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How to Write the Caltech STEM Experience Essay

Caltech’s essay prompt emphasizes its commitment to tackling some of the most challenging questions in STEM. In essence, they want to gauge your genuine curiosity, passion, and drive in these fields.


Here’s how you can write a strong response. If you want more advice on Caltech’s essays, see our full Caltech essay breakdown.


Understanding the Prompt


Prompt: At Caltech, we investigate some of the most challenging, fundamental problems in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Identify and describe two STEM-related experiences from your high school years, either in or out of the classroom, and tell us how and why they activated your curiosity. What about them made you want to learn more and explore further? (200 words per experience)


Caltech is looking for specific instances where you were actively engaged in STEM. This can be within a class, a club, a project, a competition, or any other related experience.


As you reflect on which experiences to mention, make sure to those that truly piqued your interest and drove you to delve deeper. It’s one thing to be curious, but taking that next step to learn more showcases initiative, drive, and passion.


Crafting Your Essay


Here are the four steps you want to take as you’re writing.


1. Start with a brief introduction of the experience. Was it a physics class experiment? A coding challenge? A robotics competition?


2. Elaborate on what you did. Be specific. Instead of saying you “worked on a project,” explain that you “designed a water filtration system using charcoal and sand.”


3. Identify the moment or aspect that triggered your curiosity. Was it an unexpected result? A challenging problem? A real-world application?


4. Discuss the steps you took post-experience. Did you read more on the topic? Join a related club? Undertake a new project? Your actions should showcase your drive.


Now, let’s get into some examples!


Caltech STEM Experience Example Essays


Example 1


In my junior year, our school’s Robotics Club decided to enter the annual Robotics Challenge. From videos of past competitions, it was clear that robots could achieve some pretty amazing things, and we were eager to try our hand. I got the task of programming our robot’s pathfinding, which I thought would be a cool challenge.


Initial tests, however, were not promising. Our robot, which we affectionately dubbed ‘Rover’, seemed to have a mind of its own, often getting lost or stuck in corners. This wasn’t what I expected, and instead of feeling defeated, I got really curious. Why was our algorithm struggling?


After some deep dives online and discussions with our club advisor, I stumbled upon the A* algorithm. It was touted as one of the best for pathfinding. Many late nights were spent poring over code, making adjustments, and running trial after trial.


The moment ‘Rover’ smoothly navigated our test maze was unforgettable. Beyond just the success, this experience opened my eyes to how vast and complex robotics can be. It also sparked a newfound interest in AI and how machines can learn and adapt.


Essay 1 Feedback


This essay feedback was provided by Ivy, CollegeVine’s AI. Try it for free with your own essay!


This experience effectively showcases your problem-solving skills and determination in the field of robotics. Your narrative demonstrates your curiosity and passion for learning about pathfinding algorithms. I would rate this experience a solid 8.5 out of 10. The strength of your description lies in the detailed example and your genuine interest in overcoming the challenge.




  1. Your experience provides a clear narrative of your involvement in the Robotics Club and the challenge you faced.
  2. You effectively convey your curiosity and determination to understand and improve the robot’s pathfinding algorithm.
  3. The experience demonstrates your ability to research, learn, and apply new concepts in a practical situation.




  1. Consider providing a brief explanation of the A* algorithm and how it improved ‘Rover’s’ pathfinding. This will help the reader understand your discovery better. (Small impact)
  2. Share any lessons you learned from this experience and how they may have influenced your perspective on robotics or problem-solving. (Small impact)
  3. Briefly mention how this experience has shaped your future aspirations or interests in the field of robotics, AI, or related areas. (Small impact)


What admissions would take away


Admissions officers would view you as a determined, curious, and resourceful student with a passion for robotics and problem-solving. Your experience demonstrates your ability to research, learn, and apply new concepts in practical situations.


Example 2


In a chemistry lab during sophomore year, our assignment was to synthesize aspirin. The process, on paper, seemed pretty direct, but science in practice can sometimes be unpredictable. My first result wasn’t the expected pure white but had an off-white hue.


Rather than just accepting it, I was determined to understand why. Had I missed a step or mis-measured an ingredient? I turned to additional resources, beyond our classroom’s scope, and delved into the intricacies of the synthesis process. I found out that there are many variables at play, from temperature control to precise measurements.


Armed with new knowledge, I approached the lab again. With more attention to detail and a better understanding of the reactions, my second attempt was markedly improved.


This wasn’t just a lesson in making aspirin; it underscored how deep and layered even seemingly simple reactions can be. It made me appreciate the precision required in chemistry, especially when thinking about its implications in something as important as drug development.


Overall Feedback


This essay feedback was provided by Ivy, CollegeVine’s AI. Try it for free with your own essay!


This experience effectively highlights your curiosity and determination in the field of chemistry. It demonstrates your commitment to understanding the underlying processes and your ability to think critically about the subject matter. I would rate this experience an 8 out of 10. The strength of your description lies in the detailed example and your genuine interest in learning.




  1. Your experience provides a clear narrative of your involvement in the chemistry lab and the challenge you faced.
  2. You effectively convey your curiosity and determination to understand the intricacies of the synthesis process.
  3. The experience demonstrates your willingness to go beyond the classroom to explore complex concepts and apply them in practical situations.




  1. Explore how your newfound appreciation for precision in chemistry has shaped your perspective on the subject or influenced future projects. (Small impact)
  2. Share any lessons you learned from this experience and how they may have influenced your approach to chemistry or problem-solving. (Small impact)
  3. Briefly mention how this experience has shaped your future aspirations or interests in the field of chemistry or related areas. (Small impact)


What admissions would take away


Admissions officers would view you as a curious, determined, and resourceful student with a passion for learning and problem-solving in chemistry. Your experience demonstrates your ability to go beyond the classroom to explore complex concepts and apply them in practical situations.


Final Tips


  • Be Genuine: Authentic experiences where your curiosity was genuinely activated will always come across as more sincere and impactful.
  • Show Initiative: Caltech values students who don’t just stop at wondering, but take the initiative to seek answers.
  • Proofread: Ensure clarity, coherence, and error-free content. You can use Ivy, CollegeVine’s AI for free feedback. 


Remember, this essay provides Caltech a glimpse into your analytical mind, your curiosity, and your proactive approach to learning.

Short Bio
Our college essay experts go through a rigorous selection process that evaluates their writing skills and knowledge of college admissions. We also train them on how to interpret prompts, facilitate the brainstorming process, and provide inspiration for great essays, with curriculum culled from our years of experience helping students write essays that work.