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26 Biology Internships for High Schoolers in 2024

What’s Covered:


Internships provide a host of benefits to high schoolers, particularly in fields like biology. High school biology internships allow students to gain real-world experience in the field and the lab, network with like-minded peers and professionals, and build valuable skills. High school biology internships also let students explore the field as a potential major—sampling college-level coursework, labs, and life.  


Internships can also boost a student’s odds of college admissions. They show a dedication to the fields that interest them and intellectual curiosity—two qualities that admissions officers are looking for.  


26 Biology Internships for High School Students


1. Monell Science Apprenticeship Program


Application Deadline: N/A

Duration: Eight weeks (June 18 – August 16) 


This paid summer apprenticeship program seeks to stimulate interest in biomedical science and medicine careers, particularly in underrepresented groups, such as racial and ethnic minorities, females, and the economically disadvantaged. Participants work on research projects under the mentorship of Monell scientists and the program concludes with apprentices presenting their research at a public conference. Students also take part in a variety of enrichment activities designed to build skills like public speaking, written communication, and ethics.


The program is extremely competitive—just 18 to 24 students are chosen from hundreds of applications. The program is open to high schoolers and undergraduates with an interest in science and research who live in the greater Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, area.  


2. Student Conservation Association (SCA) National Crews


Application Deadline: N/A

Duration: Two – five weeks


This volunteer program is competitive—it gets more strong applicants than it has open positions. Participants are divided into teams of six to eight students led by two adult leaders. Students learn a variety of skills while completing trail maintenance and restoration projects and gain firsthand knowledge about the environment and ecology. They also build leadership and teamwork skills and test their perseverance—they’ll live in tents and cook their own meals during the program.


Participants must be high school students between the ages of 15-19 with an interest in learning more about ecology or environmental topics.


3. SUNY Oneonta Summer Research Internship


Application Deadline: April 12

Duration: Nine weeks  


This fun, nine-week high school internship is open to New York residents ages 16 and older. Most projects interns undertake involve monitoring Otsego Lake and the Susquehanna watershed, with the bulk of the work focused on water quality and biota. Over the course of the summer, interns will gain firsthand experience with fieldwork, laboratory and data analysis, writing, and presenting findings.   


The number of open positions varies annually, however, generally, between one and three interns are hired. Applicants are required to submit an essay along with two references. 


4. University of Michigan Aspirnaut Internship Program


Application Deadline: N/A

Duration: Six weeks (June 17 – July 26)


This prestigious summer internship program—just eight to 10 interns are accepted annually—offers students the opportunity to gain real-world research experience in the life sciences. In addition to research, students meet with mentors, receive standardized test preparation, and get college advice. Students also live and learn at the University of Michigan’s Ann Arbor campus, providing valuable insight into college life. 


The program is open to rising seniors from Michigan and students receive a stipend for their participation in the program.


5. Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Internships


Application Deadline: Varies

Duration: Varies


INL provides paid STEM internships to high school students, pairing interns with mentors to develop innovative solutions to real-world projects. INL internships follow an 80/20 philosophy: 80% of the internship is focused on lab work, while 20% is devoted to enrichment activities like workshops and skill building.  


Applicants must possess a minimum 3.0 GPA and pass a background check. They’re also required to submit a resume. 


6. Hutton Junior Fisheries Biology Program


Application Deadline: January 16 

Duration: Eight weeks  


This paid summer program is sponsored by the American Fisheries Society and aims to stimulate interest in fisheries and aquatic science among groups underrepresented in the profession. Opportunities are available in all 50 states plus Canada, Mexico, and Puerto Rico. Activities vary depending on the available opportunities but often include: 


  • Taking fish population surveys
  • Establishing aquatic vegetation and fish habitat
  • Electrofishing
  • Examining specimens under a microscope
  • Water quality testing
  • Data processing


The program is open to rising high school juniors, seniors, and rising college freshmen. Interns are expected to work between 32 and 40 hours a week and are compensated with a $3,000 stipend and an all-expenses-paid trip to the Hutton Scholars Summit. 


7. Boyce Thompson Institute (BTI) High School Research Internships


Application Deadline: N/A

Duration: Six weeks (June 25 – August 9)


This paid internship opportunity for high school students ages 16 and over who are local to Ithaca, New York, is an excellent opportunity to explore majoring in biology and careers in science. Participants are involved in the day-to-day research of plants and receive mentorship from a graduate student or postdoctoral researcher, along with a faculty mentor. In addition to research, students participate in workshops, group discussions, lectures, and field trips. The program culminates with a symposium in which interns present their accomplishments.  


High school interns are compensated $4,000 for their work during the program.  


8. Rockefeller University Summer Science Research Program (SSRP)


Application Deadline: January 5

Duration: Seven weeks (June 24 – August 8)


SSRP is a great opportunity for high school juniors and seniors to gain real-world, mentored research experience. Participants will work 35 hours a week in groups of eight to ten students in a particular research track. Past tracks include: 


  • RNA virus discovery and bioinformatics
  • Coronavirus immune response
  • Silkworm biomaterials
  • Evolutionary behavior in fruit flies
  • Nanobody binding patterns
  • Mathematical and neurological basis of smell patterns
  • Cultivation of wild yeast
  • Modeling microbes in milk and cheese
  • Ant social biology


Students also take part in core sessions designed to provide deeper insight into the experimental approach and scientific reasoning along with receiving professional development, such as help crafting resumes and LinkedIn profiles.  


9. George Mason University Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program (ASSIP)


Application Deadline: February 11

Duration: Eight weeks (June 18 – August 9)


ASSIP provides high school and undergraduate students the chance to work with researchers one-on-one and gain firsthand experience using cutting-edge equipment and technology. Participants in this free program explore STEM fields while developing a range of valuable skills—from scientific writing to communication. There is also the chance that participants’ work will be published in a scientific journal or presented at a conference.  


Students must be over 15 years old to participate in in-person, remote, and hybrid internships in computer labs and over 16 years old to participate in “wet lab” in-person and hybrid internships. 


10. National Institutes of Health (NIH) High School Scientific Training and Enrichment Program (HiSTEP)


Application Deadline: January 12 

Duration: Four weeks (July 2 – August 1) 


HiSTEP aims to expand the number of students interested in biomedical and healthcare careers—specifically high school juniors from the District of Columbia, Virginia, and Maryland (DMV) metro area. The program is held at the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland, and builds basic science skills while exploring a variety of STEM-M topics through workshops and lectures.  


To participate in the program, students must be citizens or legal U.S. residents, who are current high school juniors with a minimum 3.0 GPA, and attend a school where over 30% of the student body participates in the Federal Free/Reduced Lunch Program. 


11. George Washington Carver Internship Program


Application Deadline: February 1 

Duration: Eight weeks (June 3 – August 1) 


Students selected for this paid internship spend eight weeks on the campus of Iowa State conducting research alongside mentors. Students spend 30 to 40 hours a week completing research projects in fields like food systems and the agricultural process, preparing an abstract and written report, and presenting their findings at a colloquium.  


The program is open to U.S. citizens and legal residents with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Participants in the program are provided with on-campus housing, a meal plan, round-trip airfare, and a stipend.


12. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Young Women in Science (YWIS)


Application Deadline: Varies

Duration: 10 weeks (June – August) 


YWIS provides education research opportunities to female high school students with an interest in STEM. Students work in a particular research area with a scientist mentor while also participating in a variety of developmental activities, including laboratory demonstrations, field trips, and workshops.


13. Broad Summer Scholars Program


Application Deadline: January 10

Duration: Six weeks (June 3 – August 2)


The Broad Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts, offers this opportunity that enables high schoolers to conduct research projects in fields like cancer biology, chemical biology, computational biology, and infectious disease. Participants also explore careers in science, attend scientific talks, develop their network of like-minded peers, and present their research at a scientific poster session.  


The program is open to rising Massachusetts high school seniors with Bs in science and math, and a demonstrated interest in science. Students from backgrounds underrepresented in the sciences and from underserved communities are strongly encouraged to apply. Participants earn a $3,600 stipend. 


14. Wave Hill Forest Project


Application Deadline: March 8

Duration: N/A


New York City residents with an interest in urban environmental issues will want to check out this project exploring ecological restoration and urban ecology. Students will gain firsthand experience with fieldwork, take college-level courses, and listen to guest speakers from a variety of green careers.  


Interns work in small crews and earn approximately $2,275 over the course of the summer. With the successful completion of coursework, they can also earn three college credits. 


15. Los Alamos National Laboratory High School Internship Program


Application Deadline: April 11

Duration: N/A


Los Alamos National Laboratory offers a number of STEM internship opportunities to rising high school seniors from northern New Mexico, including intern positions in biological science, where students will learn the basics of molecular biology and microbiology procedures and assist with routine lab maintenance. 

Applicants must be New Mexico residents, over the age of 16, possess a minimum 3.0 GPA, and pass a drug test. They must also submit a resume, cover letter, and transcript with their application. 


16. Scripps Research California High School Internship Program


Application Deadline: May 4

Duration: 10 weeks (June 3 – August 9 or June 17 – August 23)


This program exposes students with interests in careers in the biological and chemical sciences to contemporary issues in biomedical research and provides hands-on laboratory experience and mentorship. The program is particularly focused on students from groups underrepresented in the sciences and students who will be the first in their families to attend college. 


17. Indiana University Future Scientist Program


Application Deadline: March 1

Duration: Eight weeks (June 3 – July 26)


This eight-week summer program is open to high school juniors from Indianapolis and all Marion County public schools with an interest in science. Students will work on a research project at the University of Indiana’s School of Medicine, receive mentorship, and earn a stipend for their participation in the program.


18. Fred Hutch Cancer Center Summer High School Internship Program (SHIP)


Application Deadline: March 31 

Duration: Eight weeks (June 24 – August 16)


This competitive paid internship is aimed at rising 12th graders from backgrounds underrepresented in biomedical science. The program is divided into two parts—the first two weeks are focused on training in laboratory techniques and skills, and the following six weeks are devoted to mentored activities such as lab meetings and work. Interns work 40 hours a week, Monday through Friday, and are provided a stipend. 


The program is open to students across the U.S., although they must provide their own housing and transportation during the internship.


19. Ladder Internship Program


Application Deadline: Varying deadlines based on cohort. Main summer deadlines are March 15, April 15, and May 15

Duration: Eight weeks


Ladder Internships is a selective start-up internship program for ambitious high school students! In the program, you work with a high-growth start-up on an internship. Start-ups that offer internships range across a variety of industries from tech/deep tech and AI/ML to health tech, marketing, journalism, consulting, and more. 


Ladder’s start-ups are high-growth companies on average raising over a million dollars. Past founders have included YCombinator alums, founders raising over 30 million dollars, or founders who previously worked at Microsoft, Google, and Facebook. In the program, students closely with their managers and a Ladder Coach on real-world projects and present their work to the company.


This highly flexible program is designed to be accessible to a wide range of students. You will complete your internship remotely, from anywhere in the world, and there are internships available throughout the year, so you can easily plan around your other commitments—you can expect to work for 10-20 hours/week, for 8-12 weeks. Open to high school students and gap year students!


Here is the application form.


20. Eugene and Ruth Roberts Summer Student Academy


Application Deadline: March 13

Duration: 10 weeks (June 3 – August 9)


This summer program provides participants with the opportunity to perform real-world science work—conducting a research project and working as a member of a biomedical research team. Students receive mentorship, develop critical thinking and communication skills, build a network of peers and mentors, and gain valuable research experience.


Students will also participate in workshops and present their findings at seminars. Participants receive a stipend of $4,000 for their work.


21. Human Oncology & Pathogenesis Program (HOPP) Summer Student Program


Application Deadline: February 9

Duration: Eight weeks (June 27 – August 22)


Rising high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors will want to look into this summer program providing hands-on laboratory and research experience. Interns conduct their own research projects, attend training sessions, receive mentorship, and present their findings at a poster session at the end of the program.


Interns are expected to work full-time (40 hours a week), usually from 9 am to 5 pm or 10 am to 6 pm, over the course of the program. Students receive a stipend for their participation.


22. Project Success: Opening the Door to Biomedical Careers


Application Deadline: February 2

Duration: Six weeks (July 8 – August 16)


The Harvard Medical School Department of Diversity and Inclusion offers this summer research internship to Boston and Cambridge high school juniors and seniors from populations that are underrepresented in medicine and/or from disadvantaged backgrounds. Interns engage in hands-on research, develop their technical skills, build scientific knowledge, and hone valuable skills like critical thinking. Participants are also provided support in their pursuit of academic and career goals.


This is a paid internship.


23. Summer Science Intensive: iCLEM


Application Deadline: March 17

Duration: Seven weeks (June 10 – July 26)


The Introductory College Level Experience in Microbiology (iCLEM) aims to introduce disadvantaged high school sophomores and juniors to biotechnology, microbiology, and biofuels. Interns conduct a mentored research project, explore potential career paths, and prepare for the college application process while building fundamental knowledge in molecular biology, synthetic biology, and biochemistry.


The internship is open to students from Alameda, Contra Costa, and San Francisco Counties and participants earn a $3,000 stipend.


24. Linking Individuals to their Natural Community (LINC)


Application Deadline: March 10

Duration: Six weeks (June 18 – August 2)


This Bay Area program combines activities like wildlife monitoring and habitat restoration with community building, service learning, and exploration. Participants tackle a variety of activities and projects and have adventurous experiences—like camping and kayaking—while gaining a deeper understanding of the local environment and its influence on adjacent communities.


This opportunity is paid—interns can earn up to a $2,300 stipend—and is open to students from Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Contra Costa, Solano, and Alameda Counties.


25. Roswell Park Summer Cancer Research Experience Program


Application Deadline: March 10

Duration: Seven weeks (June 24 – August 9)


High school juniors in Western New York interested in a future in science will want to explore this opportunity. Students gain firsthand experience with lab work, receive classroom instruction on cancer basics, and participate in a number of professional development events. Participants are given the chance to focus on a specific area of interest, including areas like biostatistics, cancer biophysics, molecular biology, and cancer genetics.


Subsistence allowances are awarded to a select number of applicants and stipends are available to help cover costs like transportation and food.


26. The Jackson Laboratory Summer Student Program


Application Deadline: January 29

Duration: 10 weeks (June 1 – August 10)


This prestigious summer program focused on genetics and genomics research is held at both Jackson Laboratory’s Bar Harbor, Maine, campus as well as its Farmington, Connecticut, campus. Participants work under the guidance of a mentor to develop a research project, implement their plan, analyze the data, and report their results.


Admission to this program is competitive—just 39 students were accepted from 569 applicants in 2023. Of accepted students, just three were in high school. Students earn a $6,500 stipend for their participation in the program.


How Much Do Internships Impact Your College Chances? 


Extracurricular activities such as internships play a considerable role in admissions decisions at many colleges. CollegeVine’s free admissions calculator can help you gain a better understanding of how participation in an internship influences your odds of college admission. Our free chancing calculator considers a variety of metrics—including academic performance, demographics, and extracurriculars like internships—to estimate your chances of acceptance at hundreds of schools across the country.


Disclaimer: This post includes content sponsored by Lumiere Education.

Short Bio
A graduate of Northeastern University with a degree in English, Tim Peck currently lives in Concord, New Hampshire, where he balances a freelance writing career with the needs of his two Australian Shepherds to play outside.