passions. Many field-specific activities also help build the skills needed to ace everything you’ll encounter in the college application process, from essays to interviews.


Curious how the summer program you’re participating in affects your odds of college admission? CollegeVine can help! Our free chancing calculator uses a variety of factors including grades, test scores, and extracurriculars to estimate your odds of getting into over 1600 colleges and universities while also providing insight into how you can improve your profile.

Short Bio
A graduate of Northeastern University with a degree in English, Tim Peck currently lives in Concord, New Hampshire, where he balances a freelance writing career with the needs of his two Australian Shepherds to play outside.