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5 Summer Programs at Georgetown University for High Schoolers

As the oldest Catholic and Jesuit university in the United States, Georgetown University has been committed to research, scholastic achievement and service since its inception. For high school students, attending a summer program at Georgetown affords the invaluable opportunity to experience college-level learning at a historically renowned university.


Want to learn what Georgetown University will actually cost you based on your income? And how long your application to the school should take? Here’s what every student considering Georgetown University needs to know.

Why Should Your Student Attend a Summer Program?

Summer programs are a great way for students to gain a deeper understanding of their favorite subjects in a more hands-on environment. Spending a summer academically engaged on a college campus can help prepare your student for learning beyond high school. Ultimately, having the opportunity to learn from and alongside talented faculty and students alike can help your student realize their full academic potential.


Additionally, involvement in summer programs demonstrate your student’s drive and passion for a particular area of study to admissions officers when it comes time to apply to college. Prospective schools want self-motivated students who will positively contribute to campus and pursuing a diverse set of extracurricular experiences, like a summer program for instance, can help convey that motivation.


For more information about why your student should partake in summer programs visit, Why You Need to Gear Up Now for Summer Programs.


Georgetown offers a variety of on campus summer programs geared towards talented high school students. These engaging and comprehensive programs will provide your teen with the opportunity to take classes taught by distinguished Georgetown faculty, explore the greater D.C area and deep-dive into their favorite subjects.


Continue reading to learn more about 5 excellent summer programs for high schoolers at Georgetown University!


Note: Costs are estimates and can vary according to factors such as residential or commuter status.

5 Summer Programs at Georgetown University

1.College Credit Courses for High School Students

Through this particular summer program, your student will have the opportunity to take classes alongside current Georgetown undergraduates, learn from distinguished faculty, and strengthen their analytic and critical thinking skills on a higher level.


Students who cannot commit to the 5-week on-campus program can opt for the 8-week online version of the program, or take a combination of both on-campus and online courses.


Keep in mind that costs are estimates and can vary according to factors such as residential or commuter status.


Important Information Regarding 5-week on-campus courses:

  • Program Cost: $1,496
  • Eligibility:
    • Must be enrolled as a high school freshman, sophomore, or junior during the 2018–2019 academic year.
    • Has a minimum GPA of 3.0 and demonstrates good academic standing
  • Early Bird Deadline: January 15, 2019
  • Final Deadline: May 31, 2019


Application Essay: Write a 300- to 500-word personal statement describing why you want to attend the Summer High School Programs at Georgetown University. Your completed essay should be uploaded to your online application prior to submission.


Here are some of the exciting 5-week on campus classes offered for college credit through this program:



In these courses, students will work to become proficient in standard written and formal spoken Arabic. Beyond the language, students will also be exposed to contemporary Arabic media, literature and culture. A variety of course levels are offered to suit beginner to intermediate level Arabic language learners.


Photo I: Digital

This course aims to equip students with the foundational skills necessary to produce photos that demonstrate both technical and artistic prowess. Beyond taking photos, students will learn about the principles of photographic composition, criticism, and gain working knowledge in computer programs like Photoshop.


Art of the Book

This course is an introduction to bookmaking that masterfully marries the skillsets of craftsmanship and creativity! Over the span of the program, students will learn to create books using printmaking, letterpress, fine papers and found objects.


Art History: Renaissance to Modern Art

This course provides students with a comprehensive overview of major achievements in Western pictorial art, sculpture and architecture from the early Renaissance to the twentieth century. Ultimately, students will learn to effectively analyze and interpret original works of art.


Ecology & the Environment

This course aims to provide non-science majors with an introduction to environmental concepts and issues like climate change, population growth, pollution, agriculture, and emerging diseases. Additionally, students will explore the topic of sustainability and how an individual’s actions can impact global processes.



Chemistry is offered as two separate but sequential courses. The first section aims to build a strong, introductory, foundation in quantum mechanics and the laws of thermodynamics. The second focuses on chemical reactions and their significance in environmental and biochemical contexts.There are corresponding labs offered for each course in the sequence. Georgetown offers General Chemistry I and II, as well as a specialized Introduction to Forensic Chemistry course.


Computer Science

The summer program at Georgetown offers a variety of computer science courses that are suited for prospective computer science majors and non-majors alike. Within this subject area, students will have the opportunity to learn the principles of information technology, explore the impact of “connectedness'” on modern society and gain foundational knowledge in C++ programming. Georgetown offers Intro to Information Technology, “Networks, Crowds and Markets,” and Computer Science I as part of this series.



The variety of  course offerings within this subject area allow high schoolers to explore the fundamental principles of economics as well as sub-topics of interest such as mathematical model making and macroeconomic aggregates. Students can take Economic Principles in Microeconomics or Macroenomics, as well as an Intermediate Micro course.



The exciting range of English courses offered this summer provide students the opportunity to critically examine how culture and locale influence and inform literature. Your student can’t go wrong with this series of offering that spans a variety of literary genres and periods! Courses include American Gothic Fiction, Pulp Fiction, War & Terrorism in Pop Culture, and more.


Film and Media Studies

Through courses in film and media studies, students will explore introductory film production techniques involving audio recording and Adobe Premiere Pro software.Beyond the technical aspect of filmmaking, students will also focus on the notion of visual storytelling and creative post-production editing. Ultimately, over the span of courses within this subject area, your high schooler will learn to critically evaluate cinematic conventions, allowing them to produce their own unique works of art! Georgetown offers an Intro to Filmmaking and an Experimental Filmmaking course.


For a full list of available summer courses you can visit Georgetown University’s Summer Program for High School Students College Credit Courses page.

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2.Blueprint Signature Summer Programs

Blueprint Summer Programs at Georgetown University offers courses in a variety of subject areas ranging from medicine to architecture that are both fun and academically rewarding! Additionally, your student has the option to choose between a 1-week or 2-week session for each pre-college course.


  • Eligibility: 9th, 10th, & 11th grade students
  • Program Cost: $3,599
  • Apply Here!

3.Summer College Immersion

The Georgetown University Summer College Immersion Program (SCIP) is a three-week college prep program designed for high-achieving  rising high school seniors who aspire to apply to selective institutions of higher learning. Through rigorous class sessions and exciting co-curricular activities, SCIP provides participants with both a transformational learning experience and an introduction to college life!


  • Eligibility: 11th grade students from the Cristo Rey Network and KIPP Foundation school systems and other select schools, networks, and community-based organizations (CBO’s).
  • Program Cost: Free
  • Application Deadline: February 18, 2019

4.Summer Academies Program

The Summer Academies Program at Georgetown University offers 1 to 3-week long academies that provide students with an accelerated, hands-on learning experience. Ultimately, your high schooler will have the opportunity to fully explore a single subject area through collaborative exercises and simulations, group discussions, and presentations from industry leaders! This program offers a diverse selection of subject options ranging from law to forensic science!


  • Eligibility: freshman, sophomore, or junior year of high school.
  • Program Cost:
    • Residential: $2,950 (1 week)
    • Commuter: $2,200 (1 week)
  • Earlybird Deadline: January 15, 2019
  • Final Deadline: May 31, 2019

5.College Prep Program

Georgetown University’s 5-week College Prep Program provides your high schooler the opportunity to take classes alongside current undergraduate students, learn from renowned Georgetown faculty, and earn college credit. Throughout the program, students also attend College Prep Seminars, where they’ll master test-taking strategies for the SAT and ACT, learn tips to prepare for the college search and admissions process, and develop valuable skills that will keep them on the path to success!


  • Eligibility: freshman, sophomore, or junior year of high school.
  • Program Cost: 1 Course (residential): $7,5502 Courses (residential): $11,744
  • Earlybird Deadline: January 15, 2019
  • Final Deadline: May 31, 2019

How Can You Help Your Student Find Summer Programs?

Selecting the right program can be a long and difficult process. If your high schooler needs help finding and applying to summer programs that align with their interests and long term goals, don’t hesitate to reach out to teachers and guidance counselors for insight on programs that may fit your student’s needs!


Additionally, our CollegeVine Early Advising Program is a great resource to help students strengthen their application profiles. If you are looking for guidance on course selection and extracurriculars for your student, this program provides a Profile Analysis and roadmap to help your 9th or 10th grader prepare for college admissions.


If you are interested in learning more about summer programs for high school students in the greater D.C area, take a look at our post, 14 Summer Programs in D.C for High Schoolers!


On the lookout for even more pre-college summer programs? Check out the following CollegeVine posts:


15 Summer Programs in Virginia for High Schoolers

Summer Activity Ideas for the Hopeful Future Lawyer

Your Ultimate Guide to Summer Programs for High Schoolers


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Short Bio
Kristen is an alumna of Vanderbilt University, where she earned degrees in English and Medicine Health & Society. In her free time she enjoys writing poetry. She lives in Arlington, Texas and is currently applying to graduate school.