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Duke University
Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Here are the Average SAT Scores by State

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Recently, the 2017 SAT Suite of Assessments Annual Report was released and along with it, the SAT score averages for each state. While this statistic may seem irrelevant to your personal performance, it’s one worth looking at for a few different reasons.


In this post, we’ll outline what the average SAT scores are in each state, lend some insight into why it matters, and offer some perspective on how these scores stack up. To learn more about the average SAT scores in each state in 2017, keep reading.


Why Do Average SAT Scores By State Matter?


When colleges admit incoming students, they nearly always aim to compile a diverse class. One of the ways in which they consider this diversity is by geographical region. For this reason, you might find yourself competing with other students from your state for a seat at selective colleges, especially if many students from your state happen to be applying to the same school.


In addition, if you are applying for scholarships it is likely that you will be competing against students from your state, since many scholarships are local or regional in nature. Because SAT scores are often a key evaluation criterion for scholarships, it’s worth knowing how your scores are likely to stack up to others in your region.


To learn more about applying for scholarships, check out our post What You Need to Know for a Successful Scholarship Season.


What is the Average SAT Score in Each State?

Here’s the breakdown of the average SAT score in each state according to the 2017 SAT Suite of Assessments Annual Report.

State Participation ERW Math Total
Alabama 5% 593 572 1165
Alaska 38% 547 533 1080
Arizona 30% 563 553 1116
Arkansas 3% 614 594 1208
California 53% 531 524 1055
Colorado 11% 606 595 1201
Connecticut 100% 530 512 1041
Delaware 100% 503 492 996
District of Columbia 100% 482 468 950
Florida 83% 520 497 1017
Georgia 61% 535 515 1050
Hawaii 55% 544 541 1085
Idaho 93% 513 493 1005
Illinois 9% 559 556 1115
Indiana 63% 542 532 1074
Iowa 2% 641 635 1275
Kansas 4% 632 628 1260
Kentucky 4% 631 616 1247
Louisiana 4% 611 586 1198
Maine 95% 513 499 1012
Maryland 69% 536 524 1060
Massachusetts 76% 555 551 1107
Michigan 100% 509 495 1005
Minnesota 3% 644 651 1295
Mississippi 2% 634 607 1242
Missouri 3% 640 631 1271
Montana 10% 605 591 1196
Nebraska 3% 629 625 1253
Nevada 26% 563 553 1116
New Hampshire 96% 532 520 1052
New Jersey 70% 530 526 1056
New Mexico 11% 577 561 1138
New York 67% 528 523 1052
North Carolina 49% 546 535 1081
North Dakota 2% 635 621 1256
Ohio 12% 578 570 1149
Oklahoma 7% 530 517 1047
Oregon 43% 560 548 1108
Pennsylvania 65% 540 531 1071
Rhode Island 71% 539 524 1062
South Carolina 50% 543 521 1064
South Dakota 3% 612 603 1216
Tennessee 5% 623 604 1228
Texas 62% 513 507 1020
Utah 3% 624 614 1238
Vermont 60% 562 551 1114
Virginia 65% 561 541 1102
Washington 64% 541 534 1075
West Virginia 14% 558 528 1086
Wisconsin 3% 642 649 1291
Wyoming 3% 626 604 1230
National Average N/A (1,715,481 total students tested) 533 527 1060

(Courtesy of the 2017 SAT Suite of Assessments Annual Report)

Which States Have the Highest SAT Scores?


The highest average SAT scores were found in the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa, where average composite scores were each over 1270. It’s worth noting that in these states, overall participation was quite low, with only 3% of students taking the test.


This pattern holds true across the board, with higher scoring states having lower participation rates. This is likely due to statewide popularity or requirements related to the ACT. Students are not likely to take both the ACT and the SAT unless they know they will score well, and when given the choice, students often choose the test that they believe they’ll score higher on.


Of states with at least 25% participation, Arizona (1116), Nevada (1116), and Vermont (1114) stand out as top scorers.

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Which States Have the Lowest SAT Scores?


The lowest average SAT scores were found in the states of Delaware, the District of Columbia, Idaho, and Michigan, where average composite scores were all below 1010. The inverse relationship between participation and average score held true here as well, with all the lowest performing states having participation rates above 90%. When students do not self select and rather take the test as part of a requirement or as what they view their only option, their scores tend to be lower.

How Do Average SAT Scores Compare to Average ACT Scores?


The preference for one standardized test over another tends to be largely geographical in nature. For that reason, in states with high SAT participation, ACT participation tends to be much lower, and the same is true vice versa.


Because higher participation tends to be associated with lower average scores, it is hard to compare SAT and ACT scores by state. Most states with high participation rates in one test have low participation rates in the other, which often means that states that have high averages on one test, have low averages for the other. In states like Georgia, where participation in the SAT and in the ACT are nearly equally as common, scores tend to be very close to the national averages for each test.


What Do State Averages Mean for Me?


State averages matter because you want to perform well in comparison to others in your geographical area in order to gain a competitive edge. One way to do this is by considering which test you should take. Beyond considering the state averages for each test, you should also consider the merits of the tests individually. The SAT generally encompasses more general knowledge while the ACT is more subject oriented. To learn more about choosing between the ACT and the SAT, see these posts:


The CollegeVine Guides to the ACT

The CollegeVine Guides to the SAT


It’s also important to remember that standardized tests are not the be-all and end-all of college admissions or scholarship applications. While scores do matter, many other factors will be weighed as well. To learn more about how standardized test scores impact admissions, see these posts:


Which Section of the SAT and ACT is Most Important?

What is a Good SAT Score?

Can a Good SAT/ACT Score Offset a Bad GPA?

How the ACT Is Graded: A Breakdown


Preparing for the SAT? Download our free guide with our top 8 tips for mastering the SAT.


Want to know how your SAT score/ACT score impacts your chances of acceptance to your dream schools? Our free Chancing Engine will not only help you predict your odds, but also let you know how you stack up against other applicants, and which aspects of your profile to improve. Sign up for your free CollegeVine account today to gain access to our Chancing Engine and get a jumpstart on your college strategy!

Kate Sundquist
Senior Blogger

Short Bio
Kate Koch-Sundquist is a graduate of Pomona College where she studied sociology, psychology, and writing before going on to receive an M.Ed. from Lesley University. After a few forays into living abroad and afloat (sometimes at the same time), she now makes her home north of Boston where she works as a content writer and, with her husband, raises two young sons who both inspire her and challenge her on a daily basis.